League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 170: Ending (9)


Even the iron fans of Team Glory didn't feel embarrassed to say anything. After all, Team Tianyu was offline for five minutes, but even if Team Tianyu was offline for five minutes, Team Glory still hadn't played against them.

However, the E-Sports Association did not say much about the complaints of the audience on the field.


When they heard the host's words, the five members of Team Tianyu were taken aback for an instant, and Chu Fei almost slammed the keyboard to the ground in a violent rage.

They were offline for five minutes!

It was they who were disconnected for five minutes, and they were directly pulled out of the first tower, second tower and even the big dragon by Team Glory!

Even if they were disconnected for five minutes, they were aggrieved and survived the BUFF time of the opposing dragon before they defeated the opposing side. Why do they have to rematch

Why did the game continue without a timeout during the period when they were disconnected

"Who is Lin Yan?" When the five people looked angry when Tian Yuzhan was reading, a staff member walked in and said.

"I am, may I ask what's the matter."

Seeing that the staff was looking for him, Lin Yan slowly stood up.

"Your ID number does not match that of the person. Please go to your public security bureau to print a certificate for us." The staff member said.

"Inconsistent?" Lin Yan was shocked for a while.

"Please don't leave the competition venue for too long. The third game will begin in half an hour." At this time, the host's voice came from the e-sports arena.

"Yes, your ID number does not match that of the person. Please go to your public security bureau to give us a certificate, otherwise you will not be able to successfully participate in the next game." The staff repeated it again, and by the way The harm is mentioned.

"You mean that if you don't go to the public security bureau of my hometown to give you a certificate, I will not be able to participate in the game smoothly." When hearing the staff, Lin Yan asked anxiously.

"En!" The staff nodded and said.

The five members of Team Tianyu were completely stunned when they saw the staff nodding their heads.

First, there was a rematch, and then the identity document was not true, and it was necessary to go to the Public Security Bureau to verify it. What exactly was going to happen!

"It must be the villain Liu Wei who went to his uncle!"

"Damn, the next time I see him, I will definitely see him once."

The five members of Team Tianyu quickly thought of Liu Wei, the man behind the scenes, and cursed.

Although Lin Yan's home is in Shanghai, Shanghai is not an ordinary small city, but it is terribly big.

The third game will begin in half an hour. Where is there still time to verify now? But Lin Yan ran out without hesitation.

For half an hour, speaking fast and slow, Lin Chen and others waited for Lin Yan anxiously, knowing that he would not be able to come back, but always holding a glimmer of hope.

China Tianyu Team VS China Glory Team

Game start! ! !

Even after waiting for the start of the game, he still didn't wait for Lin Yan to return.

"Four people are four people." Lin Chen saw death as his home.

"En." The other three members of Team Tianyu also nodded.

"Huh, where's Tianyu team single?"

"Where did my Dawen God go?"

"I'm going, is this a four-on-five rhythm?"

When the camera showed that the seat where Team Tianyu was supposed to be sitting in Lin Yan's figure was empty, all the audience in the audience felt a burst of doubt.


Just as everyone in Team Yu was annoyed for a while, a barking sound came in, and a white puppy slid into the field of play.


Lin Chen felt familiar for a while when listening to the barking of the dog. When he saw Xiao Bai, he was shocked.

When Xiaobai saw Lin Chen, he hurriedly jumped into his arms and threw the envelope he was holding into his arms by the way.


"Death thief, death thief, don't let my grandma down, come on and go to the other side. If you get the first place, grandma will fulfill your dream at night." Lin Chen slowly opened the envelope and saw I can't help but touch my nose when I read the contents of the envelope.

Did my dream come true? What the hell? Could it be! Is it

Lin Chen thought of a lot of shame from these five words, and he couldn't help laughing wretchedly.


When Lin Chen looked at Xiao Bai from the envelope, he suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help laughing wretchedly at Xiao Bai.

Seeing Lin Chen looking at him wretchedly, Xiao Bai quickly shrank, trying to get out of Lin Chen's arms.

"Xiao Bai, if you go to control the game on that computer, you must beat the other side. Tomorrow I will eat meat buns for you." Lin Chen touched Xiao Bai's head with a wretched face.


Xiaobai yelled a few times reluctantly, but finally compromised under Lin Chen's lust.