Law of the Devil

Chapter 86: The second spring water!


"Faith..." Medusa murmured in a low voice, and then she asked again: "But, hasn't this knight already abandoned his faith? He should be a person without faith."

"This is different." Du Wei said calmly: "Everyone has beliefs in their hearts. Although Hussein has abandoned his previous beliefs, it does not mean that he has no beliefs in his heart! It's just that when he gave up a belief After that, he had a new belief in his heart to replace it! This is the commonality of human beings. Any person, a living person, must have his own belief in his heart, no matter whether the belief is righteous or evil. Only when there is belief in the heart Only people with enough courage and strength can have enough courage and strength. People with stronger beliefs will have stronger power. Driven by this kind of power, they will either live forever or be infamous forever!"

Speaking of this, Du Wei seemed to smile: "After talking so much, how much do you really understand?"

"I don't know." Medusa said in a deep voice, "greed... nostalgia... weakness... cruelty... loneliness... and belief... these are all what you call "human nature". Human nature is too complicated."

"It's very complicated." Du Wei quickly said: "Humans are the most complicated creatures in the world. Among all living beings, human beings have the most emotions, know love, family affection, friendship, and have the most emotions. But At the same time, it is also the cruelest. It is best at killing, infighting, and killing companions! The entire history of human beings is just a process of human beings fighting back and forth, you kill me, and I kill you... Medusa, if you You think you can understand or master human nature just by peeping into the hearts of the three of us in such a short period of time. Then you are wrong."

Speaking of this, Du Wei smiled and said, "Now, tell me, have I passed the test?"

After a long silence, he sighed, "Yes, you passed."

Du Wei soon met the legendary Medusa.

Right in this empty hall, right in front of this wall!

among the walls. There was a rustling sound, and then, a figure slowly walked out of the stone wall... Her whole body seemed to be a stone, or, she seemed to have merged into the stone wall itself.

Queen Medusa. Of course she is a woman.

The moment she stepped out of the stone wall, the stone all over her body began to fade slowly. The gray, hard, and cold skin began to turn into delicate white, smooth and soft, and her hair gradually faded. Shine and soften.

The outline of her face also began to become clear... and it was beautiful!

Even Du Wei had to admit that the Queen Medusa in front of her. Almost among all the women he has seen in this life and in his previous life, the most beautiful one! Her figure is soft and moving. Every skin, every curve, seems to be the most perfect work created by the creator after rigorous calculation. Her legs, her waist, her hips, her arms, her chest, every proportion seems to have reached a perfect state. Plus the natural charm of the snake. Make her every movement, every subtle movement. They all carry a kind of charm that is almost seductive.

However, all of this is nothing anymore... It was her face that really made Du Wei stunned!

It can be said that this is a face that can drive men crazy! Du Wei couldn't even find the right words to describe such a beautiful face for a while... For a while, even the words "overwhelming country and city" were far from enough to describe such stunning beauty!

Du Wei only knew that he was stunned, as if a blind man who had regained his sight was shocked by the look in front of him, this kind of look that could shock people's souls!

Du Wei dared to bet that at least such a beautiful woman could never exist in the world! If it exists... Then, the attraction must be a disaster!

Oh my god... Du Wei was already sighing just looking at those red lips.

Du Wei has seen many beautiful women, but they are so beautiful that they are almost catastrophic. Then, Queen Medusa in front of her is definitely the first one!

And... she still has her eyes closed!

Du Wei can guarantee that if she opens her eyes, even if only one-third of this face is radiant... God, what will Queen Medusa's eyes look like? If such a gorgeous face can be embellished with a pair of eyes like stars and jewels... then her face is enough to murder the hearts of most men in this world!

This Queen Medusa, she is so beautiful... so beautiful...

Too beautiful to be human! Terribly beautiful! !

It took a while for Du Wei to come back to his senses, and the first thing he did was to take a deep breath, relaxing the lungs that had forgotten to breathe because of the lack of oxygen just now due to sluggishness.

"Fortunately, you have been living here and have not let other humans see you." Du Wei made an evaluation: "Otherwise, based on your beauty, even if you are the terrifying Medusa, there will definitely be The powerful human beings are crazy about you, even launching a war to take you!"

"Is this also human nature?" Medusa asked softly.

Standing in front of Du Wei, Medusa's voice is no longer the hoarse and deep voice. It is obvious that her voice was oscillated through the stone wall just now, covering up her original voice... and the real Medusa The voice, of course, is nice.

Du Wei is very satisfied with this... It's just a natural state of mind. If you see such a beautiful woman who can murder a man's heart, but makes that difficult and ugly voice, it's simply a... sin!

Thank God, her voice was as sweet as the gentle running water of a spring brook.

"It can be considered..." Du Wei smiled: "But your appearance. If you really put it in the human world, it will definitely cause a war between men."

"But I'm not human." Medusa replied with a trace of depression.

Afterwards, she gently walked to Du Wei's side: "Gargamel said that most human beings are afraid of me. Medusa is a terrible monster to human beings, a terrible existence...Why, you Aren't you afraid of me? I can feel your strength...not strong."

"It's not "not strong". If it is compared to you, my strength can almost be regarded as very weak." Du Wei smiled: "But why should I be afraid of you?"

"I don't know, but Gargamel said that human beings are very afraid of Medusa." She shook her head, closed her eyes, and moved her slender fingertips across the air casually. On the side of the stone slab, slowly, the slate rolled like dough, and finally a stone chair wriggled out from the stone, and Medusa sat down calmly. Facing Du Wei: "You came to see me, now you see me."

"Yes, I saw it." Du Wei sighed: "What I saw was not the Queen Medusa who made human beings discolored by hearing it, nor some top-level monster that would kill unscrupulously and turn people into stone... What I saw , just a lonely, empty heart, looking for faith... Poor woman living in a secluded place. Oh, yes, and one more thing: a beautiful snake who doesn't like turning into a human."

"You are very interesting. You are an interesting human being." Medusa lowered her head and thought for a while, and then she seemed to smile: "Although I don't have many human beings in contact. You are except Gargamel. The second one is the same as me. A human who talked a lot. Originally, I planned to kill you and your companions. Because although I am not a human, I don’t understand human nature. But at least, I don’t like to be disturbed.”

Du Wei was silent.

Indeed, the other party was once a golden-eyed python after all, and her nature was more like a "beast".

"I know, that's why I dare to come to see you." Du Wei said frankly: "Because I know, you are not the pure bloodthirsty, evil monster in the legend... you just... please forgive me for using Words. You're just "ignorant"."

Medusa didn't care at all: "You are right, I am indeed "ignorant". At least I have no understanding of human nature."

It's as if human beings always describe certain ferocious beasts as ferocious, wolves are cruel, foxes are cunning, and certain monsters are terrible... In fact, these are all using human standards, or human nature to measure those other creatures.

But whether it's a wolf, a fox, or a terrifying monster... Are they really "bad"? Is it really "evil" and "scary"? Of course not... because they just live normally according to the "beast nature" of their own race.

Wolves are born to eat meat, lions and tigers are born to hunt their prey, this is the law of the world, and it cannot be said that they are evil or ferocious just because of this.

Medusa, too.

"Then, human, tell me your purpose." Medusa gently asked the question. She just sat softly on the stone chair, with her head down, and her chin gently resting on one hand.

"Originally, I came here for the Fountain of Youth." Du Wei said with a smile: "But now, it seems that that thing is not useful. It doesn't seem to be of much use to human beings, except that it can solidify the form. Besides. It seems that it only works on monsters or treants... Oh, will you kill us because of this? I heard that the guys who came with Gargamel back then were all killed by you because of the idea of this spring Empty."

Medusa smiled, she was really smiling, this expression gave her a little more human flavor: "That was back then... I didn't understand back then, I was just a snake in the shape of a human, no one taught me humanity, I simply know that if an outsider enters my territory, I will kill him. It's as simple as that... You should thank Gargamel, he at least taught me some human habits, otherwise, you will walk into it today In the canyon, I have already killed you."

"My reason for coming is not important anymore, because after talking with Gargamel, I have lost interest in this spring, but my two companions have other purposes." Du Wei felt that in front of this Medusa , it is better to tell the truth. Maybe there's still some benefit to it.

"One of my companions, his master is under the curse of petrification, and he must have the eyes of the golden-eyed python to save him. We came to the frozen forest to find the golden-eyed python." When Du Wei said this, he watched carefully. He glanced at Medusa.

"So you were planning on me?" Medusa said blankly, her face could not tell whether she was happy or angry.

"Originally it was, but not now." Du Wei smiled and said, "I think, as the ultimate evolutionary body of a golden-eyed python, you should have a way to undo that curse of petrification... I don't want to get you ground eyes."

"Why should I help you?" Medusa's voice was still calm: "Gargamel taught me one thing. Human beings usually have a way of "transaction". That is to say, there is a price for making a request."

"I'm a very good teacher." Du Wei smiled: "You are a snake that doesn't want to be a human, but you have no choice now. Therefore, I am willing to teach you a lot of human habits. Of course, the most important thing is human nature. .”


"Everything." Du Wei replied affirmatively: "But I don't guarantee that you will find it very pleasant, because human life is not a purely pleasant process. There is sweetness and pain in human nature. If you want to experience it, I can teach you more things. For example, I can teach you the first lesson right now."

Medusa was silent for a while: "What?"

"Lonely." Du Wei said lightly: "You are very lonely. Your face, your voice, your words, and where you live here... everything shows this."

"I'm lonely." Medusa nodded: "If loneliness is what you said before, then you are right."

"Do you like this feeling?" Du Wei smiled.

Medusa thought for a long time, pondered for a long time, then she shook her head slowly.

"Then it's very simple, I can help you get rid of loneliness." Du Wei said: "Humans are social animals. If you want not to be lonely, you must first communicate with other humans. For example, find your friends, or companions.

Then, Du Wei asked the second question: "Do you have faith in your heart?"

"No." Medusa replied quickly this time. For a person who has been sleeping and only wakes up once every ten years, she really doesn't have any beliefs in life.

"Human nature needs beliefs and goals in life...even if it's just a little interest, a little something that can arouse your interest." Du Wei smiled more happily this time: "Trust me. When it comes to interesting and fun things, there is nothing in this world. No one is more proficient than me."

After these two questions. Du Wei asked the third question: "Have we made a deal?"

The answer... speaks for itself.

When Hussein woke up, he was lying in the hall just like when Du Wei woke up from the illusion. Dardanelle lay beside him.

Also, the poor Rat Prime Minister Gargamel was sitting next to him. The Rat Prime Minister had an uneasy expression on his face. Following its gaze, Hussein saw Du Wei walking towards him with a smile.

Behind Du Wei, stood a woman.

Hussein jumped up immediately, but before the knight moved, Du Wei had already shouted: "Okay, Hussein, come and meet our new partner."

No need to introduce, because Gargamel had already thrown himself on the ground, trembling, looking at the woman, his whole body twisted into a ball of flesh.

"This is our new partner, Queen Medusa." Du Wei said, pulled up Dardanelle, and then stuffed him with something, which was a small stone bottle.

"Take it, this is Queen Medusa's hair. After taking it back, take it out of the bottle and it will turn into a sleeping golden-eyed python. Use it to save your Marquis." Du Wei Said with a smile.

Dardanelle didn't know whether it was shock or blank eyes, he took the things, Du Wei had already walked over with a smile, and patted Hussein: "My friend, don't be dumbfounded, now, Your Majesty the Queen You are about to take us to see the Fountain of Youth, don’t you really want to see where Aragorn went? Now, let’s go.”

The astonishing beauty of Queen Medusa also shocked Hussein. He put his hand on the hilt of the sword, and then put it down again. After listening to Du Wei's words, he was even more at a loss.

"Okay, now is not the time to draw your sword." Du Wei patted Hussein's shoulder lightly, and then said with a low laugh, "I saw you successfully promoted to become a Paladin in a dream... Speaking of which, I also want to thank Her Majesty the Queen."

Watching Duwei pull Hussein towards the door of the main hall behind him, Medusa walked in front without saying a word, like a ghost.

Dardanelle was awakened from distraction by Gargamel's sigh.

The Rat Prime Minister was moaning: "He... what is this boy doing? By God... he seems to get along very well with the queen? Or am I dreaming? Am I still in the illusion? Or... the legend is true?! God !He won't...he won't...'

"What are you talking about?" Dardanelle frowned.

"Haven't you heard the legend?" Gargamel stared at Dardanelle, "The legend of Queen Medusa."

Dardanelle shook his head.

"Legend..." Gargamel sighed, glanced at the backs of Du Wei and the others with his eyeballs, and said in a low voice: "According to ancient documents, apart from the terrifying power, Medusa has another special feature... that is, If she sheds tears for anything... no matter if the guy is a man, a woman, a human or a monster, if it can make Medusa shed tears for the first time in her life, then Medusa will fall in love with her forever. A creature that weeps. Let me say, your young companion, wouldn’t it be that idea?”

Dardanelle didn't hear Gargamel's words clearly, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, and murmured: "It's strange... why did this kid solve the problem when I woke up?"

He touched the stone bottle that Du Weisai gave himself... There was a piece of Medusa's hair in it! It can turn into a sleeping golden-eyed python... Dardanelle finally woke up fully!

The Marchioness is saved! !

"The spring is here." Medusa pointed in front of her.

In the corner of the main hall, Medusa casually chanted a few spells, and the stone slabs in front of her were quietly opened one by one, and then a fountain with exquisite stone carvings slowly appeared below.

"This is the Fountain of Youth you are looking for." After Medusa finished introducing, Du Wei was a little disappointed.

It seems... nothing special.

However, what Medusa said later surprised Du Wei!

"This is the first spring, do you want to see another spring in this canyon?"

"There is still a spring in this canyon? What is that?" Du Wei turned to look at Medusa in surprise.

"I don't know what it is." Medusa replied coldly: "However, that spring water is exactly the opposite of the Fountain of Youth, so I named it... Time Passage."