League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 169: Ending (eight)


When pushing down the second tower, the Delevingne and the robots of Team Sky Feather hurriedly returned to the city and rushed to their own bot lane. At this time, the opposite side just returned the tower where they botched.

The crocodile without the top tower was in a very embarrassing situation, and was killed several times with the help of junglers Pan Sen and Rui Wen.

Eighteen minutes.

Team Honor only lasted for eighteen minutes before being defeated by Team Tianyu.

This tactic can be said to be their famous stunt. In S3, it was this way that they relied on four people to push the team and defeated SKT, which was thriving at the time.

As for the four-player tactics, the most important thing is the jungler Pan Sen. Because of Pan Sen's passiveness, there will be a shield that can withstand an ordinary attack from the defensive tower, and Pan Sen's W skill can refresh his passive. The damage is very painful. Without Pan Sen's two anti-towers, no matter what the hero is, it will not be able to resist several attacks from the defensive tower.

Eighteen minutes! ! !

Seeing that his team was defeated by the opponent without holding it for 20 minutes, everyone in Team Glory felt incredible for a while.

Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell!

Jingle Bell!

"80 million, as long as the next two waters are released, I will tell the money to be transferred to your bank card, otherwise you don't blame me!" After the first game, Lin Chen received a call from Liu Wei again.


However, in response to Liu Wei's threat, Lin Chen sneered and hung up the phone again.

The second game started quickly.

This time Team Glory was on the red side, and they directly gave Pan Sen, Raven and Yaoji all three ban positions.

However, the ban people of Team Tianyu are still the three heroes of Wandering, Hanbing and Galen.

When both sides have chosen the hero, both sides quickly entered the game.

It's another massacre!

In fifteen minutes, both the highland tower and the highland tower on the top lane of Team Glory were broken, and the highland tower on the bottom lane was also in danger.

Seeing that the plan he had planned for so long was about to fall apart, Liu Wei felt anxious for a while.


Liu Wei suddenly thought of something and made a call to the cell phone.

"Haha, the opposite is really a dish!"

"I thought I would fight SKT again this year. I thought about a lot of tactics. I didn't expect to fight against this kind of team. Hey, I thought about so many tactics in vain!"

Lin Yan and Chu Fei looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey, why can't I move, why am I stuck."

"I'm also stuck, why is the ping in the upper right corner thousands of times."

"I can't move it anymore."

The five members of Team Tianyu all glanced at each other's computers, and Lin Chen quickly put down the earmuffs, and hurriedly said to the referee next to him.

"En, I will handle it." The referee nodded after hearing Lin Chen's words and left.

"Huh! Why is Jie always standing in place?"

"Why the blind monk was beaten to death by the blue buff!"

"Why did everyone in Team Tianyu suddenly stand still? Could it be that they were disconnected?"

Soon, the spectators in the e-sports stadium discovered the reality that the Tianyu team was dropped.

However, Team Glory took advantage of Team Tianyu's disconnection, and drove all the way in and directly tore down the first and second towers of Team Tianyu's mid lane.

When seeing the big dragon appearing, the team of Glory didn't hesitate to kill the big dragon.

"Fuck! Shameless!"

"I'll go, suspend, both sides suspend, shouldn't the suspension be suspended when the connection is dropped?"

The audience in the audience saw that Team Glory had killed Dalong without hesitation, and they all condemned.

"I'm going, the computer in the global competition will still be disconnected?" Dousha patted the keyboard heavily with his right hand, angrily said.

After the Glory team killed the big dragon, the computers of the Tianyu team recovered.


Looking at the big dragon BUFF on the opposite side, everyone in Team Tianyu took a deep breath and tried to swallow the unhappiness in their hearts.


Finally, it took three minutes to be awkward. When the opposite dragon BUFF passed, everyone in the Tianyu team finally couldn't help it, and the five gathered and rushed to the enemy's high ground.


Lin Chen roared loudly, and the Jie he controlled appeared next to the Honor Team ADC at no time.

The remaining four members of Team Tianyu also cast all the anger in their hearts towards the enemy.


Even though it had been disconnected for five minutes, Team Tianyu still killed Team Glory and gave them a wave.

The five members of Team Glory felt unbelievable when they saw the big "disappointment" on the screen. The opposite party was disconnected for a full five minutes, and they were beaten up by such a devastating force!


Seeing that Team Glory was still defeated by Team Tianyu, Liu Wei almost wanted to slam into the wall next to him angrily.

"Congratulations, Team Tianyu defeated Team Glory and won the championship of the World Finals!" However, when the host was about to finish speaking, a staff member came up and said a few words to him.

After hearing what the staff said, the host's face instantly turned blue. He is also a fan of Team Tianyu. Just now the staff told him that this match was going to be rematched and asked him to tell the audience.

"I'm going to his uncle!"

The host shouted inwardly.

"Hurry up and announce the result!"

Seeing the host who has been looking thoughtful on it, the audience in the audience couldn't help but speak.

"After the E-Sports Association unanimously decided that this game will be replayed because of the disconnection just now, so the game just now is not counted." The host hesitated for a while and finally said.

"Fuck, rematch? Are you kidding me?"

"Team Tianyu will be on the line again after being dropped for five minutes and will be facing another wave. You told me to rematch? Why do you rematch

"This Glory team must have hooked up with people from the E-Sports Association. I won't say if the Tianyu team is disconnected. As a result, they have to rematch after winning."

When the host heard the news of the rematch, all the audience on the court was instantly unhappy.