Law of the Devil

Chapter 96: Du Wei's speculation


Du Wei was exhausted after halfway through the mountain road. The most unfortunate thing was that it would take a day or two to climb to the top of this mountain.

Because here, flying is the patent of the Dragon Clan. Even if a great man like Aragorn wants to climb the mountain, he must rely on his own feet.

In addition to the severe cold, Du Wei was still suffering from a painful torture.


This is a seemingly contradictory, but real problem.

In his previous life, Du Wei often watched programs such as science magazines on the Discovery Channel. He often found it incredible that people who explored the North Pole and Antarctic would get sunburned in the cold and snowy environment. But actually, that's what it is!

The ice and snow are like a huge concentrating mirror, which gathers all the ultraviolet rays from the sun, and, theoretically speaking, in the extreme north and the extreme south, the atmosphere is thin, and the sun's harmful rays are more likely to shine Come in.

Du Wei felt that he was sunburned. All the exposed skin on his face and hands turned pink and red as if he had been steamed, and it was hot and painful when he touched it a little. At night, the temperature drops, and when the cold wind blows, it hurts like a knife!

Among the companions traveling together, the old magician and Hussein seem to have this situation, but they are much more patient than Du Wei.

In addition to sunburn, there is pain in the eyes.

in the snow. Even at night, the light is very strong, and the blue light reflected by the snow is the most powerful thing that hurts people's eyes. In Du Wei's previous life, those who ventured to the Antarctic and the North Pole would use snow goggles to protect their eyes from ultraviolet rays and blue light from snow, but there is no such equipment in this world. Du Wei can only wear the "sunglasses" left by Dardanelle, which is better than nothing.

Among the group of companions, Medusa is the calmest. The skin of snakes is probably different from that of humans. Her skin is still pale and delicate, and her eyes are always closed, indifferent to everything around her.

Finally, in the afternoon of the second day, after bypassing the winding mountain road, everyone was at the halfway up the mountain, which is the back side of the mountain. The mountain blocked the sunlight above his head, Du Wei sat down to breathe, and then he took out something that lit the fire.

"Rest for a while, we'd better walk at night." Du Wei gasped, his face was still peeling off. He was in unbearable pain, feeling that even a gust of wind would make him scream in pain, so he could only cover his face with the cloth on his clothes, only his eyes were exposed.

The old magician also nodded. He cast a fire-type magic and made a fire: without any firewood or firewood, the flames created purely by magic consume mana, but there is no other choice for keeping warm. .

Du Wei leaned closer to the fire, opened his arms and continued the warmth of the flames to his heart's content. After all the warmth in his arms, he turned his back. Turn your back to the fire.

He was freezing all over his body.

With his back to the flames, Du Wei just sat on the edge of the mountain road, with cliffs in front of him... Moreover, the direction he was facing happened to be north!

North of Mount Kinabalu!

After roasting for a while, Du Wei felt refreshed. Looking into the distance, he couldn't help but ask again: "What is there to the north of Shenshan?"

"No one knows for sure." The old magician shook his head: "But according to the legend. The mountain of God is the barrier that guards the human world, and it continues to the north. It is some race abandoned by the gods! It is some race that betrayed the gods and was exiled Races from the Roland Continent. It is said that to the north is a sinful world. That side is the same as the Roland Continent. It is a continent. Several races that believed in devils in ancient times were driven out of the human world after their defeat. They went all the way north, passed through here, and went to another world."

"Another world." Hussein frowned: "What else is there in front? It's already so cold that people can freeze to death! If it wasn't for us, ordinary people would not be able to live in this place long ago." Continue to go north? I can’t imagine what it will be like to go further north! That kind of harsh illusion, can any race survive in such a harsh illusion?”

The old magician smiled bitterly: "So, this is the punishment of the gods... I don't know, but it is written in the legend."

"I don't think so." Du Wei suddenly smiled softly. But when the old magician and Hussein looked at Du Wei strangely, Du Wei closed his mouth and remained silent.

Not necessarily... Du Wei couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

Is it colder the further north you go

In this world, people of this era would certainly think so.

But who is Du Wei? Du Wei came from the world with advanced technological civilization in his previous life!

It gets colder the further north you go, from

Literally it seems right.

However, considering the location...

If it is assumed that this world is the same as Du Wei's previous life, it is a planet similar to a ball.

Du Wei is almost sure of this. He has made some assumptions over the years, assuming that this Roland continent is on a planet similar to a ball. Even the sun, the moon, and even the Big Dipper are the same as the ball! Du Wei even suspected that this is a ball in another space!

In any case, at least it can be determined that this is a planet! Then, according to the location of Roland Continent: the north is cold, and the south is hot.

What does this mean? Explain that the location of Roland Continent should be in the northern hemisphere of this planet! Continents in the northern hemisphere, the closer the north is to the North Pole, the colder it is! The closer the south is to the equator, the hotter it is!

This is the simplest truth.

However, because the sphere is a round earth (of course, in this world, it should be said that "this planet is a round earth"), then at the location of the Roland Continent, the further north you go, the closer you are to the "North Pole" of the planet. It will be colder! But what if we continue north

If you continue to go north, you will reach the "North Pole", which is the coldest place! However, if you don't stop, what about going forward

If you cross the North Pole and go further... From the perspective of science, it is no longer really "going north"! But in fact, crossing the North Pole and continuing to go forward is actually tantamount to reaching the back of the planet, and then going... south! Yes, if you continue to walk, you are actually going "south"! !

In that case, instead of getting colder and colder, it will become warmer and warmer! !

This is Du Wei's previous life, even middle school students will understand the truth. Of course, in this world, I am afraid that no one understands.

So... Du Wei couldn't help but think in his heart: If you cross the holy mountain and continue to move forward, what kind of world is going on

It is absolutely impossible to be getting colder and colder! And it should be getting warmer! There might even be a continent! There is another continent similar to the Roland continent! ! It's very possible!

So, the north... no, it should be said "ahead", what is there

Just when Du Wei fell into reverie, he couldn't help but sat on the edge of the cliff, with his legs hanging there, looking into the distance...

In the north of Shenshan, looking around, there is still a vast ice field in front of it, but it is not as flat as the south, and in the distance, there are continuous snow mountains and ice rocks on the horizon... Starting from the foot of Shenshan, the On the surface, strangely shaped black rocks can be faintly protruded from the surface, just like protruding thorns, with sharp edges and corners...

As far as Du Wei looked, he suddenly saw faintly, just below the foot of the mountain, on a certain thorn-shaped black rock protruding from the surface of the north face, there seemed to be something vaguely hanging on the sharp edges and corners, faintly Flipping the silvery white...

After all, Du Wei is a magician with keen senses, and his eyesight and ears are naturally far better than ordinary people. His heart moved, and he immediately took off the wrapped cloth from his face. Get up, revealing a small hole in the middle. Du Wei just rolled up the cloth strips and looked into the distance...

According to the most basic principle of small hole imaging, this is farther and more real than the naked eye. When he saw clearly what was hanging on the sharp thorn-shaped rock at the bottom of the mountain, Du Wei couldn't help but jump in his heart!

That was a corpse!

I don't know how many years it has been, but the muscles on the corpse have crystallized ice, and it looks like a dry zombie, hanging on the sharp protruding rocks, but the corpse looks very majestic, but the arms are so long that it is far away. It is better than ordinary humans, but the legs are very short, but the legs and feet are extremely thick, and the armor on the body still has ice edges, the only strange thing is... the head is gone!

Du Wei looked further into the distance, but found that there were still a few corpses hanging on the protruding black rocks. Those corpses were even more strange, and there were even some corpses. After Du Wei's careful identification, I saw something different!

Those corpses don't seem to be human at all! Some of the corpses had weird proportions of legs and feet, while others had palms with only three fingers, like... some kind of animal

The more Du Wei looked, the more he frowned. Finally, after searching carefully, he finally found one or two skeletons that resembled human beings... But the skeletons looked too slender! Even the slender women among human beings are probably not so thin and slender, but these slender bones are not only much smaller in size, but the clothes and armor left on their bodies are also extremely gorgeous. Although they are under the ice crystals, they are shining. beautifully carved...

And the common point is: all the bones are on the back! Moreover, without exception, they all lost their heads!