Law of the Devil

Chapter 84: I'm very lonely


Du Wei found himself standing on the street.

To be precise, he was standing on a bustling urban street!

The bookstore on the street is where I often visit, the movie theater opposite, and the video game store next to it are also places I often go to, and the 24-hour KFC in the back is where I often go to buy midnight snacks in the middle of the night. …

Looking at the cars coming and going on the road in front of me, the traffic lights at the intersection flashing, and the neon lights hanging in front of the shops on both sides...

Du Wei was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help sighing: "It's just another trick, illusion?"

The passers-by pass by with hurried expressions and indifferent faces, and a child in the street plaza holds a balloon in his hand and walks staggeringly...

As for himself, the magician's robe on his body was gone, and he was wearing a coat that he often wore in his previous life, and a pair of NIKE sneakers.

All of this is very similar to the "world" in my previous life.

Of course, it's just "like the pole".

And at this moment, that hoarse and deep voice rang in Du Wei's heart: "There is a very strange world hidden in your heart..."

Du Wei snorted, looked at the sky, and said coldly: "Although you used to be a snake, since you are now a human, you should at least know how to respect other people's privacy, right?"

The hoarse voice was not angry at all: "I'm curious. Your spiritual world is different from your other two companions... Where is this strange place? These things running around the subway don't need a horse-drawn carriage... And these tall buildings... "

Du Wei didn't listen to the noise of this voice at all. He suddenly showed a smile on his face, then raised his legs and strode across the road, and even when crossing the road, he carefully looked at the cars on the left and right, glanced The red light turned into a green light, and then I crossed the zebra crossing calmly. Came across to the 24-hour KFC. He dug out his pocket and found out his own wallet, bought a spicy chicken burger and an ice cream cone.

The familiar feeling at the entrance almost shook Du Wei's heart at that moment, and he was suddenly moved. Then, Du Wei closed his eyes and savored it for a while under the taste of the extremely realistic, delicate and sweet ice cream cone. Then suddenly laughed.

He sighed: "Thank you, although you peeped into my heart, thank you for giving me the opportunity to relive all of this... I thought I had forgotten it, but I didn't expect that I still remember these things so deeply in my heart land."

On the long street. The neon lights are flashing, the noble boy smiles calmly, his eyes are deep...

While Du Wei was tasting the ice cream in his memory in his inner world, Hussein and Dardanelle encountered a big problem.

The two stood in a square similar to a circular arena, surrounded by high stands, empty.

Hussein was wearing a set of silver armor, the armor was bright, and the holy knight badge of the temple shone on his chest!

However, there are murderous threats around them!

The holy knights of the temple wearing armor around them have surrounded the two of them in the innermost part. These knights were all covered with frost, with a murderous look on their faces. A cold light flickered on the long sword in his hand, and the blade pointed directly at Dardanelle and Hussein in the middle!

"Hussein! You betrayed the temple and obeyed His Majesty the Pope's will. You are not going to be arrested soon? Go to the court to accept the trial of the gods. Maybe the gods will come again and let you save your life!"

A tall, middle-aged knight shouted loudly. He had a big beard on his face, and he couldn't see his original face clearly. But Dardanelle was surprised to find the middle-aged knight's chest. In addition to the holy knight badge, he also wore a ninth-level knight badge issued by the Continental Knights Association!

Ninth-level knight? Isn't that...

Sure enough, Hussein's face was as deep as water, staring at everything around him, and then he suddenly laughed up to the sky: "Hahahaha! What a Medusa! You can actually do this trick of phantom attacks! Hmph! You thought you found my heart Is it the biggest weakness? Hmph!" He looked proudly at the ninth-level knight in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Knight Commander Kaili! Since I can kill you once, then in the illusion, I can kill you a second time! "

These holy knights didn't care what Hussein said at all. The middle-aged knight with a big beard was indeed one of the three major knight commanders of the dead Holy Knight Order, the ninth-level knight, and the knight leader Kaili!

Immediately, as if they couldn't hear what Hussein said at all, Knight Captain Kaili raised his hand, and more than a dozen holy knights behind him raised their swords at the same time. When he got up, the piercing sword qi criss-crossed, and it was unknown how many sword qi roared towards the place where Hussein and Dardanelle were standing at the same time...

"Ice cream cone... The latest volume of One Piece... Let me see, Medusa, what else have you found in my memory..."

Du Wei hummed the tune, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked on the street, looking at the pedestrians, vehicles, tall buildings around him...

Really, very realistic...

With a smile on his face, Du Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a small shop by the side of the road. He went in and bought a pack of cigarettes. With an excited expression on his face, he opened the pack with trembling fingers, and lit one for himself. took a deep breath...

This familiar and enjoyable taste made Du Wei almost cry at this moment.

God is poor, I finally relive the smell of cigarettes again.

The familiar, slightly spicy cigarette swirled in the lungs, and then slowly sprayed out from the nose. Du Wei sighed in enjoyment. The hoarse and deep voice sounded from the bottom of my heart: "This kind of thing seems to be harmful to the body, right? Why do you enjoy this kind of harmful thing so much?"

"Oh, it seems that you have learned a lot." Du Wei smiled lightly: "There are harmful things, but many people can't refuse them. There are too many examples in this world. Power, beauty, wine, wealth... anything The same thing. Are they all completely harmless to people? It’s just that most people are addicted to it. They know it’s harmful, but they still can’t give up the pleasure of enjoying it... This is human nature. Medusa, this is human nature."

"Human nature..." The hoarse voice sighed: "Human nature seems very complicated."

"At least it's much more complicated than a snake's thinking." Du Wei curled his lips: "Okay, thank you. At least let me taste the smell of cigarettes again... Next, let's see, you also helped me recall some things. what?"

As Du Wei said, he casually threw the cigarette he had just taken a couple of puffs on, and stamped it out with his feet.

"Don't you enjoy it? Why don't you enjoy it for a while? You know. When you get out of this illusion, you will never experience it again."

Du Wei smiled, his eyes were deep but still clear: "Because I understand that these are just illusions. It took me a long time to let myself forget about these things, so I won't let myself indulge in these things again inside."

"Is this also human nature?" Medusa asked.

"No, it's just a kind of self-protection." Du Wei waved his hand, and soon, a flame condensed in his palm.

Du Wei stood on the street of this avenue, unscrupulously releasing his own magic... a group of roaring flames popped out of his hand. Amidst the roar, the road on the street was smashed into a big hole. The raging flames immediately ignited the green trees on the side of the road, and the glass windows of the shop opposite, which also shattered in the explosion...

"I have to say that your illusion is really real." Du Wei sneered: "Okay, now I've had enough fun, it's time to go back."

"Why, don't you enjoy this very much? As long as you want, you can stay here for a while."

Du Wei's face began to show a serious breath, and he quickly threw out a fireball with both hands. Soon, half of the street was shrouded in roaring flames! He unscrupulously destroyed the surrounding buildings. Then he said coldly: "Because I know that these are all falsehoods. Moreover, the past is over, and the reality is still the reality. If you are just addicted to it and can't get out, you are stupid. This principle is not only valid for human beings, The same applies to you... Her Majesty Queen Medusa."

The fire blazed into the sky, and a fire hydrant on the side of the road was triggered by the explosion. There was a bang, and the water column rushed up. The impact of water and fire drew out raging smoke, vehicles on the street collided, and screeching brakes sounded. , Pedestrians screamed and exclaimed...

"Okay, enough is enough. If this is your test, let me tell you, human nature is more complicated than you think, Medusa." Du Wei's eyes were cold, and a little fire appeared on his fingertips , and then shot towards a fountain in the middle of the square without hesitation, where a lot of onlookers gathered...

"Understood, then let's leave." Medusa finally said, "However, your friends are not as strong as you... They are in a much more dangerous situation than you are now."

Hussein was panting. In the arena, Hussein's fighting spirit was like a golden flame. Under the reflection, his hair seemed to turn golden!

The piece of armor on his chest badge has been cut off, the exposed part is bloody and bloody, and the dots of blood on his face make his face even more hideous!

Cavalier Captain Kaili was standing in front of him, but it seemed that the situation was much better than him.

"Hussein! Is your strength just like this?" Kaili looked down at Hussein with an angry expression on his face, his long sword was still dripping blood!


Hussain questioned himself in his heart! Why am I not his opponent

ridiculous! It's ridiculous! Obviously my strength is far better than his! Even if I face the joint attack of two knight commanders at the same time, I, Hussein, can still win!

why, i feel...

or. Am I still blaming myself deeply for killing them

Looking at the Knight Commander Kaili in front of him, Hussein felt his inner courage and fighting spirit fading away bit by bit...

It seems that there is another self in my heart that is torturing my heart!

kill him


How can I raise the sword in my hand to my respected teacher? How can the sword in my hand be raised against the brothers and companions who used to get along day and night

The sharp pain in the chest has already overwhelmed the knight. The joint attack of more than a dozen knights, plus a knight leader, even the mighty Hussein is a bit unbearable!

But why can't I bring up the murderous intention in my heart

Can't... can't! I can't kill my brother! How can I raise my butcher's knife to my master and elder brother

But... I want to survive? I want to live. Make it all public! The hypocrisy of all the temples, including the hypocrisy of the so-called gods! Tell the world about it! ! I have a mission to prevent me from dying here!

Then, I must kill these people in front of me...

Oh no, they're dead! I am in a fantasy...

However, face them. How could my butcher's knife be raised for the second time? Facing these familiar faces...

Dardanelle had already fallen on the ground, his breath was weak, and he suddenly shouted loudly: "Hussein! What are you waiting for! They are all phantoms! They are all fake! Fake!! Why don't you fight back!!"

"Shut up!" Hussein yelled angrily, amidst the sword aura in front of him, Knight Kaili's long ground sword had already slashed over again. Hussein snorted, and raised his sword to block it. Amidst a series of bursting sparks, he stepped back seven or eight steps, and the ground under his feet had been trampled out of cracks...

Maybe, maybe I should just die here.

I shouldn't have lived to this day! In order to survive for myself, I killed so many former brothers and companions... Am I noble

Ha ha!


Du Wei opened his eyes and found himself lying on the bed.

This is a very large room, to be precise, it seems to be a large hall. There is a faint fragrance in the air. This kind of aroma makes people smell very comfortable, as if there is a hint of warmth in the internal organs.

Du Wei turned over and sat up. Stretched, then looked at the empty hall, smiled and said: "Thank you, I had a very good dream."

In the empty room, Du Wei's voice even echoed softly. Du Wei sighed and looked around. In such a large room, there was only a stone bed in the middle... that was simply a big stone platform That's all.

cold. And lifeless.

"You should at least light a few lamps." Du Wei smiled, facing the air. As if talking to himself: "The bright side at least looks warmer, and it won't be so lonely."

"Lonely... what is that?"

Medusa's question finally came from the air. It was still that ugly, hoarse and deep voice.

What is loneliness

Du Wei bowed his head and thought for a while, then smiled.

"Loneliness is when you feel empty in your heart, but no one can share it with you. When there is nothing in the empty space in your heart, when everything in this world, joy, anger, sorrow, joy...everything, is lost. It seems that it has nothing to do with you. In this world, no one cares about you, no one cares about you... You don't know why you exist in this world? What should you do? What should you think... It seems that everything about you, It has nothing to do with this world... When you have these feelings, this is loneliness!"

Medusa sighed, her voice was tired and weak.

"If what you're talking about is "loneliness"..." This terrifying existence that has made the world famous and discolored, sighed softly: "I'm very lonely."