Law of the Devil

Chapter 93: Great prophecy


The Evil Faced Spider Queen is still struggling to crawl. Unlike the previous Demon Wolf mount, this giant spider is more like a bulldozer in a snowy forest. For all the big trees blocking the way in front, it waved its thick and With a sickle-like sharp arm, a big tree can be cut off with a single click, or a direct collision can immediately create a road.

This kind of evil-faced spider is used to living in the subsurface ice layer, and can drill around even in the hard ice, let alone these trees

The old magician was obsessed with the past, with a gloomy expression, standing on the spider's back, and did not speak for a long time.

Finally, it was not Du Wei who asked the question this time.

"What happened later? What happened later?"

The question was actually Queen Medusa who kept quiet and listened to the story silently.

With a trace of curiosity on her face, this indifferent woman asked calmly, "Excuse me, what happened afterwards?"

Du Wei was a little surprised, and couldn't help but glanced at Medusa. Medusa was very calm: "I'm just curious. Isn't curiosity unique to human beings? Is this also a kind of human nature?"

"You also want to continue listening to the story?" The old magician smiled strangely: "Smart Queen Medusa, with your wisdom, you should understand that listening to these stories may not be good for you."

"I was raised by nature." Medusa said coldly: "It doesn't matter what kind of god you talk about. Whether it's a temple, it doesn't mean anything to me."

"Okay then." The old magician laughed, and then his tone became low: "Anyway, these are also mentioned in the prophecy, and you should have a part in this matter."

Shaking his head, the old magician tidied up his hat that was blown crookedly by the wind, then pointed to the distance, and said with a smile: "Here, just ahead. In about a day, we will be able to walk out of this forest! From ancient times So far, there are very few people in the whole continent who can pass through the frozen forest and come to the northern end of the forest!"

"According to what I know, there are currently records, the farthest in the frozen forest. It was a magician named Az from the imperial capital twenty years ago, who led a group of knights to the place we passed by before. That canyon." Du Wei said lightly.

"Well, that's right. It is indeed Aziz, that cunning kid." The old magician sneered: "But two hundred years ago, I had already traveled through the frozen forest. I came to the north of the forest! Walk with me Land, it's Semel, we entered the forest together, crossed the great round lake, walked through the forest, came all the way here, continued north, and finally arrived at the destination... That was the last time I saw Semel, that is, she promised Help me one last time!"

"What is there in the north of the Frozen Forest?" Du Wei smiled: "Could it be the prison?"

The old magician didn't smile, he took a deep look at Du Wei. Then he turned around and sat down, stroking in his arms for a while. He took out a piece of parchment.

He didn't open the parchment in a hurry, but first cast a small windproof spell, and then slowly unfolded the parchment on his knees.

This is a parchment scroll that is so broken that it will almost shatter at any time. After being soaked in some unknown antiseptic potion, the original color can no longer be seen clearly. On the edge of the sheepskin scroll, there are some tooth-like lines that seem to have been eaten by mice. There are a few lines of strange handwriting written on it.

The handwriting is red, bright red and bright red. Don't know what paint it is, but it's been so many years. But it didn't fade, which made Du Wei a little strange.

As if seeing Du Wei's suspicion, the old magician smiled softly: "This is written in blood... Aragorn's own blood, with a magic imprint, will not change even after a thousand years." Faded. This is the clue I found in a secret room of the imperial palace after a lot of effort, plus the clues I found in the top secret documents sealed in the temple, and finally in a small branch of the royal family that has been in decline for many years. A suicide note left by Aragorn himself found in the tomb of the nobleman before his death... "

"The little nobleman who has not landed?" Hussein asked the question. This knight from a humble family was brought up by the temple, and he didn't know much about the imperial family: "How could Aragorn's suicide note be in the tomb of a fallen nobleman?"

The old magician glanced at Du Wei.

Du Wei sighed, he was educated by the nobles, and he was looked down upon since he was a child. He spent most of his time living alone and reading books, and his erudition in his chest was better than that of any famous scholar in the empire.

He thought for a moment and explained to the knight:

The Roland Empire was founded nearly a thousand years ago. After the death of His Majesty Aragorn, the founding emperor a thousand years ago, the throne was passed on to the second son of Aragorn. Then His Majesty the Second Emperor died of illness after 14 years on the throne, and then passed on to his eldest son again... After The royal family of the empire has been inherited for nearly a thousand years. In fact, when the empire was about four hundred years old, those who ascended the throne could no longer be regarded as the direct descendants of His Majesty Aragorn.

About 400 years after the founding of the empire, the direct descendants of Aragon, a short-lived emperor, died without leaving a son, and the Aragon line of the royal Roland family could not find a suitable throne. Here come the heirs!

Strictly speaking, the emperor who finally succeeded to the throne was no longer the direct descendant of Aragon, but the descendant of his brother.

Historically speaking, at that time, historians believed that the true direct descendants of Aragon had been cut off from that time. There is a saying about this event in the history books, which is called the end of the "Brown Flower Dynasty" (the Dynasty of Thorn Flower, which is considered to be the dynasty dominated by the orthodox descendants of Aragon), and it is also called "the age of withered blood".

After that, the descendants of Aragorn's own brothers have always held the throne. It was called the "Glorious Dynasty" in history, but after that dynasty existed for about two hundred years, it began to decline, and then the empire fell into a serious crisis (as mentioned earlier, it was also the era when the Luo Lin family rose where Du Wei was located), The alien race in the Northwest rebelled, and the mainland army lords separatist regimes, although the empire did not really disintegrate. But that crisis came very close to bringing the empire to its end.

Fortunately, at that time, after some turmoil in the royal family, an outstanding emperor emerged. That emperor was not a descendant of the Aragon brothers. He claimed to be a descendant of Aragon, but it actually counted. Aragorn's direct descendants have been cut off, but in the "age of withered blood", although Aragorn's royal family did not have a single male, they still had a few daughters. And this emperor was in the "age of withered blood". One of them is a descendant of Aragon's daughter.

At the time of succession to the throne, there was also a fierce struggle. On the one hand, the empire was in crisis, and the empire was almost destroyed. The other royal children were unwilling to sit on the terrible throne, thinking that it was a crater.

In the end, the emperor who succeeded to the throne was actually pushed to the throne, because according to the genealogy, he could not be regarded as a true descendant of Aragon at all. It's just that his great-great-great-grandmother is the descendant of Aragon. Before becoming emperor. He is just a duke of the royal family (not even a prince).

But this emperor is a rare and outstanding person. He single-handedly promoted the Luo Lin family, revived the empire, and at the same time made the Luo Lin family start to glory!

This period of history is relatively complicated, but the royal lineage of any empire in history is always large and scattered. Du Wei made a comparison, which seems to be similar to the experience of the Han Dynasty in Chinese history in the world where he lived in his previous life. : Although the Western Han and Eastern Han are considered to be the Han Dynasty. But in fact, after the fall of the Western Han Dynasty founded by Han Gaozu Liu Bang. The Zhongxing Empire established the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu of the Han Dynasty. Strictly speaking, the lineage is already far away from the royal family of the Western Han Dynasty, and it can be regarded as a collateral lineage.

This period of history of the Roland Empire is very similar to the alternation of the Western Han and Eastern Han in the history of China in the world of Du Wei's previous life.

It's just that the emperor of the Roland ZTE Empire seems to have an "Aragorn plot" and seems to be a guy who fanatically worships Aragon. He always regards himself as a descendant of Aragon, and even calls his dynasty "thorns". Hua Dynasty," although historians disagree with him. And after he died, no one called the dynasty he established anymore, and now this dynasty is called the "Augustinian Dynasty". Because back then, just before the ZTE emperor succeeded to the throne, his title was "Augustine Grand Duke".

It's ridiculous that the emperor of Zhongxing regarded himself as the direct descendant of Aragon all his life, but his descendants didn't seem to think so. In the official historical materials later, they were all recorded under the name of "Augustine". For example, the current emperor of the empire, the public name is: Augustine VI.

These can also explain why a handwriting left by Aragon himself was found in the tomb of a fallen royal noble family. Because the real descendants of Aragon had already declined hundreds of years ago.

The subsequent royal family can only be regarded as the descendants of Aragon's relatives, not his own blood.

"To put it simply, from the first year of the empire's founding to the 400th year of the empire, it was the Aragorn family that controlled the imperial power, and it was called the "Thorn Flower Dynasty". Then, from the 400th to 600th year of the empire, it was The Aragonese brothers hold the imperial power and are known as the "Glorious Dynasty". Then, from the six hundred years of the empire to the present, it is the "Augustinian Dynasty", and this dynasty is even more distant from Aragon's blood relationship. Understand Is it?"

Du Wei smiled wryly.

After explaining to the knight, Du Wei immediately turned his head and glanced at the old magician: "Okay, tell us quickly, in the suicide note of Aragorn himself that you found in the tomb of the little nobleman, that is, the sheepskin in your hand Volume, what did you write?"

"To be precise, this is a prophecy!" The old magician laughed to some people, as if he lowered his voice on purpose: "You know, Aragon was almost invincible in the mainland back then, and everyone knows that he is very strong, but his strength No one knows what realm he has reached. There are even legends that his strength has almost reached the level of a god! Although many people think this kind of speculation is absurd... But I don't think so! I think this It's very possible! His strength has indeed reached the level of a god! So... he probably has mastered a legendary ability that only gods have extraordinary abilities: the big prophecy!"

Great prophecy

Du Wei couldn't help shrinking his neck.

He had heard of this term, but he didn't read it from any magical literature.

It is even possible that believers who believe in temples throughout the continent know this term!

Great prophecy, not magic, not spells. And no one has ever been able to master it... that is completely impossible!

Because every believer in the temple has read at least one book of "Genesis". Something similar to the "Bible" in Du Wei's previous life.

God said, let there be light.

Thus, the world has light.

God said, let there be heaven and greatness.

Thus, the world has the sky and the big world.

— This is the "big prophecy"!

God speaks something with his mouth, and that thing becomes true! It's not magic anymore! It is the ability to create the world and open up the world!

Aragon has mastered the "big prophecy"

Even if Du Wei already thought that Aragorn was very strong, he didn't believe it was true! Because Du Wei himself absolutely does not believe that the so-called "big prophecy" really exists! He thinks this is simply a religious trick created by that temple. It's a trick to fool those ignorant believers!

The old magician looked at Du Wei with a smile. He saw the look of disapproval on Du Wei's face, and then the old guy shook his head: "It's not just you, actually I don't believe it either. I also don't think so about the so-called "big prophecy". It may exist. Or even if it exists, it would be too described and exaggerated. But, I think, Aragorn may have mastered a real prophecy ability! He can predict many, many years after death!"

"I don't believe it." Du Wei asked again: "Prophecy? To be honest. I have studied astrology, and my first teacher was a famous astrologer in the empire! Now all astrologers claim to have the ability to predict , They claim that they can predict the future from the changes in the stars in the sky, but in my opinion, most of them are just deceptive."

Du Wei didn't believe it!

He really doesn't believe it!

Astrology is said to be able to predict the future from the changes in the starry sky. In Du Wei's view, this is pure bullshit. previous knowledge. Of course he knows what a star is! Those are the stars in the universe! ! Predict future? Shit!

"Aragorn's prophecy has nothing to do with the so-called astrology's prophecy! But I can prove that he does possess the ability of prophecy!" The old magician said with a serious expression, "This is the proof! The piece in my hand The thing is the last suicide note left by Aragorn before his death! It was written in his own blood! I know you don’t believe it now! Before I found this thing, I didn’t believe it either! But after I saw this thing. I... Forget it, I am useless now, you will understand after reading it!"

As he said that, the old magician handed this piece of paper to Du Wei, and he added: "I have been studying everything about Aragorn all my life! I can confirm with 100% that this is indeed Aragorn's own handwriting! Whether it is I have done a lot of identification of the handwriting and the age of this thing!"

With an attitude of absurdity and total disbelief, Du Wei opened the parchment... and then. One minute…

No, only half a minute later. Du Wei was completely stunned!

He sat on the spider's back, like a statue petrified by Medusa, his face was full of shock, even... fear!


All of this... is actually true! !

This prophecy, written by Aragorn himself, is very scribbled, as if it was written by a person dipped in blood with his own fingers.

The content is divided into two sections.

After reading the first paragraph, it completely subverted Du Wei's inner doubts!

"My blood will wither, and my brothers will replace my blood. Although they are stupid, cowardly. Although they think they have been honored. But the end is not like this. The boy of the Eastern Plains will rise, and he has My glory, the person who has obtained my glorious inheritance will protect this empire. However, he is not the last missionary."


Du Wei's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, but he couldn't utter a single word!

This... this is actually...

Really! It is true prophecy! It is true prophecy!

Aragorn Roland, before he died, actually predicted all the things that will happen for nearly a thousand years? !

Aragon's bloodline withered, and the Thorn Flower Dynasty ended. The descendants of his brothers occupied the throne, and that so-called glorious dynasty finally came to nothing!

After a long time, Du Wei finally came to his senses. He took a deep breath and turned to look at the old magician. The old magician looked at him with a smile on his face: "When you and I saw this thing for the first time, we had the same expression and reaction."

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed to a few key words on the paper: "Look, "the boy from the eastern plain rises and protects the empire", Du Wei, I know your history is good, you should know that the current Augustinian Dynasty , The emperor of the ZTE Empire back then was originally Grand Duke Augustin, right? The land of Duke Augustine happened to be in the eastern plain of the empire? Now, you should believe that these are true, right?"

Du Wei swallowed hard, glanced at Hussein next to him, and found that this proud and indifferent knight was also shocked!

"Look at the second paragraph again, kid!" The old magician smiled, but his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to see through Du Wei's heart!

"The second paragraph..."

Du Wei took a deep breath and continued to look down. If the first paragraph was just shocking, then the second paragraph brought Du Wei a deep fear!

"... The one who truly inherited my mission, he is a young man who walked out of a giant tortoise, with a horn bestowed by the devil, and was protected by the last knight on the mainland. Fortunately, he will follow my footsteps All the way to the north, in the north, he will get the allegiance of Medusa, and the help of the beast, and finally, he will find the legacy I left behind, when he pulls out the king's sword I left behind, and then... "

Du Wei's heartbeat accelerated and his breathing became short of breath. He saw that the words on the parchment were written here, and there was no more after that. He couldn't help but asked anxiously, "Then what?"

He held the parchment in his hand and looked at it repeatedly, only to find that the end of the handwriting was where he saw it. There should be some text behind it, but unfortunately, this piece of parchment seems to be a fragment. The back part of the paper is broken, and the edge is toothed, as if it has been bitten by something.

"What about the back?" Du Wei asked in a low voice.

"The back... nothing." The old magician said with a strange expression, "Don't forget, I found this thing in a tomb! When I found it, there was only so much of it left."

"Wait, you mean: the rest?" Du Wei's eyes widened.

The old magician was also full of helplessness. He spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "In the tomb, this thing was originally placed in a wooden box. But when I found it, the box had a hole in it. I was surprised." I found a dead mouse in the box, apparently, the rear part was bitten off by the mouse."


Du Wei suddenly wanted to curse at the sky!

mouse? Such an important thing, those important words and key words in the back... were actually eaten by mice? !

"Damn mouse! Damn mouse!!" Du Wei couldn't help yelling!

In his arms, Gargamel, who turned into a mouse, tried his best to poke the mouse's head out a little, and asked in a timid voice, "What's wrong? What happened?"

But as soon as it exposed its gopher head, it felt the murderous eyes of Du Wei and Hussein falling on it. It shuddered in fright, and went back again, not daring to show its head again.

Du Wei couldn't laugh or cry... a mouse? Got eaten by a mouse...

The old magician was very calm. After all, he had seen this thing countless times. He looked at Du Wei with a serious voice: "Now, do you know why I insisted on bringing you here? Now, you know Why didn't I let you go back?"

Du Wei was silent.

"In the north." The old magician firmly pointed to the front, facing the cold wind, his eyes were firm: "It's right in front! All the way to the north, didn't you ask me what is there? I can tell you now, There is the legacy left by Aragorn, and there is also a sword of the king left by him! If the prophecy is true and everything is true, then only you can draw that sword!"

Get the heritage of Aragon

Pull out a king's sword

The "Missioner" in Aragorn's prophecy

Du Wei suddenly wanted to pinch himself: Am I dreaming