League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 122: Accompanying friends all night loot ah loot = single dog (3)


"Brother Chen, Liu Shuangshuang is here, and she actually came to the Internet cafe. You see, she is definitely the class flower in our class, Brother Chen, don't you think?"

"Go to your sister, Chu Wenwen is the goddess in my heart, she is the class flower!"

When Lin Chen returned to his seat from the toilet, the two men next to him began to quarrel fiercely.

"Liu Shuangshuang?"

Hearing Liu Shuangshuang talking between the two, Lin Chen thought of the conversation he heard in the toilet.

"Shuangshuang, if you lose, don't forget to promise me to be my girlfriend!"

"Hmph, just you, Shuangshuang, don't worry, your sister Qiao, I definitely promise to blow the opposite side! And don't forget what you said before, if you lose, don't worry about Shuangshuang anymore."

A familiar voice came into Lin Chen's ears, and Lin Chen looked in the direction of the voice, and actually saw Qiaoqiao.

Hey, isn't this little Nizi watching a movie with Chen Xiao? Why are you here? When Lin Chen saw Qiaoqiao, he was puzzled.

"Yes, Shuangshuang, don't worry, we will definitely help you win!"

Another familiar voice came, and Lin Chen glanced at the person. Although he didn't recognize him when he looked at him, he was sure that this was definitely one of the two who spoke in the toilet just now.

"Coincidentally, Crane City on the opposite side seems to be Golden Three, and our highest here is Golden Five. Will you lose?" Liu Shuangshuang looked extremely unconfident.

"Shuangshuang, don't worry, just trust me." Qiaoqiao glanced at Liu Shuangshuang and signaled her peace of mind.

The game started very quickly.

Coincidentally, I didn't play jungle this time, but Yasuo, who played mid laner, played very violently, and directly killed the mid laner Annie on the opposite side.

However, their bot lane conditions were also very bad. The ADC Delevingne who was botched was hit and killed by the robots on the opposite side again and again.

"Mistakes, mistakes!" When Draven was pulled by the robot again and was killed, the young man with hook nose who was manipulating Draven apologized.

"Chen Zihao, can you be more careful, don't be pulled over by the other side!" His own Delevingne was once again pulled by the robot on the other side and killed. As an assistant Liu Shuangshuang finally couldn't help it and said.

"Mistakes, mistakes, I will never be hooked again next time!" The young man with a nose promised.

When the time came to thirteen minutes, Qiao Qiao Yasuo was already super god, and Delevingne, who was on the road, was almost super ghost with zero kills and seven deaths.

"Twelve to eleven!"

Seeing the total number of heads on both sides, Hecheng's face did not have the slightest joy of the dominant score, but was covered with haze.

After the opposite Delevingne deliberately sent seven heads in a row, the total record was only one more head than the opposite, which is absolutely intolerable by a proud person like Crane City.

"Yasuo" is already super god!

"Yasuo" is already super god!

The system prompts the news of the super god on the opposite side of Yasuo twice in a row, making Hecheng's face even more gloomy. Pulling the map to the middle, only to see two corpses at the feet of the enemy Yasuo, it is theirs. Fang's mid laner Annie and the wild blind monk.

"Monkey, I asked you to come, is it just for you to send it?" Hecheng stared fiercely at the purple-clothed youth on the side machine.

"Are you an idiot? The opposite person is obviously not in this rank. I played Annie's two thousand platinum three. Do you think anyone can blow me up?" The purple-clothed youth is obviously not afraid of Crane City, with Looking at him with an idiotic look.


"My stomach hurts. Maybe during dinner, I ate the wrong thing. I went to the bathroom and went back. You wait for me!" Seeing Hecheng blinking at himself, the young man with a hooked nose knew he should go to the bathroom.

"Ah! Are you going to the toilet? Can you go to the toilet later? It's not too late to go when this one is done!" Liu Shuangshuang was crying anxiously when he heard that the young man was going to the toilet. The bet is herself, she doesn't want to be the girlfriend of the rascal person opposite.

Although Delevingne's record is very pitted, even if it is pitted, it can be mixed up anyway, but one less person is completely different.

"Shuangshuang, don't worry, I will finish going to the toilet in a while." The young man stood up from his seat and walked to the toilet, but there was one detail that no one found. When the young man got out of his seat After standing up for a moment, Tsurucheng gave him a thumbs up from one side.

"Shuangshuang, put in more eyes, it's okay to be one less person!" Qiaoqiao also sighed when Ying Gou Nose youth went to the toilet, her face changed a little, but she still comforted Liu Shuangshuang next to her.

"One less person to see how you fight!" Only Crane knows that the young man with a hook nose going to the toilet will never come out, even if the opposite Yasuo is strong, as long as he drags it to the later stage, it will be for the opposite. In other words, one less person’s output would be very fatal.

"Hello, classmate Shuangshuang, I am also a student of Zhejiang University's flower and tree breeding major!" Seeing his goddess, Zhang Guo suddenly walked up to talk.

"En." Liu Shuangshuang raised his head and glanced at Zhang Guo, then said softly with a perfunctory'en', obviously not thinking about talking to him more.

"Did your ADC go to the bathroom? My brother can also play Delevingne, and it's awesome!" Zhang Guo also heard the conversation between Liu Shuangshuang and Hecheng just now, and he naturally didn't want his goddess to lose. , Lin Chen didn't know that he had been sold directly by Zhang Guo, a second-hand who had forgotten his meaning.

"Do you have friends who can play Delevingne? In this Internet cafe?" Liu Shuangshuang's face instantly became energetic when he heard Zhang Guo's words, and his eyes lit up.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Zhang Guo also obviously didn't realize that Liu Shuangshuang's reaction would be so shocked by her. He pointed his finger at Lin Chen who was playing on his mobile phone. After we took it, the crystal on the opposite side was removed in eleven minutes."

"My dear, have you finished watching the movie!"

"Xiaoxiao, it is said that there is a Chinese Valentine's Day party on the West Lake today. It is said to be very beautiful, do you want to go together?"

"Xiaoxiao, you are back to me!"

Lin Chenyi sent three text messages in a row, but what made him sad was that the other party did not reply to him.

"Classmate, can you ask your friend to play this Delevingne instead of my friend! This game is very important to me, can you help me!" Liu Shuangshuang looked at Zhang Guo with a pitiful look.

The goddess begged me to do something! Zhang Guo was very excited at this time.

As for the things the goddess asked him to do, Zhang Guo naturally made a package and absolutely completed it.

"Brother Chen, I will see you for the rest of my life, you must help me!" Zhang Guo walked back and said to Lin Chen.