League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 30: The bull's head that dropped


"Little assistant?" Lin Chen rubbed his forehead and was speechless. Anyway, I was playing with bull's head. Is this still small

"Little brother, you performed well just now! It flashed past the big move to block the pig girl, and the WQ yellow card opened. If it wasn't for you, my sister would definitely not be able to go! Would you like my sister to reward you a little!" Xue Xue became the trolling little fairy again, always molesting Lin Chen all the time.

Lin Chen Xialu died all his life, but the watch channel was directly bombed.

"This bull's hands are so fast! Three great swords are here!"

"At the moment when Niutou flashed the pig girl's big move, the speed was so fast! I was taken by Zhao Ritian."

"There were four Qs just now, I'll rub them, Niu B."

"At this speed, how many years will it take to become a single person?"

... After returning home, Lin Chen bought eye stones and five-speed shoes. The two most important pieces of equipment for assistance are no different from eye stones and five-speed shoes. Whether you can play assistance depends on your five-speed shoes. Many silver and gold assistance will still be straw shoes in the middle of the game. However, With high-segment assistance, five-speed shoes will definitely be released as soon as possible to gank other roads.

When Lin Chen's bull head returned to the bottom lane again, the male gun and the robot were completely persuaded. None of the five people caught the opposing bottom lane to death. Now there are only two of them, which makes them even less visible.

I'm going to catch a wave of middle roads, you are a little bit trivial. Lin Chen exhorted Chu Yunxue and walked towards the middle road while controlling the bull head. However, when he reached the middle road, he found that both sides of the middle road had already gone home with blood.

Suddenly, Niutou seemed to be disconnected, and he stood in the middle of the road.

"Come on, don't stay in the middle, go back to the bottom!" When Zhong Shan Yasuo returned to the line, he found that Niutou was still in the middle and typing decisively with experience.

And the card that was knocked out from under the tower was like a beauty without clothes, instantly surrounded by Lin Chen's teammates.

Centaur and Sister Pig still didn't give up the card that was pushed out by the bull's head, and started a big move to save the card.

However, when the pig girl released the big move, he realized that the blue hammer of his big move hit the figure that disgusted him again.

I don't know when, Niu Tau has appeared in front of the pig girl, the big move is only one person, and it is a Niu Tau, is this different from Da Kong


The bull's head doubled in size in an instant, and a fire radiated from his body, which directly solved the dizziness on his body.

The battle broke out completely, and soon the enemy card was sacrificed. What followed was the death of the opposite pig girl. Before he died, he never thought that as a half meat, he was actually assisted by the opposite to the living A. died.

Lin Chen would laugh at him if he knew what the opposite pig girl thinks. You must know that he is not an ordinary bull head, but he has a red and blue buff bull head, plus the 75 attack power added by the big move. In fact, The damage is not bad.

With the death of the opposing card and Piggirl, the other three enemy heroes were also unable to avoid the end of death before long, and directly broke the opposing highland tower and crystal.

... Thirty minutes later, Lin Chen frantically focused on his vision and took the dragon without even noticing it. With the bonus of the dragon BUFF, the game was quickly over. .

"Don't be proud of you, today you won because our captain and team analyst were not there, otherwise how could you possibly have won us? Some kind of wait until our captain comes, and another round." The person from Crystal Scar Not convinced.

"We are playing a friendly match. If we win, we win. If we lose, we lose. Why don't you admit it if you lose?" Chu Yunxue laughed, "I have never seen such a rogue. Excuse."

"It would be great if the wind team were there, huh, just their scumbag..." the peak cap youth disdainfully said.

"Yes." The spectacle man beside the young man in the peaked cap echoed.

"Zhang Fan, how do you look at you all looking listless, why did something happen during my absence?" A figure walked in from the Crystal Scar base.

"Team Wind, are you finally back? The game just now angered me." Zhang Fan said when he saw the figure that appeared in front of him.

"what happened?"

"Team Wind, we just met a master in the match against Black Rose." The glasses man quickly found the video of the match from the C drive, although he also hated the opposite auxiliary bull head. , But what I have to say is that the bull head on the opposite side is really good at playing.

In the Crystal Scar base, six wretched big men leaned in front of the glasses man’s computer and watched the video in front of him with relish.

"This heroine is not bad, this man is really frustrated, he is not as long as mine!"

"This has a code, it's not exciting!"

"It's not high definition, it's too blurry!"

"The prelude is too long, skip it quickly."

... "Cough, cough, entered the wrong video." The man with glasses turned off the heartwarming video in embarrassment and opened another video recording.

With the progress of the progress bar below the video, the five people in the room became serious after they had changed their ramblings.

"Opposite Niutou is so accurate calculation ability." The more you see behind, the more shocked the five people. Whether it is the successful gank on the road, or the BUFF of the robbing pig girl again and again, Niutou can bypass The enemy’s eye position, or calculate the time when the eye position disappears.

You know that in this high-end game, the eye position can be said to be very important. Even if the wild boar girl bought the eye stone, but the figure of the opposite assistant bull's head is still not found on the map, and whenever the bull's head appears, A tragedy often happens.

"Where did I see the ID of this cow!"

"Mo Xiaoxi's deity? Is it the one who defeated the No. 1 Raven Ximen Cangye in the national service? I remember it was very popular on the Internet a few days ago!"

"The most important thing is that if Mo Xiaoxi's deity is Mo Xiaoxi, then you won't be wronged if you lose."

"This edition of the League of Legends team competition, I think we should pay special attention to the Black Rose team." The wind team looked at the video in front of them and said to the four behind them.

"Team Wind, it is said that this League of Legends Tournament is extremely fierce!" The male eyes said.

"The prize money of the competition is 200,000 yuan, and the team that wins the competition championship can get Tencent's millions of publicity." The wind team also nodded. This year is indeed exceptionally fierce. After all, in previous years The prize pool is only 50,000 yuan. The bonus is one aspect. The most important thing is Tencent’s millions of propaganda.

As Tencent's agent for League of Legends in China, if Tencent wants to win people, it is absolutely very simple.

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