League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 12: Cute girl


Hey, how come this girl looks so familiar! It seems to have just seen it not long ago.

"Beauty, this is my dog, I'm going home, and I'm going to take it away." Although Lin Chen was very upset in her heart, she said very calmly.

"Oh, this is your puppy! It's so cute, I like it so much." Mengmei stroked Xiao Bai Xue's white fluff, obviously she liked it very much.

"Xiao Bai, let's go!" Lin Chen beckoned to the little white dog.

The white puppy glanced at Lin Chen, and then reluctantly got up from the arms of the cute girl.

"Your dog, I really like it, I will definitely take good care of it in the future, can you sell it to me!" When Xiao Bai was about to crawl out of her arms, Meng Sister gave the puppy another hug. Into the arms.

"Not for sale." Lin Chen said firmly.

"Well, goodbye puppies."

The cute girl looked at Lin Chen's firm eyes with a reluctant expression on her face. She kissed Xiao Bai's dog head in her arms, and then handed the puppy in her arms to Lin Chen.

"Why don't I get this kind of treatment?" Lin Chen couldn't help feeling a little envious looking at the scene in front of him.

"By the way, have we met before? How do I feel that your voice is a bit familiar." The cute girl scratched her head as if thinking about something.

"No no, we definitely don't know each other, I have never seen you."

The cute girl's voice is very sweet, and Lin Chen also feels very familiar. Lin Chen suddenly remembered the voice of the girl who was chatting with him in the toilet, her face turned green for an instant, and she quickly shook her head.

"Fatty, let's go."

"Boss, it's rare to come here to play, so I'm leaving now?" Fatty said very reluctantly. Although very reluctant, he also followed Lin Chen out.

But at this moment, dozens of girls suddenly appeared all around, immediately surrounding Lin Chen.

Seeing the beautiful curvy girls in front of him, surrounded by themselves, Lin Chen's mind was full of black lines.

"How much is your pet! I want it!"

"I want to bid one thousand!"

"Only one thousand, I bid five thousand."

"I bid ten thousand."

... ...

The girls were competing with each other for prices. Until the end, dozens of girls actually fought in the swimming pool. Lin Chen was dumbfounded when she watched. Xiao Bai also covered her eyes with two dog palms, as if she didn't want to see the brutality in front of her. Scene.

The fat man looked at Xiao Bai who was in Lin Chen's arms, instantly dumbfounded, dozens of girls actually started fighting because of a dog.

The fat man looked at Xiao Bai who was in Lin Chen's arms, instantly dumbfounded, dozens of girls actually started fighting because of a dog.

Looking at the blood and blood in the swimming pool, Lin Chen just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong early.

Lin Chen and the fat man hurriedly left the swimming pool and returned home.

As soon as I walked into the house, I saw a young girl wearing a blue dress with Erlang's legs tilted up and watching TV on the sofa. The dress was very wide, revealing her delicate collarbone, and Lin Chen couldn't help swallowing.

"Huh! Have a girl?" Lin Chen's eyes lit up

"Why is it her?" However, Lin Chen was dumbfounded when she saw the girl's face. Isn't this the cute girl who wants to buy Xiaobai in the swimming pool!

How does she know where my home is

What did she come to do with me

Lin Chen thought about these questions in an instant.

At this moment Meng sister also saw Lin Chen standing at the door, turned her head and glanced, but did not speak, turned her head and continued to watch TV.

Seeing that Sister Meng didn't care about herself, Lin Chen was also very embarrassed and sat on the sofa.

Quiet, the room fell into a huge silence.

"How did you get in?" Lin Chen broke the quiet atmosphere first.

"Auntie brought me in." Meng Meizi pointed to the woman in the kitchen.

"Xiaochen, is this your friend? Still not introducing your friend." The woman walked out from the kitchen, brought out the fruit basket and walked over.

introduce friends? How about meeting for the second time? I don’t even know how to introduce

Before Lin Chen could speak, the cute girl sitting on the sofa and watching TV spoke first, "Auntie, I am Lin Chen's high school classmate. My name is Chen Xiao. Auntie can call me Xiaoxiao. Today is to see him."

After speaking, Sister Meng blinked her big eyes at Lin Chen.

High school classmates? Sister, we only met for the second time, what are you going to make? Lin Chen was also completely speechless.

"Oh, little girl Xiaoxiao, she looks so pretty."

"Auntie is also very beautiful, she must have been a big beauty when she was young."

"It's so sweet. If Xiaochen is so cute, Xiaochen and his dad don't have to worry about it. I'm going to cook and give you young people more time to get along!" After that, Lin Chen's mother got up. The kitchen put on an apron and started cooking.

"How do you know where my house is? What are you coming to do with me?" Lin Chen said straightforwardly when she saw her mother walk into the kitchen.

"I said before, your dog, I really like it, I will definitely take good care of it in the future, can I sell it to me." Chen Xiao fluttered with his big eyes and asked.

"Not for sale." Lin Chen's tone was as firm as ever.

"This is negotiable!" Meng sister pouted, "I can raise the price a bit."

"Fifty thousand, it can't be more. No matter how much it is, I am gone." Chen Xiao stuck out his tongue and continued.

"Not for sale." Lin Chen still shook his head. Xiaobai is not his pet, but a friend who has been with him for seven years. How can a friend betray

"Are you sure not to sell?"

"Not for sale." Lin Chen looked at Chen Xiao firmly.

"I'll ask again one last time, are you really not selling?"

"Yes and sure." Lin Chen said impatiently, saying that women are annoying, which he understood.

"Auntie, I have Lin Chen's baby in my stomach." Chen Xiao couldn't help it after touching his gray nose, and said angrily.

Lin Chen's face suddenly turned green when she heard Chen Xiao's cry, and she hurriedly blocked her mouth with her hand. This was heard by her mother. Is it worth it

"Grandma, what are you going to do?" Looking at her mother who was still cooking in the kitchen, Lin Chen wiped the cold sweat from her head and said to Chen Xiao beside her.

"Then you sell me the puppy!" Chen Xiao smiled slyly when he saw that his purpose was achieved.

"In addition to selling puppies, I can promise you other things." Three black lines appeared on Lin Chen's head. This girl looks so cute, how can she be so rascal!

"Auntie, I've been pregnant with your Chen's flesh and blood. It's been three months." Chen Xiao cried, touching her smooth lower abdomen.