League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 113: Weird roommate


Soon after, the fourth person in the dormitory also came. He was a young man with the face of Chinese characters.

As soon as he put all his luggage away, he took his computer out of the suitcase and played a game there.

There are usually five people in a dormitory, and the last boy in blue also enters the dormitory.

"Brother! Hello, my name is Zhang Guo, and I am the apprentice of Chen Long, the first weapon in the national service!" The blue-clothed boy was a little familiar, and he introduced his name as soon as he dropped his luggage on the bed.

"Chen Long?" Lin Chen felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Ah! You are the apprentice of Chen Long, the first weapon in the national service, please!" When the boy with a Chinese character face who was playing the game heard that the roommate next to him was actually Chen Long's apprentice, he quickly put down the keyboard in his hand and ran. Come over, with a look of excitement.

"My Ionian Golden Five, I just got the master's true biography, and I am now preparing to enter the king." Seeing the enviable look of the national character face boy, Zhang Guo touched his hair with his hand.

"Wow, great god!" Hearing that Zhang Guo's rank is Ionia's golden five, the boy with the national character face next to him seemed even more excited, "Great god, please take me to silver!"

"Brother, do you play League of Legends" Zhang Guo asked Lin Chen with his gaze.

"Occasionally play!" Lin Chen replied.

"What rank!"


"Suburban still?"


In the eyes of Ionian players, the entire League of Legends game has only two zones. Except for the Ionian zone, the rest are all suburbs.

"The gold in the suburbs!" Hearing that Lin Chen is the gold in the suburbs, Zhang Guo instantly felt relieved. He is the Golden Five in Ionia. If he is in other districts, it is obviously the strength of diamonds, so when Lin Chen When he said he was the suburban gold, he didn't care.

Under Zhang Guo's invitation, Lin Chen and the Guozilian boy took a trip to the Internet cafe shamelessly.

"Hey, our grass and tree breeding major is too bad. There are more wolves and less meat. I just checked the list. Nima’s, fifty-six students, two women, ah, this is pitiful with little meat. Ah!" On the way, the boy with the face of Guozi complained.

"Ah, there are only two women! I wiped it out. I would not report this major if I knew it. I would choose accounting if I knew I would go!" Zhang Guo regretted, "All accountants are female. It’s not that the score is a little worse, so I’ll report that major.”

"The hard work in high school is waiting to make a girl in college, your sister, but in the end there are two girls in the university class, a cheating life!" The boy with a face of national character cried Yang Tian.

"Hey, the university is doomed to spend time with Wuzhi girl again." Zhang Guo sighed.

Lin Chen listened to what the two said, but did not speak. Lao Tzu, who has a girlfriend, must keep a distance from these two single dogs.

"Lin Chen, you said that we were miserable, we finally got admitted to Zhejiang University, and wanted to relax and make a girl, but in the end there were only two girls in the class!" The boy with a face of national character exclaimed.

"This is simply a boys class, my God, when I think of going with a group of boys for the next four years... I feel miserable!" Zhang Guo said with a sad expression on his face.

"Chen, why don't you speak!" Seeing Lin Chen who has not spoken all the time, the boy with the national character face asked in confusion.

"Ahem I have a girlfriend! It doesn't matter to me whether there are women in the class." Lin Chen touched his nose and said.

"Have a girlfriend?"

Lin Chen's words were like a bolt from the blue sky, severely smashed into the hearts of the boy with the national character face and Zhang Guo's.

"I guess you must be joking, but your joke is not funny at all." The boy with a national character face looked at the white-washed shirt on Lin Chen's upper body and the pants with several holes in his lower body. He obviously didn't believe Lin. I have a girlfriend in the morning.

"Man, it's normal not to have a girlfriend, we won't laugh at you!" Zhang Guo looked at Lin Chen with a look that had already seen everything, obviously he didn't believe that Lin Chen had a girlfriend.

"Damn, five big beauties." The boy with the national character face pointed to the five women standing in the distance, with a look of excitement.

"Wow, this randomly selected high school before me is a school flower, it really deserves to be Zhejiang University. As the old saying goes, there are many beautiful women in Zhejiang, and the ancients do not deceive me!" Zhang Guo's eyes can't wait to fly over, and his mouth also Began to chatter. .

"That group of beauties came here! It must be because of my handsomeness and suaveness, so I'm going to come over and strike up a conversation with me!" When Chen Xiao and others walked towards them, the boy with the national character face became more and more excited. .

"Fuck, obviously coming to me, I am the apprentice of Chen Long, the first weapon of the national service, and Ionia's Golden Five. They must have come to worship the great god!" Zhang Guo retorted.

"Chen Long, the first weapon in the national service?" Lin Chen just remembered. Among the apprentices he had received before, it seemed that there was an apprentice named Chen Long.

When will his apprentice's apprentice be able to pretend like this! Lin Chen glanced at Zhang Guo and couldn't help sighing.

"Dead Lin Chen, they all said that they let you wait for us at the gate, but you didn't answer when you called you, so we waited for you for so long!" Suddenly a silver bell-like voice came, but the voice was obviously somewhat anger.

When the Guozilian boy and Zhang Guo saw the five beauties walking in front of Lin Chen, they were completely stunned.

"I didn't see you at the gate, so I signed up early." Lin Chen waved his hand and smiled.

"Huh! I don't care, we have been waiting for you for a long time anyway, you have to ask for this meal in the evening." Chen Xiao said angrily.

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't eat poorly, I'll be fine!" Lin Chen smiled.

"Don't worry, we know that you are a poor ghost and won't go to those big hotels." Chu Yunxue said from the side.

"Morning, you know these beauties!" Zhang Guo pulled Lin Chen to his side and pointed at Chen Xiao's five humanities.

"Yeah! The one in the blue dress in the front is my girlfriend!" Lin Chen said.

"Fuck! Good cabbage just let the pig go!" Seeing that the big beauty in the blue dress was actually Lin Chen's girlfriend and Lin Chen's girlfriend, she couldn't help but sigh.

"Ahem, what I mean is that beautiful women are worthy of heroes, just like those like Brother Chen can match such beauties." Seeing Lin Chen's uncomfortable face, Zhang Guo hurriedly replied.

"Brother! You also know my situation, buddy. I have been single for 18 years, and the next happiness will depend on you!" Zhang Guodi glanced at the nearby Chen Xiao and others and motioned to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen smiled and looked at Zhang Guodao, "You mean let me introduce one for you!"

"Brother Chen is wise!" Zhang Guo nodded quickly.