League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 22: A job with a monthly salary of 8,000


"How long does it take you to wash, cut and blow? A is two hours, B is half an hour, and C is five minutes." When Lin Chen saw the second question, Lin Chen felt a bad premonition in his heart.

"You are a barber shop? But I can't get a haircut!" Lin Chen shook his head and said.

"Well, we are different from ordinary barbershops. We are an advanced barbershop. As a man, you will definitely be able to wash, cut and blow." The woman said with a playful smile on her face.

Virgin? barbershop? Washing, cutting and blowing? Lin Chen suddenly woke up.

"Fuck you, I won't be a duck." Lin Chen threw the paper on the ground fiercely, staring at the middle-aged woman in front of him.

It was too much. He was still a pure little virgin, how could he go to that kind of place, and he had a chill when he thought that he had wanted to work there.

Of course, this is just an episode, and Lin Chen is still walking back and forth in the vast talent market.

"We don't accept college students who haven't graduated! Little classmates, I'm sorry!"

"Little handsome guy, our staff has just been recruited, sorry!"

... Lin Chen spent an afternoon in countless rejections, which made him realize that finding a job is not so easy to find.

Lin Chen took off his heavy suit when he returned home. At this time, the sweat was all over his body. The temperature of forty degrees can imagine Lin Chen's hardship today.

After taking a refreshing bath in the bathroom, he walked towards the Dongcheng Network Club.

When he arrived at the Dongcheng Internet Club, the boss welcomed him in very enthusiastically. After all, Lin Chen was already an old customer of this Internet cafe, and he still did not forget to come to the Internet cafe during the college entrance examination. For such people, the boss is very welcome.

"Ding... "

As soon as he opened the League of Legends, there were countless friend-adding messages, and he was puzzled. There were nearly tens of thousands of friend-adding messages!

"Ding..." Mott, the chief planner of Black Rose, adds your friend! ! ! "

"Ding..." Mott, the chief planner of Black Rose, adds your friend! ! ! "

"Ding..." Mott, the chief planner of Black Rose, adds your friend! ! ! "

... ...Hundreds of pop-up windows for the same person to add friends popped out.

Mott, head of Black Rose

Seeing that he wanted to add the ID name of his dear friend, Lin Chen was also taken aback. There are really all kinds of people in this society! It must be the kind of cheating League of Legends account! He didn't even let go of his silver rank account, it was a beast.

Before, he even had the ID name of'Tencent CEO Ma XX' and his friend, but the first sentence revealed his purpose. He actually asked Lin Chen if he wanted to level up.

Lin Chen directly deleted this friend for this kind of person.

Tencent boss is here to level up, are you kidding me

Therefore, Lin Chen directly ignored the liar of'Black Rose Chief Mott' and his friend.

If Mott were to know what Lin Chen was thinking, he would definitely shout wronged, and would definitely angrily seal the ID of'Tencent CEO MaXX' forever.

"Uncle, it's online? It's so late today!"

As soon as Lin Chen's League of Heroes went online, Chen Xiao sent a message.

"Miss me?" Lin Chen replied with a grin.

"Uncle looks so ugly, ghosts will miss you! Chen Xiao paused and said, "Although the uncle looks ugly, the League of Legends skills are still good. "

Lin Chen was speechless when he heard the message from Chen Xiao, with an uncle on the left and an uncle on the right. Does his face really look so old

It is said that girls say bad things about boys, which means that girls like boys. Well, yes, it must be like this! Lin Chen secretly found an excuse for himself.

"Uncle, do you want to play?"

"Forget it, something is going to happen tonight, I will make the first win, and I will be off." Seeing the message from Wang Qian, Lin Chen replied.

"Oh, oh, then I will play by myself."

"Yeah." Lin Chen replied.

Lin Chen quickly drove an ordinary man-machine. In just ten minutes, he severely demolished the opposite spring, and quickly won his first victory. He won the first victory. Turn off the computer directly, and walked out of the Internet cafe.

... On Sunday morning, Lin Chen got up early, washed a lot, and walked outside.

"Chenchen, don't forget breakfast!" Lin Chen's mother pointed to the bread on the table and reminded.

"Mom, I won't come back for lunch today!" Lin Chen said, after he picked up the bread on the table, he stuffed it into his mouth.

After a day of ups and downs, but still did not find a job as yesterday.

It is said that finding a job is difficult. Lin Chen really understands this deeply. It is still to find a job some time in advance. If you really wait until all students are over, then finding a job will be even more difficult.

At dusk, a wisp of breeze slowly blew across Lin Chen's face, and the wind was mixed with raindrops.

"Fuck, it's raining!" Lin Chen felt more and more raindrops on his face and instantly realized this reality.

"God of War Internet Cafe!" Lin Chen had to run to an Internet cafe to hide from the rain.

This Internet cafe is very different from other Internet cafes. It is very quiet without the hustle and bustle of that Internet cafe.

Just as Lin Chen was about to step into the door of the Ares Internet Cafe, a large poster attracted his attention. To be precise, it was the top few characters of the poster that attracted his attention.

"Recruitment enlightenment: recruit two network administrators, one male and one female, males are 16 to 30 years old, and females are 16 to 26 years old. Normal-looking, monthly salary is 8,000!" When I saw the last monthly salary, Lin Chen was stunned for an instant. The network administrator with a monthly salary of 8,000, is this a network administrator? It's just a little white-collar worker.

Lin Chen glanced at the time of the poster again, instantly relieved that the time of the poster was exactly today.

"That, is there anyone?" Lin Chen slowly opened the door of the God of War Internet Cafe and walked in.

But what Lin Chen expected was that there were no people in the Internet cafes, and there was no one in the Internet cafes of Nuo Da, and there was a hint of desertedness.

"Huh!" Lin Chen suddenly raised her brows, her eyes were deeply attracted by the statues in front of her.

"What a vivid statue!" Lin Chen squeezed his nose and exclaimed. In front of him appeared statues of League of Legends such as Galen, Ice, Wandering, and so on.

"This sword won't be real." Lin Chen touched the extremely sharp sword in Galen's hand, and touched the azure blue bow and arrow in Hanbing's hand. I have to say that although it is a model, it can be seen from a distance. As vivid as a real person.

"Hey! This Ari can really be fake! This skin, this hair, and his face." Lin Chen touched the face of the statue of Ari, then touched his hair, admiring the development of technology more and more.