Law of the Devil

Chapter 97: Inside the Dragon Cave


"Did you see it?" The old magician did not know when he stood behind Du Wei, his tone was bitter: "I saw those things once two hundred years ago. They are here."

"You and Sammel came here?" Du Wei smiled bitterly: "Two hundred years ago?"

"Yes, I came here two hundred years ago. In search of Aragon's heritage, unfortunately, I hadn't found the prophecy at that time, and I couldn't open the treasure left by Aragorn. So I returned empty-handed." The old magician whispered Said: "I have seen these corpses under the mountain in the north once two hundred years ago."

"What are they...?" Du Wei asked his own question.

"It's the legendary race that was exiled by the gods. In ancient times, they lived with humans in the Roland Continent. But later, they were exiled because they betrayed the gods, and they were driven out of the Roland Continent all the way north. Crossed Shenshan, go to the north. No one knows what the north is. The only thing they know is that it is a place of exile, where the races exiled by the gods live. And the dragons are here, they are the guards here. However, From ancient times to the present, some of those races will try to "come back", but unfortunately, they cannot pass through the sacred mountain held by the dragon clan, and they cannot continue to go back... Even if they can pass through the sacred mountain, there is still a terrifying infinite waiting for them The "Forgotten Ice Field" with endless terrifying storms, and the cold, frozen forest full of monster dangers! Relying on these methods, those exiled races will never return to the Roland Continent!"

The old magician said, pointing down the mountain: "Those bones are some strong men of the exiled race, some outstanding strong men, who tried to cross the barriers set by the gods with their own powerful strength, but they all failed. Killed by the Dragon Clan under the mountain."

Doubt flashed in Du Wei's eyes: "How do you know these places?"

"The patriarch of the dragon clan told me." The old magician smiled: "I came here two hundred years ago... The patriarch here is a very complicated guy. You will understand it when you see it."

On the evening of the third day of climbing, everyone finally reached the top of the mountain.

On the top of Shenshan Mountain is a huge cave. From Du Wei's point of view, this cave looks like a beehive. There are seven or eight openings in the cave. A group of flying dragons circled back and forth—they acted like sentinels.

The eyesight and hearing of dragons are far better than other creatures. On this kind of flat ice field, they can even clearly see the movement of the ground more than ten miles away!

The leader of the sentinel, the huge black dragon, was getting impatient, and roared above everyone's heads: "You guys are too late! The patriarch is waiting for you!"

talking. One paw pointed at the mouth of the largest cave: "Go in! But don't run around!"

The cave is huge! super big!

This is Du Weidi's first influence. The top of this almost pure subway mountain seems to have been hollowed out. Walking in, there are faint gusts of wind blowing out of the huge cave.

Walking into the entrance of the cave, the inside is not dark, on the contrary, there are groups of golden lights shining.

The mountain wall of this cave is actually inlaid with all kinds of treasures! Gold, colorful gems, all kinds of shiny things. Shine brightly!

Du Wei was surprised, but the old magician held him tightly. Then lead everyone to the cave.

All the way in, the cave is very deep and the ground is hard, but it is not cold here. When I came inside, I saw a huge subway door in the cave passage in front of me! There is a cross winch at the door, and the chain on it is of unknown quality, it is faintly black.

Right next to this iron gate. There is also a huge black dragon lying on it and sleeping soundly. Between the opening and closing of the giant dragon's mouth, the snoring sound was like thunder. With gusts of wind.

The old magician coughed, and then shouted loudly: "Friends of humans come to see the patriarch of the Dragon Clan!"

The dragon didn't respond.

The old mage coughed hard: "The great patriarch of the dragon clan, the old friend of mankind has come to see you!!"

The dragon still didn't respond.

The old magician was a little angry, he strode over, and then stood next to the dragon's mouth, his height was just as big as the dragon's head, the old magician took out his wand, and gently Tapped on the dragon's nose, said in a deep voice: "I haven't seen you for two hundred years, are you still so sleepy?"

A faint stream of black air flowed into the dragon's nose, and the sleeping dragon suddenly twisted, opened its mouth wide, and sneezed fiercely!

Roar! !

This loud roar almost deafened Du Wei's ears! The strong hurricane even blew the old magician's hat off.

"Who is it! Wake me up!" The giant dragon shook his head and opened his eyes. His yellow eyes stared at the old magician, and he rolled his eyes a few times. Finally, the dragon's voice became much more kind: "You ?Who are you… "

"I am a human being, your friend, and I have come to see the great patriarch of the Dragon Clan."

The dragon was finally fully awake. It stood up with a huge body, looked at the little old magician in front of it, snorted, and then suddenly said loudly: "I remember you! I know you! You were here last time!"

"Yes." The old magician straightened his hair casually: "Respected Lord Guard, please open the door and let me in to see your patriarch."

"I don't like you," roared the dragon, "I hate being woken from my sleep!"

"But I have something urgent." The old magician shrugged his shoulders: "Besides, I have a contract with your dragon clan, and I have the right to ask to see the patriarch."

"Okay..." the giant dragon muttered: "Then, according to the tradition, pass me first!"

After speaking, the giant dragon stood up straight, spread its wings behind it, and then grinned... This expression, it must be grinning

Do you want to fight first

Hussein has quietly stood at the nearest place behind the old magician. If he wants to do something, such a cave is not a suitable place for a magician to fight, and he is the most powerful knight in melee combat in this queue. , naturally bear the brunt of this dragon.

However, the old magician turned around and smiled at him, waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to do anything, then the old magician looked at the dragon in front of him: "So, is it still the old rule? Dear Master Guard?"

"Yes! As long as you convince me with your wisdom, I will open this door!" The dragon roared: "Winners can go through! Losers, stay outside the door!"

Du Wei was stunned, and he glanced at the old magician. It happened that the old magician was also looking at him: "Understood? It's Wendou! This Mr. Dragon is the chief guard of the dragon patriarch, and he was already the number one warrior of the dragon clan seven hundred years ago! But now he pursues The earth is not the strength of the force, but the wisdom..."

Saying that, the old magician winked at Du Wei.

Sure enough, the giant dragon immediately roared proudly: "Yes! I am already the number one warrior of the dragon clan! What I want to pursue now is the title of the number one wise man of the dragon clan! Come up with a question! Unless you can beat me, Otherwise, don't even think about going in!"

And dragons... than wisdom? !

Du Wei was stunned.

The old magician has turned around and pulled Du Wei over, then pushed him, and said with a smile: "I know you are a very smart guy, so now you have to rely on yourself! This game will win two out of three games, as long as we It’s enough to win it twice. Otherwise, don’t even think about getting in.”

Du Wei sighed: "Really?"

The giant dragon answered first, holding its head high and roaring proudly: "This is my rule!!"

"Then, all right." Du Wei thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

Comparing wisdom with dragons...

Dragons are recognized as higher creatures, even higher than humans—although humans don't think so.

Dragons have a long life, high wisdom, and powerful strength. And the long life and wisdom allow them to have a longer learning time than humans... Theoretically speaking, the dragon race is indeed superior to humans in terms of individuals.

But, this is just theory.

"So, are there any rules for this competition?" Du Wei walked up to the dragon and asked with a smile.

"It's very simple, as long as the questions you ask can stump me." The dragon smiled proudly: "But I have to remind you, don't underestimate my wisdom! I have a full understanding of your human wisdom! Lord Patriarch I have been to the human world, I have studied your human civilization, it has taught me a lot! Human beings, don’t expect to use your human tricks to deceive me!"

"Any questions?" Du Wei blinked.

"Any question!" The dragon nodded affirmatively.

"Okay." Du Wei smiled maliciously: "Then I have a question."

Coughing lightly, Du Wei said with a faint smile: "My problem is this, it's a very, very simple math problem: Suppose, there is a row of houses here, there is a person in the first house, and there is a person in the second house. There are two people, three people in the third house, four people in the fourth house... and so on, each house behind will have one more person than the house in front! My problem is, when When we counted to the thousandth house, how many people are there in total in the thousand houses?"

The dragon is stupid!

Then it started to wrench its fingers vigorously, and then started to wring its toes when the fingers were not enough, but soon the toes were not enough. Looking at its eyes, it seemed that it wanted to borrow Du Wei's fingers...

Seeing the giant dragon clumsily counting its fingers and toes in pain, Du Wei suppressed a smile: "Why? Can't you figure it out?"

"..." the dragon suddenly became angry: "This is a lie! Impossible! How can such a problem be calculated! And... and... if the thousandth house is counted, one thousand houses must be placed in the thousandth house." Personal! How can there be such a big house!"

"Cut! In our human palace, it's okay to pretend to be 10,000 people, not to mention a thousand." Du Wei giggled, "Master Guard, can you answer it?"

"This... This is not a question at all! This is a lie! No one can count it! It will take at least a year to count it!" The dragon became a little annoyed: "You can't answer the question yourself! Why are you asking me? !"

Du Wei didn't quarrel with it either, and then said with a grin: "Really?"

Then he lay down on the bed, wrote and scratched on it a few times, raised his head, and announced the answer: "It's all people!"

"?? It was sweating profusely, and then it thought desperately for a while, and shouted: "I don't believe it! How can you figure it out! You must be talking nonsense! "

Du Wei said with a straight face: "I asked the question, and I gave the answer myself. Only you can't answer... Then you want to renege? Is this the pride of the Dragon Clan?"

"..." the dragon was speechless. It roared angrily, and roared unwillingly: "Okay! Cunning human, you win! You win! You can go in!!"

Then, the dragon stared at the old magician viciously: "Now. It's your turn! Last time you lied to me once, don't try to fool me again this time!"

The old magician looked at the giant dragon with a smile: "Are you ready? Then let's come... This time, my topic is very simple. Let's punch. The simplest game for human beings: scissors, rock, paper .”

Afterwards, the old magician stretched out his hand and gestured for the rules. He smiled lightly: "To be honest, I don't think you can beat me, so I lowered the difficulty for you. Let's come ten times, out of ten times. As long as you can win me once! Even if you win! Is that okay?" ? Otherwise, you have to let me go."


The results speak for themselves.

Du Wei felt that he was already very evil. He used the human mathematics knowledge from his previous life to bully a dragon. He didn't expect this old guy to be meaner than himself!

Rock paper scissors

Du Wei almost burst out laughing.

The dragon's claw has only two fingers! two!

That is, either, it reaches out and points to the scissors. Or, it clenches its fingers and throws out stones. Anyway, it will never produce "cloth".

The old magician didn't want to win it either, so he threw stones ten times in one breath. Then the dragon was so angry that he yelled.

"Hey, we won twice! You should open this door and let us in." Du Wei shouted.

The dragon sighed helplessly. Then the huge body came to the edge of the iron gate, it turned the winch vigorously, and heard a thick clicking sound, the chain turned, and the iron gate was slowly pulled up...

"Go in!" The dragon finally gave the old magician and Du Wei a reluctant look: "Next time! Next time I will not lose to you again! I want to ask the patriarch to go to the human world to learn wisdom!"

After Du Wei and others walked into the iron gate, the violent voice of the giant dragon came from behind him from time to time.

"That guy is the number one warrior of the Dragon Clan, but he just likes to play around a bit." The old magician smiled: "When I came here last time, I played with it a bit. But it's quite interesting."

"I think it's cute." Du Wei shrugged his shoulders: "But the dragon race is more intelligent than humans, and its brain does not seem to be very good."

"It's just a joke." The old magician smiled and said, "Even if it is really messing around and won't let us in, the patriarch will meet us in the end. However, we'd better be polite to that guy. Although he likes to mess around, his strength is absolutely A terrible guy. If you want to deal with dragons in the future, you'd better coax it a little."

"In the future?" Du Wei frowned.

But the old magician didn't continue talking.

After passing through the iron gate, the cave goes all the way down.

On both sides of this cave, there are countless small gaps on the mountain wall, and jewels are shining in the gaps, and it is unknown how many treasures are hidden. Du Wei sighed. It seems that the Dragon Clan's habit of liking these shiny things is true.

The width of the cave is shrinking, and the further you go in, the narrower it becomes. After walking to the end, he came out of the passage, only to find that he came to a place in front of him that looked like a round arched hall.

Compared to human buildings, this hall is much simpler, even simpler than Medusa's former palace. In such a large bare cave, the sky cannot be seen when looking up, and the surrounding walls are inlaid with colorful gemstones.

To Du Wei's surprise, there was a chair in the middle of the hall! The size of the ground is about the same as that of a human being.

In the chair, sat a guy. This is a guy who has turned into a human being. Its body is no different from that of ordinary humans, but its face is covered with beards, and there is no decoration on its body, just a simple set of robes.

The only thing that can highlight its dragon identity is that there are two long horns protruding from the top of its head... But what surprised Du Wei was. Only half of one of the corners remained, as if it had been cut off by something.

"I still gave this robe to it." The old magician whispered something in Du Wei's ear, then laughed loudly, and strode up with open arms: "Old friend, it's been two hundred years." , we finally meet!"

The patriarch of the dragon clan was not as happy as the old magician. He snorted helplessly and stood up from his chair. He yawned: "Hey, I saw you again, the life here is so boring, it is at least a good thing to meet such an interesting guy like you. Well, tell me, your arrival this time .What interesting news for me?"

This dragon turned into an adult walked to the ground, but Du Wei couldn't feel any breath from it... not even the dragon power that the dragon clan oppresses humans!

It seems to be a guy with no power, but as long as you use your senses to explore, you will find that its breath is as deep as the sea! You will find that you can't sense anything.

Even its appearance is very ordinary, if not for the pair of corners on the top of the head. It almost seems to be the most ordinary human being. There is no garish place.

Even its eyes are lifeless, with drooping eyelids and a weak look.

Du Wei didn't have the bad habit of judging people by their appearance, but he still couldn't help revealing his psychological gap when he saw that such an ordinary old man who was almost wretched was actually the patriarch of the Dragon Clan.

"Old friend." The old magician coughed: "I came this time to complete a contract with the Dragon Clan... I have found the person who opened the secret room here!"

After hearing these words, under the drooping eyelids of the patriarch of the dragon clan, a strange light flashed in his eyes! Then its eyes fell on Du Wei and others behind the old magician.

Then it laughed. But he smiled strangely: "Oh? You found it? Is it one of the companions you brought? This beautiful Queen Medusa? Or this proud paladin? Oh, let me see Look... Could it be this young boy?"

It is a very common sentence. But Du Wei immediately did not dare to underestimate the patriarch of the Dragon Clan anymore!

It seems to have seen Medusa's true identity with such a simple glance! He even saw through Hussein's strength!

The old magician pondered for a while, then turned to look at Du Wei: "Come here."

Du Wei walked up a few steps according to his words. The patriarch of the Dragon Clan looked at Du Wei, and there was a trace of strangeness in his eyes: "Oh, this noble boy is the one you found? He does have a devil's breath on him, But his strength is too weak... Are you sure he can pull out what Aragorn left?"

When the patriarch of the Dragon Clan looked at Du Wei, that kind of gaze made Du Wei very uncomfortable. This guy's eyes seem ordinary, but Du Wei seems to have a feeling of standing naked in front of it... just one look. It seems that he has completely seen through himself!

"Okay! I'll get the "key", but if you still can't open the door this time, then you should understand the result." The patriarch of the Dragon Clan said calmly.

Then, it ignored everyone at all, turned and left, just behind the main hall, walked into a passage randomly among the many holes.

The old magician waited for the patriarch of the dragon clan to leave, and he turned around and gave Du Wei a serious look: "What happened to you just now? You seem a little absent-minded?"

Du Wei didn't speak.

The old magician took a deep breath: "Is the appearance of the dragon patriarch disappointing you? Does he not look like a dragon patriarch at all?"

Du Wei thought for a while: "I just find it strange."

"Put away your strangeness!" The old magician said solemnly, "Du Wei, I hope you... no, it's not a hope, it's a request! I ask you to maintain some respect when facing it! I'm not kidding , because it is not an easy guy to mess with!"

Du Wei nodded immediately: "Of course, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, how could he be an easy guy, I understand."

"It's best for you to understand." The old magician glanced back at the hole where the dragon patriarch walked in, and then whispered: "I have to tell you, this guy is a lunatic, don't think it has a good temper. If it turns over When it gets angry, no one can suppress it, at least not here! Moreover, this guy hates humans, we'd better not provoke it."

After a pause, the old magician said again: "Have you seen the horns on its head? One of the horns is broken off."

Du Wei nodded, and Hussein also nodded.

"It was cut off by Aragorn!" The old magician said coldly: "But what I want to tell you is that it is probably the only living guy in this world who once fought against Aragorn! Moreover, Back then, even Aragorn's strength couldn't kill it! It's a weird guy, if it turns its face, no one can suppress it, at least not here!"