League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 163: The ending (two)


The night passed very quickly, and it soon arrived the next morning.

Everyone from Team Tianyu arrived at the venue early. For the crowds outside the venue yesterday, there are even more people outside today. They surround the venue all round and round, and people who don’t know think it’s inside. We are having a concert!

This time, Tianyu's opponent is still the Chinese team, and the team's name is Yichunyuan.

The name of this team really made the Tianyu team and the others speechless for a while, the name was really too individual.

To everyone’s surprise, the Yichunyuan team once again abstained from this game. Many people onlookers almost ran away. I finally took a flight from China to South Korea overnight to watch a game. How good was it? The moral abstention.

"Brother, the spirit of the game!"

"Brother, I would rather lose than vote!"

Many spectators outside the competition venue complained.

Lin Chen and others didn't know what to say about the opposing team's surrender again.

In the second round of the team confrontation, they actually lay down all the way like this.

The second round of the team confrontation will have three rounds, and today is the final round, and after the final round, the 30,000 teams who have won the knockout rounds are left with only 3750.

Of the 3750 teams, only less than 10% of the teams were left to advance to the next round. It can be seen that this elimination was very brutal, and even many well-known teams were eliminated carelessly.

Of course, for those well-known teams that were eliminated, SKT is obviously a hot topic for everyone. It was originally a big favorite for the S7 global league championship, but it was eliminated in the second round. It has to be said that many fans are sad for a while. .

For the first two rounds, the third round is the beginning of the competition. 3750 people will be divided into four groups A, B, C, and D. There are 1,000 people in group A, group B and group C. Group D has 750 people. Group D is relatively easier to advance. Team Tianyu and others are lucky enough to come to Group D.

Only two teams in each group can advance to the finals, and the team that can advance to the finals means that they have entered the quarterfinals.

Two teams were selected from a thousand teams. I have to say that this selection is very cruel. Many players directly gave up their hope of promotion when they saw that there were so many well-known teams in their group.

The third round of the competition took 20 days before the selection was completed. What makes Chinese players greatly excited is that there are two teams that have qualified, namely Team Tianyu and Team Glory, and qualifying means the quarterfinals. The two teams entered the quarterfinals. For the shaved heads last year, this year's results are absolutely ideal.

Shanghai Longhuang E-sports Stadium.

At this time, the venue is very busy. More than a dozen cleaners are working hard to clean up the garbage on the ground. There are also many workers decorating the e-sports arena. They are all in a hurry, because there is a huge game after a week. To be held here.

In 2017, the S7 Global League of Legends finals will be held in the Shanghai Dragon Emperor E-sports arena. When this news comes out, all Chinese players are very excited. Holding the finals in Shanghai means that many people can reach the scene. Watch the game.

Tickets for the finals were all sold within two days, and most of the people who bought the tickets were Chinese. In the past, holding the finals in other countries caused many Chinese players who don’t understand English to worry about going abroad. Not even the most basic address can be found. Now the finals are in their own country, and many people bought tickets without hesitation.

When the Tianyu team and the others flew back from South Korea to get off the plane, they were really shocked. The thousands of people on the airport seemed to be waiting for something. When the Tianyu team and the others stepped off the plane, these people As if they had received some kind of hint, they all ran toward them desperately.

"Mo Shen, please teach me to play Demon Girl! Please accept me as a disciple."

"God Wen, please teach me Raven's light speed QA, why I always can't beat Nok, please take me to fly."

"Thor, I want to give birth to a monkey for you."

A group of enthusiastic fans shouted to the people of Team Tianyu and rushed towards them.

"I go."

"Your uncle!"

Seeing a group of people rushing towards him, all five members of Team Tianyu were shocked, and each looked at each other.


I don't know who yelled, all five members of Team Tianyu ran towards the airport.

I don't know how long he has been running, Lin Chen stopped this time, looked behind him with a rough breath, saw the fans who were still persevering, and hurriedly stepped forward again.

"I'm going to your uncle" glanced at the group of wolves and tigers behind him, Lin Chen was a desperate run, if he was caught by these hot fans, then he shouldn't What's wrong.