League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 117: President





All members of the e-sports club who passed by bowed their heads and called Chu Yunxue.

"I rub, the president is actually a big beauty!"

"The president is a beautiful woman, e-sports club, here I am!"

"The president of the e-sports club is actually a big beauty. I'll wipe it. Blessed are the members of the e-sports club!"

Seeing that the president of the e-sports club was actually a beautiful girl, a lively discussion broke out in the crowd again.

Lin Chen glanced at Chu Yunxue, unexpectedly she was the president of the e-sports club.

However, it is normal to be the president with her strength. After all, she is the captain of the Black Rose team, and being the president of a small academy e-sports club is definitely more than enough.

It can be seen that Chu Yunxue has great dignity in the e-sports club, and every member respectfully called the president of the e-sports club.

"Brother Chen, in the name of the president, I invite you to join the e-sports club!" Chu Yunxue turned around and looked at Lin Chen.

"En!" Lin Chen nodded indifferently.

Chu Yunxue saw Lin Chen agree, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she continued to move forward.

Although Lin Chen didn't know where they were going, but he didn't know where she was going, so he had to follow them along.

meeting room.

After walking to a room called the'meeting room', Chu Yunxue stopped and opened the door and walked in.

Lin Chen was also shocked when he entered, and more than a dozen pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time.

"What the hell!"

A conference table appeared in front of Lin Chen, and a dozen people were discussing something.

"Sister Xue, you are finally here, what kind of meeting do you call everyone?" The man in blue sitting at the front of the conference table stood up and asked questioningly.

"Yeah, yeah, this is the first day of freshmen, there are still many things waiting for everyone to do!"

"Sister Xue, who is this kid, why did you bring him in?"

Seeing Lin Chen, someone in the conference room commented.

"Cough cough" Seeing the noisy conference room, Chu Yunxue sat on the chair of the conference table and coughed, signalling them to be quiet.

Sure enough, after Chu Yunxue coughed, the meeting room quickly became quiet. Obviously Chu Yunxue was still very majestic in front of these people, otherwise everyone would be quiet without a cough.

"This is a friend of mine. He is a freshman who just arrived this year. The reason why I brought him here! I want him to be the vice president of our e-sports club!" Seeing everyone calm down, Chu Yun Xue said.

"Let him be a newcomer as the vice president, I am the first to refuse!"

"Sister Xue, although we all obey you, but a newcomer who has just entered school to become our vice president, I am also not convinced!"

Chu Yunxue's remarks soon met with a lot of opposition.

Let me be the vice president of the e-sports club? Lin Chen smacked his tongue secretly when he heard Chu Yunxue's words.

"I don't know which district and rank you are in, brother!" The blue-clothed boy sitting at the front turned his eyes to Lin Chen and asked.

"Black rose silver four!" Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him again, Lin Chen touched his nose and said.

"Silver IV? You can't even enter the gate of our e-sports club! What's more, it's the Silver IV of the black rose! That's even less worth mentioning!"

"Sister Xue, you actually let a silver four be our vice president, you are not making us laugh!"

"If we let others know that our vice president is actually a silver four, wouldn't it make people laugh out of their teeth?"

These words ignited a bamboo tube full of explosives, and instantly made everyone in the conference room laugh.

"He is just a silver four in Black Rose, but he has an ID called Mo Xiaoxi in Ionia!" Chu Yunxue said lightly, looking at the laughing people in the meeting.

"Mo Xiaoxi?"

Everyone who was laughing at first was stunned. The boy in such an ordinary dress in front of him was actually Mo Xiaoxi in the League of Legends rumors

Lin Chen was also stunned when she heard Chu Yunxue flip out her own bottoms all at once.

The people present obviously still didn't want to believe this fact. Chu Yunxue directly brought a notebook and held it in front of Lin Chen. Under the threat of her eyes, Lin Chen had no choice but to board his game ID.

"Mo Shen! You are really Mo Shen!"

"Mo Shen, please accept me as an apprentice!"

"Brother Mo, I didn't know Taishan just now. It is an absolute honour for you to be our vice president!"

When the dozen or so people saw the ID of "Mo Xiaoxi", everyone was convinced, their attitudes were completely different from just now, and they all looked at Lin Chen with admiring eyes.

"Cough Mo Shen is your vice president, no one of you objected!" Chu Yunxue asked again, but this time surprisingly, no one objected, instead they all looked at Lin Chen with a fierce expression.

"He is about Mo Xiaoxi. I hope you don't tell other people, including your best friends! After all, our results in the college league are always not ideal, and he is our killer!" Chu Yunxue faced the meeting. The owner of the room reminded once again.

"Sister Xue, don't worry! Brother Mo, even if it's my real brother, I won't disclose it!"

"Sister Xue, don't worry about my mouth!"

The people in the meeting room promised.

Lin Chen also glanced at Chu Yunxue curiously. After all, Chu Yunxue had spent so much time in getting him into the position of vice president, and there must be her purpose.

"Brother Mo, you are so handsome. As soon as I saw you, I knew you must be extraordinary. I was stuck in the second drill recently. Brother, please help me with the last minute!" When Chu Yunxue announced the end of the meeting , A girl in a camisole ran over and said coquettishly, holding Lin Chen's hand.

"Cough cough" Chen Xiao coughed, staring at Lin Chen, and wiping his neck with his right hand across his neck.

"Classmates, I will talk about the matter of the division later. I just came to school yesterday, and there are still many things to deal with, I will deal with it first!" Looking at Chen Xiao's neck movement, Lin Chen only felt a chill in his neck. , Said perfunctorily to the girl in the camisole.

"No! Brother Mo, what are you going to tidy up, I will accompany you to tidy it up!" The girl in the camisole also rubbed her arm on Lin Chen's arm and gave him a wink.

Feeling the softness of her hands, Lin Chen almost fell into immersion, but she was quickly shown by Chen Xiao's gaze...

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao finally couldn't bear it. He walked up and pushed away the hand wrapped around Lin Chen's arm, staring fiercely at the girl in the camisole.