Law of the Devil

Chapter 81: Fountain of youth side effects


Queen Medusa

Hearing this name, even Hussein changed color slightly.

Although Du Wei didn't know much about the system and information of Warcraft at first, he talked and chatted with Dardanelle along the way, and gradually learned a lot of theoretical knowledge about Warcraft. After all, Dardanelle had been a mercenary when he was young, and had hunted and killed monsters, and this time he came out to look for the golden-eyed python, and he had collected a lot of information in this regard in advance.

Queen Medusa is basically the most advanced ultimate state of the golden-eyed python series of monsters. Originally, the golden-eyed python could already be regarded as a high-level monster. And if it evolves into Medusa, it can be regarded as a top-level monster!

There are thousands of types of monsters, but when they finally evolve to the highest level, there is only one who can transform into a human body, Queen Medusa! !

None of the three had really seen the appearance of Queen Medusa, but according to legend, this top-level monster could take the form of a human, and it was an unusually beautiful woman. Has a head of beautiful golden hair, a pair of beautiful eyes... But the horror is here. Her eyes still retain the instinct of the golden-eyed python, staring at the opponent can turn the enemy into petrification! And more powerful. As for her hair... her hair can transform into tens of thousands of pythons at any time! Each one is a golden-eyed python! !

What is this concept? It is equivalent to facing an army of golden-eyed pythons when you face a queen of Medusa! !

When Queen Medusa is angry, she can turn into a snake body again... but it turns into a huge python, which is extremely huge! Her body can easily crush a city! The incomparably huge body is enough to bring a disaster to the world!

The most terrifying thing is this kind of Queen Medusa. It is the one with the highest intelligence among all Warcraft in the current cognition! Queen Medusa not only has terrifying abilities, but more importantly, she also has clever and cunning wisdom and brains! If it is a powerful monster, humans can still use their wisdom to deal with it, but the wisdom of Medusa is comparable to that of wise men among humans!

The most frightening thing is that Queen Medusa, who has the wisdom comparable to human beings, can still use this wisdom to learn! Learn the achievements of human civilization... even they can learn magic! ⊙Learn other magic that they don't know! !

Strong strength combined with intelligent intelligence makes this kind of monster recognized as the scariest among the known monsters.

Even some magicians think so. Fortunately, a magical beast like Queen Medusa is very difficult to appear, because the golden-eyed python is originally very weak in reproduction, and the golden-eyed python needs to practice for an unknown number of years before it can evolve. If you want to evolve into Medusa, It is extremely rare! It is also because of this that in historical records, there are very few Medusas appearing... at least not one has been found in three hundred years. Every time Queen Medusa appears in history, it will bring a disaster to mankind!

If... if the number of Medusa can be slightly more, those magicians even think that this top-level monster can even endanger the position of the recognized most powerful creature "Dragon Clan"!

Seeing these three humans couldn't help showing nervous expressions. Gargamel was satisfied in his heart, and it seemed that he had gained a bit more chips to save his life, but soon Hussein gave up his attempt, and said coldly in a calm tone: "Go on. Don't think that a medu Sarah can scare me."

Indeed, the most frightening aspect of Medusa is not their "stare petrification technique", and the fact that they use their hair to transform into countless golden-eyed python subordinates. Or become a monster python with infinite power...

The most terrifying thing is their wisdom. It is their ability to learn! Think about it, a top-level monster originally possessed innate magic power and innate sensory ability, but she also possessed superb learning wisdom! If she learns other magic again! What is the fire system, the wind system, the water system... and so on and so on.

They have a long lifespan and wisdom, if they are really allowed to learn... a Queen Medusa, and a terrifying super magician at the same time! What kind of concept is that

"Fortunately, it's a Medusa who is huddled in this canyon and doesn't touch the outside world." Du Wei said this, and suddenly frowned and looked at Gargamel: "She didn't kill you. Could it be that she wants to learn magic from you?" ?”

Gargamel's eyes immediately flinched, and he faltered: "This... I..."

Du Wei sighed: "I see, well, I don't blame you. At that time, I don't blame you for what you are forced to do to save your life."

Du Wei was surprisingly easy to talk, but Gargamel quickly distinguished: "No... Although I have taught her a lot of magic over the years, my real magic ability is limited. And... I am best at deformation but she couldn't learn it. So..."

Gargamel paused for a moment, and then the cowardly mouse prime minister sighed: "That day... I remember. She grabbed my neck with her hands, pinched my neck with two fingers, and lifted me out of the spring water I came up. My body was not so big at that time, only the size of a little mouse. I thought I was going to die at the time, but after she caught me up, she looked at me for a long time, and then asked me a word: What did you just do? Have you drank the spring water?"

Du Wei's eyes lit up, looking at Gargamel's body, as if thinking of something, he immediately asked: "Did you answer?"

"Of course! At that time, I was completely stupid, so I could only admit it. That damned youth is not old, just drink it. And, this damned thing really hurt me!"

"Then what? Did she let you go?" Du Wei asked.

Gargamel also had a strange look in his eyes: "She said: You are also one of the victims, so I won't kill you, because now finally someone has the same disease as me."

"I see." Du Wei suddenly smiled, as if he had understood something, looked at Gargamel, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry for you. I've been a mouse for so many years."

"Did you guess something?" Hussein looked at Du Wei.

"Let our prime minister explain." Du Wei smiled with narrowed eyes, "It seems that there is something wrong with that fountain of youth, right?"

Gargamel immediately poured out his bitterness: "It's more than inappropriate! It's a harmful thing! Before we came in, the tree man talked about the fountain of youth, and even I thought it was a good thing. It can make the tree man live longer. It can also make monsters advanced. Maybe it is beneficial for people to drink it. But after I drank it, I suffered a lot!!"

According to Gargamel's explanation, this fountain of youth. It seems to be very useful for Treants and Warcraft. But for humans... it's useless!

This kind of spring water can make the tree person's life longer... In fact, after Gargamel's personal experience, this is basically a kind of "slowness" thing, which slows down the metabolism of life countless times! Slowly, almost "freezing".

Unfortunately, after people drink this kind of thing, it is not good for the increase of lifespan, but the "coagulation" is solidified in other places! For example, this poor wizard wizard, a great magician who is good at transfiguration. It was bad luck, he was busy running for his life that night, and turned into the smallest and most agile mouse!

As a result, he fell into the spring water, and after drinking the spring water... he was "frozen" in the mouse state forever! Can't turn back into a human or anything else...for this life. Just be a mouse!

"This is a state of solidification." Gargamel sighed: "For humans, it is more like an eternal solidification technique... I think this kind of spring water is good for monsters and treants, but For human beings, it is only harmful but not beneficial! Oh no... Maybe, there are only two benefits for human beings!"


"The first is healing. Heavy injuries can be healed immediately, and the wounds will heal automatically. However, this ability is not very useful. Healing with holy water and magic can also do it. But another benefit is... antisepsis!" Gargamel said with a wry smile: "Although the lifespan will not change after drinking it, even after the person dies. The spring water transforms the body of the person and can make the body of the person never rot! The physiological body remains in good condition. Just It's that simple.

Sure enough, it is.

Du Wei smiled wryly. There are only two benefits to human beings. I thought it was a precious thing, but it seems that it is really not very useful.

Heal wounds... There are plenty of substitutes for that. There is no need to challenge a top-level Queen Medusa just because of this.

And embalming... Du Wei didn't care at all whether his body would rot or not after his death. If it doesn't rot, wouldn't it be a mummy? joke!

But suddenly... A thought flashed through Du Wei's mind.

In this way, the corpse of the peerless strongman who died for thousands of years, Aragorn. Wouldn't it also be preserved forever? hehe…

This idea just flashed in Du Wei's mind casually, and he didn't think much about it.

"It seems to be the case." Du Wei frowned: "But what I don't understand is. Why did the Queen Medusa say "they are also victims"? She was originally a monster, and she should have received great benefits. Bar."

"Of course, she was originally a golden-eyed python. She only evolved after drinking this spring water. However, this spring water made her lose a precious ability, which is illusion. When she evolved into Medusa, she had already Transformed into human form, but can never return to snake form."

Dardanelle frowned and said, "Isn't it great to be transformed into a human form? If you can't become a snake again, what loss is that?"

Du Wei sighed, took a deep look at Dardanelle, smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Dardaniel, you are a typical human way of thinking. Because we are human beings, of course we feel The human form is the best. However, let me make a comparison, the dragon race is stronger than the human race, but would you wish to become a dragon, and become a dragon forever? You can no longer eat human food, you I can no longer make human friends, sleep on a soft bed, drink fine wine, or even find beautiful women to sleep with... Don't say anything. If you need it, your consciousness is a human consciousness, but you want Mate with a "beautiful female dragon", would you? All human life would be lost... would you?"

Probably due to the imaginary scene of mating with the "beautiful female dragon", Dardanelle immediately turned pale and shook his head repeatedly: "Of course not!! I don't want to!"

"That's right." Du Wei said with a smile: "You and I feel that being human is the most comfortable, so is Queen Medusa. Although she can transform into a human form, after all, her predecessor was a snake all her life. Naturally, I feel that the form of being a snake is the most comfortable. After becoming a human, I lose my life as a snake, so I naturally feel uncomfortable."

Although Gargamel didn't say anything, his eyes couldn't help revealing a sense of concern, and he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Gargamel, tell me, since you have become a mouse, how can you become such a big body? Your body will be about the same size as a mouse." Du Wei laughed, his tone softened a lot. I have already felt some sympathy for this guy who has changed from a human to a mouse.

"It took me many years to become like this." Gargamel sighed: "Of course I don't want to be a mouse forever. I want to turn back into a human. Unfortunately, I was solidified in the form of a mouse." At the moment, my Transfiguration is useless. I tried many times, and finally I found that the most I can do is to make myself a little bigger. It’s only this size, which is what I can do The limit. I can freely become bigger and smaller, but if I want to change into another appearance, I absolutely can’t do it. Queen Medusa originally wanted to learn my magic, but since she is also frozen in a human form, then I She won't be able to learn Earth Transfiguration."

"Then what is this kingdom, what's going on?" Du Wei laughed.

"This..." Gargamel thought for a while, and Du Wei and the others were a little surprised by his answer: "These are what I came up with. Anyway, I'm really bored, Queen Medusa doesn't kill me, and doesn't control my actions. She understands very well that it is impossible for me to escape... If I escape to the human world. A big mouse in the shape of a human, I will be burned to death as an evil thing, and I will be regarded as a monster! The world is so big, only this one Only then can I be allowed to stay.” Gargamel’s tone was very sad: “Even if she let me go, I have nothing to do. So, I am very bored, so I just established a country here. Medusa thinks It's fun, so…”

"But why...are they all rats?" Du Wei laughed and said, "Since I entered the canyon, the most I have seen are rats! You won't turn this country into a rat country just because you are a rat. ?”

Gargamel rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly: "Do you think I am willing? Get a bunch of monsters? Then those powerful monsters. Maybe someday they will swallow me up while I'm not paying attention! Queen Medusa But they won’t protect me all the time! I have lost my favorite transformation technique, and I don’t dare to live in a pile of monsters for the remaining abilities! After much deliberation, the best way is not to find monsters, I only look for ordinary animals. But this is a frozen forest! There are no ordinary animals here, even if there were ones here a thousand years ago, they would have been eaten up by monsters long ago! In this kind of place, ordinary animals have no ability to protect themselves The land has long been extinct. However, the rats are different!"

Du Wei nodded immediately: "That's right! No matter how harsh the living environment is, I have heard of extinction of any species in any place and era in this world, but I have never heard of mice becoming extinct! Therefore, this forest Here, the only common animal left is the weakest, but most vigorous and reproductive mouse! Right?"

"Yes, my method, Medusa, also agreed, and then I called a group of mice over, and each mouse was fed with a small drop of the spring water of the Fountain of Youth. The spring water has advanced effects on monsters. It turns out that it is also useful to animals, but it is useless to humans... But those mice that drank a drop of spring water eventually evolved and became intelligent and physically strong... just like humans. It's a pity that, After they evolved, they lost their ability to reproduce and reproduce."

Du Wei's expression darkened suddenly, and he glanced at Gargamel: "Fortunately, that's the case! Otherwise, you would be a sinner for all mankind!!"

Gargamel was stunned for a moment, he thought about it carefully, but couldn't help being afraid!


This is a mouse! When mice were weak, unintelligent, and low-level creatures, they were known for their strong ability to survive and reproduce!

If, just imagine, a mouse can become a body about the size of a human, with an intelligence of about the same level! Coupled with that terrifying ability to reproduce...then in this way...wouldn't it be a danger to the survival of human beings if the "ratmen" reproduced? ? ! !

Gargamel opened his mouth, and suddenly said: "You are right! I almost caused a terrible disaster!"

Du Wei patted Gargamel's shoulder, but then he withdrew his hand, with a disgusted expression on his face, and forced a smile: "But your country is doing well, and your prime minister must have a good life." Very moisturizing, right?"

"Do you think I like being the prime minister?" Gargamel seemed to jump up, and the pair of mice stared wide-eyed: "Do you think that for more than ten years, I have taught a group of mice that have turned into humans to talk, teach them to behave, and teach them how to behave?" Are they civilized? Is it a very interesting thing? Moreover, I was just bored in this damn country, so I brought a group of mice here, and now I have become the leader of the mice! That Queen Medusa doesn’t care about it on weekdays. Everything, she has been sleeping! There are hundreds of rats in the canyon eating and drinking, and I have to manage them all! Do you know how much it took me to train these rats not to defecate freely?"

"Wait." Du Wei suddenly heard an important message in his words: "You said... Medusa, she has been sleeping all this time?"

Gargamel came to his senses immediately, and whispered: "Yes, she has been sleeping all this time. Her palace is built on the Fountain of Youth, and the spring is in her bedroom. She has been sleeping all the time, every ten I only wake up once a year."

You only wake up once in ten years.

The three of Du Wei looked at each other... It seems that there is still a chance!