League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 37: Twenty-story Thresh with Murder Knife


"Fight the dragon!" Lin Chen said.

Although Xiaolong has no money due to the change of the version, the permanent attributes added by Xiaolong are still very good, and the BUFF brought by each piece is jealous.


Liu Zhe looked at his record of zero kills and two deaths, but fortunately his teammates are more powerful, and his own side has two large groups to control, it is definitely his own side that takes advantage of the team.

"Brother Zhe, they are fighting Xiaolong, can you grab it?" said the master of the single shadow stream.

"Grab." Liu Zhe said readily.

"But Lava just went home."

"Pig, the dragon hit the other side, and he went home." Looking at the giant lava beast that disappeared from his side, Liu Zhe secretly cursed.

"There are only three people on the opposite side, and there is also an auxiliary Thresh. The auxiliary is not a person at all. There are three people on our side. We have one more person than them, and we absolutely have the advantage." The jungler blind monk analyzed.

How would he feel if Lin Chen knew that the other side didn't treat him as an adult at all!

"Pull the dragon out and fight."

Seeing the Lord of Shadows and Draven in the vision of the middle and bottom lanes disappeared, Lin Chenbian realized that it was not good, and said to his teammates.

"There is no jungler in the opposite house, and there is not even a punishment. I can definitely grab this dragon. Don't worry, Brother Zhe!" The blind jungler leaned against the wall of the Xiaolong Pit and was ready to snatch the dragon.

When the dragon's blood volume was less than 1,000, the blind monk wandered into the Xiaolong Pit in an elegant way, but at this time, there were no traces of the dragon in the Xiaolong Pit.

Lin Chen calculated the little dragon's blood volume, and a punishment just took the little dragon's remaining blood away, and the blind monk also happened to insert his eyes into the little dragon's pit at this time.

"The opposing auxiliary Thresh belt is for punishment." Seeing the opposing auxiliary Thresh, Liu Zhe recalled that the summoner's ability assisted by the opposite was punishment, but at this time, it was obviously a bit late.

Ah, the blind monk in Xiaolong Pit still wanted to run, but was caught by a god hook by Lin Chen, and then he was severely beaten by three people.

"Trash! It's said that the three of us went to grab together, you have to hide behind the wall to grab, and the other side pulled the dragon out to fight, you stupid B." Looking at a series of pig-like operations by the blind monk, Liu Zhe exploded instantly.

"I thought there was no punishment on the other side! Even if the dragon was pulled, I could kick the dragon with echo waves, but I didn't expect..." the blind monk said with a sad face.

"Ice Archer is no one can stop." Listening to the system's prompt sound, the fat man went crazy with excitement. Looking at the admiring eyes of the students behind him, Wu Xiaotian's inner satisfaction was greatly compounded.

"Boss, how to fight next." Unknowingly, Wu Xiaotian became more and more respectful of Lin Chen's tone. You must know that Lin Chen brought him all this. If it weren't for him, he would never have so much. The heads of the people will not be admired by classmates.

"In the regiment." Lin Chen was also very reluctant to play regiments. The two large groups on the opposite side were also very powerful, but he was helpless when he heard the news that a monkey had killed his own Raven again on the road. Said.

... The five pairs of eyes are looking at each other in the middle, but no one has the urge to fight.

"Boss, pull people!" The fat man suddenly felt uncomfortable when he watched the Lord Jie of the opposite shadow stream dance in front of his eyes.

"Wait for the opposing team to control the dough more. I want to protect the ADC from output." Lin Chen said lightly, but before he finished his words, a white light flashed.

"Huo..." E was flashed by Nok, and he wanted to pull the lava monster on the opposite side, but he didn't expect that the distance was not enough and E was empty.

Nok's E skill is ruthless iron hand, which can pull all the enemies in the range to his side. The E skill's range is also relatively large. This girl actually wasted a flash.

Although Knok didn't hook anyone, he became a fuse, and the monkey rushed towards Knok and started the big move.

The enemy blind monk also kicked Nok away with an echo wave, and wanted to force Nok off in seconds.

The scene became chaotic in an instant. The fat man saw that Nok's blood volume was dropping rapidly, and he quickly pressed the keg's big move, a huge barrel, which fell from the sky and smashed it facing the enemy, and the other side besieged Nok. Five of the people were bombed in five different directions in an instant.

A huge flying arrow directly hit the five people on the opposite side who wanted to evacuate again.


Seeing the combination of the two perfect ultimatums of wine barrel and cold ice, Lin Chen praised it instantly.

Seeing the support of his teammates, Nok instantly stopped the pace of escaping, and directly smashed his skills at the blind monk who was closest to him.

"Brother Zhe, you can't withdraw!" The blind monk hesitated as he watched his blood drop rapidly.

"Withdraw the wool, do it, the ADC Frost Archer on the opposite side of the Lord of Shadow Stream, as long as you kill the opposite Frost, this wave can win." Liu Zhe angrily said, did not expect this set to win, unexpectedly There are so many twists and turns.

Under Lin Chen's five people's attack, the blind monk on the opposite side was quickly killed, and Nok was kicked to death by the blind monk in a roundabout kick.

"Boss, Jie!!!" Wu Xiaotian said nervously when he saw the Lord of the Shadow Stream quietly appearing next to him.

The Lord of Shadow Stream-Jie is an extremely powerful assassin hero. As long as the equipment is formed, it is definitely a nightmare for every ADC, and that powerful explosion is enough to kill any ADC in seconds.

"You are waiting."

Lin Chen's gaze had been staring closely at the places with no vision around him, and suddenly saw a masked man wearing armor appearing in his vision. That's right, it was the enemy's Lord of Shadow Stream.

"Death sentence."

Lin Chen's little finger pressed the Q skill on the keyboard tightly, and a dark green hook directly hooked the Lord of Shadow Stream away.

"Why got hooked again? The other side assist hook is too accurate. How can he still have Q skills and can he still play happily." When he was hooked away by the opposite Thresh again, the Lord of Shadow Stream was completely speechless. Now, I finally found such a good opportunity, ready to drop the ice shooter in seconds, but was actually hooked away by the opponent's support.

The output of the Ice Archer absolutely exploded, and only five arrows were fired to kill the Lord of Shadow Stream in a flash.

"The ice shooter already dominates the game."

The prompt sound of the system instantly boosted the morale of the fifth class.

"You an assassin can't kill an unmoving ice shooter?" Liu Zhe was taken aback when he heard the system prompt.

"The opposing auxiliary killer sword has 18 layers, let alone the second ADC cold ice shooter, I guess I can't even defeat the opposing auxiliary." The Lord of Shadow Stream is extremely dissatisfied. Although he is extremely dissatisfied, he still has no thoughts in his heart. Speak up the dissatisfaction.