League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 19: Singles


Have you finally admitted that you are the'Mo Xiaoxi deity'? "Seeing Lin Chen confessing his identity, Ximen Cangye paused, "Don't worry, I won't retaliate with a real person. I'm just not convinced. I was too careless at the time. If I hadn't been careless at the time, I would definitely not lose it. Many people agree. "

"So I came to challenge you today! A battle between men!" Ximen Cangye continued.

"Fighting between men?" Seeing Ximen Cangye's full face, Lin Chen shook his head quickly, reluctantly, and said in his heart, you think I'm stupid to fight a muscular man like you!

"I'm talking about the SOLO of the League of Legends." Seeing Lin Chen's reluctance, Simon Cangye also clearly saw Lin Chen's doubts and explained.

"Oh, it turned out to be the League of Legends heads-up! You said it earlier! I thought..." Lin Chen exhaled slowly. It's not a reality heads-up, as for the League of Legends heads-up! Isn’t the opposite person looking for abuse

"Why do you still think?" Simon Cangye asked with a face full of doubt.

"Nothing! What hero do you have to single out! All the way, whatever you choose!" Lin Chen said, I can't say that I am afraid of you and me in reality.

"So arrogant! You are sure to single out any hero."

"What kind of hero would you be good at? For me, all my heroes are good at. After all, I am a sea of heroes!" Lin Chen said with arrogance, and of course he couldn't say yes. Arrogant, for the League of Legends, he really can play any hero.

"What I am good at is Raven, let's come to Raven's heads-up." Seeing Lin Chen's arrogant face, Ximen Cangye wanted to see the scene after he was tortured and killed by himself, thinking of waiting to meet him. Ximen Cangye felt a burst of excitement after being abused and killed by himself.

"Okay! Let's start! I'm in a hurry, but I don't have so much time to play with you!" Lin Chen looked at the darkening weather and said to Ximen Cangye, very impatient.

"Since you want to die earlier, I will fulfill you." The corner of Ximen Cangye's mouth slowly rises, and his heart is cold.

Both of them applied for the card on the counter, and went into the box to start the decisive battle.

After Ximen Cangye logged into the game, he did not invite Lin Chen in first, but opened the live broadcast room first. Today, he wanted to bloodbath his shame. He abused bronze and was single-killed by bronze eight times in a row, making him super ghost. The other anchors ridiculed him several times, which annoyed him very much.

As the first brother of God of War Live, when has he ever been laughed at like this! It was the young man in front of him that made him bear this shame, and today he is going to wash away the shame.

"Decisive battle with Mo Xiaoxi, Raven Champion!"

Soon, Ximen Cangye figured out the name of the anchor's room!

It took less than five minutes to create the number room, and 200,000 spectators quickly entered the room. As time progressed bit by bit, the number of people entering the room continued to grow, and it quickly reached six. One hundred thousand.

It took less than ten minutes to open the room, and 600,000 people actually came. Even for him, who was the first brother of God of War, this surprised him very much. You know, his usual number of people is only three to four hundred thousand. , Could it be that all of this was attracted by this Mo Xiaoxi's name

"The Moshen Legion is airborne, and the world is the ruler, who will fight for it."

"Battle of Raven! Is the anchor going to SOLO Raven with Mo Xiaoxi!"

"The anchor loses, but he will lose the title of No. 1 Raven in the national service, the anchor think twice!"

"Anchor, I believe you, I can definitely beat Mo Xiaoxi!"

The barrage full of screens occupied the entire screen of the live broadcast room.

"Mo Xiaoxi who slammed kesui reappeared, and the battle with the first Raven Simon Cangye of the national service is about to start! The live broadcast address WWW. Ares zhibo, com" Soon the Ares live broadcast began to publicize on its own page banner.

In an ordinary building.

"Little Liuzi, your idol is going live today, don't hurry up and watch the live broadcast!" a teenager shouted into his mobile phone.

"What an idol! I'm still sleeping, don't disturb me."

"Moshen, slapped the great god of Kesui, didn't you say that you are a loyal fan of Moshen! Your great god wants to broadcast SOLO with others, don't you come!"

"What! Mo Shen wants to SOLO with someone else! Don't you say it earlier! I will get up later, what website is it on! I know Mo Shen will definitely make big moves."

"God of War TV, he wants to work with the No. 1 Raven Ximen Cangye SOLO in the national service, you hurry up on the computer, I just saw it.

. . . . . .

Such scenes are happening continuously in China.

YY9541, Moshen base camp, the chat is even hotter.

"Mo Shen wants to SOLO with others on the live broadcast of God of War. Come here quickly. You won't be able to see it when you arrive late."

"Mo Shen is so mighty, he wants to be solo with Ximen Cangye. I like to watch Ximen Cangye, but Mo Shen is also my idol. Who should I support!"

"Absolutely support Mo Shen! Mo Shen beat Kesui away. When kesui was rampant, why didn't Simon Cangye stop him? It's not that he didn't want to stop, but he couldn't stop him at all. He strongly supported Mo Shen."

Lin Chen never thought that the Internet was so noisy because of his appearance.

"Ximen Cangye Little Trumpet has added you as a friend!"

When Lin Chen entered the game, a prompt to add friends popped up in the lower right corner.

Lin Chen did not press the reject button as usual this time, but instead pressed the accept button.

"Mo Xiaoxi's deity has added you as a friend!"

When you see the prompt window that pops up in the lower right corner, Ximen Cangye's face is full of tears, damn, I finally added this kind of friend! The thought that his friends who had applied for hundreds of times in a row were rejected, this made him very annoyed!

As the king of Ionia and the number one in the national server, Raven has very limited friends. He also added some friends who played better in the double row. Those who smashed hundreds of thousands of water. Friends, he ignored it. He didn't expect it to be so hard to add a friend this time! He even went straight to find the real person, and that was a success.

Thinking of the difficulty of adding friends, Ximen Cangye felt a feeling for a while.

"pull me!"

Seeing Ximen Cangye staring at the screen in a daze, Lin Chen reminded him impatiently that this guy wanted to challenge himself, so he added his friend, why didn't this guy invite himself.

"Oh! Wait a minute."

Soon an invitation from Summoner's Canyon appeared in the lower right corner of the game.

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