League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 42: The mighty Galen


"Go A!"

Delevingne who can't walk, have you seen? Lin Chen was an eye-opener today.

Seeing Draven who had been attacking the creeps on the spot, Lin Chen was also drunk.

The robot on the opposite side also began to be dishonest, and ran out of the grass, looking for a tricky angle and starting to hook Deleven, a golden iron hook hooked behind Deleven.

"Policewoman, just do it if you hit the hook!" The robot signaled to the policewoman, confident about his own hook.

Venmot also saw a golden hook whizzing towards him with endless murderous intent, subconsciously manipulating Draven to retreat behind him, if it develops according to normal conditions.

Draven will definitely be hooked by the robot's iron hook, but at the moment when he is about to hook, a man with a big sword appeared in front of Draven, and he was successfully dragged on behalf of Draven. past.

The Q skill of the robot hero is able to release a golden hook. If the hook hits the target hero, it will pull the enemy hero in front of him. It can be said to be a very powerful skill.

Although the robot's hook is very powerful, if you get to the opposite ADC and mid laner, your teammates will praise you, but there are a few heroes who can't pull it over. Galen is one of them.

Galen, who was pulled by the robot, had no intention of running away.

A shield of golden light appeared on Galen's body, and Lin Chen turned on the W skill to reduce the upcoming damage.


Galen waved the golden sword in his hand and turned to the robot and policewoman.

Lin Chen's go-out outfit was a long sword and three reds, which dealt a ton of damage, and Lin Chen's Galen took advantage of the W shield to disappear, turning on the Q skill and ran back.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for the master to stand in front, I would be the one who was dragged." Although Venmott is a rookie who just played in the 30th rank, he can still see this, if it weren't for Galen to stand in front of him. , The one being pulled is definitely oneself.

"When the robot pulls, it must be tilted ninety degrees to his hook, so that it will not be hooked. This is the right angle dance theory of the League of Legends."

Go and cut!

Don't use E skills indiscriminately! This is a life-saving skill!

When you move forward, the axe's landing point is in front of you, when you move backward, it is behind, and so on.

Looking at Delevingne, whose axe was flying around, and Delevingne, who used the E skill to make up the knife, Lin Chen rubbed his forehead and said helplessly.

Sure enough, by Lin Chen's reminder, Draven finally received the first axe after the start.

Of course, the price of receiving the first axe is to face a pair of claws glowing with evil light.

"Master, help."

Seeing these evil claws in front of him, Wen Mote thought of the master at first glance, and Lin Chen did not disappoint him. The man wearing golden armor and holding a large sword appeared in front of him again.

Galen, who was dragged away by the robot, turned on the W shield and tried with the E skill. The golden sword rubbed back and forth from the body of the robot and the policewoman. Seeing that the shield on Galen was about to disappear. Galen turned on the Q skill again, patted his butt and ran away.

Seeing Galen who patted his butt and ran away in front of her eyes, the policewoman finally couldn't bear to mock the robot in the chat box, "Are you a pig? What else can you do besides pulling Galen? The troublesome gods can't do it? "

"You think I want to! Every time I Radleven, he suddenly appears in front of Draven, and I don't want Lagallen either!" The robot said very aggrieved.

"Okay, okay, I'll come and catch it later, so you can be steady." Seeing that there is a tendency to quarrel in the bottom road, the jungler pacified the prince.

"Be careful, I'll go to other roads to go around."

Seeing that the robot on the opposite side hadn't caught people for a long time, Lin Chen, who had been squatting in the grass, finally couldn't bear the loneliness, and drove W all the way to the opposite wild area.

Eight minutes and twenty seconds is the moment when the blue buff refreshes.

Lin Chen put an eye in the enemy blue BUFF, and she saw the prince who was playing the blue BUFF. Seeing an eye suddenly appeared next to him, the prince was shocked. Seeing the last thousand blood of the blue BUFF, he bit Gritting his teeth, praying for the opposite side to arrive later.

But things backfired, a man with a big sword in his hand quickly ran out of the grass and slashed at the prince.



The prince originally wanted to punish the blue BUFF, and then he ran EQ twice, but was silenced by Galen's Q skill.

When silent, the hero can't release any skills.

After Galen's rotation, the prince finally lay on the ground.

"The opposing assistant went to swim, don't you say no to the next road?" The prince questioned the next road.

"Jungler, don't give away the heads, okay, let's say gank on the road! I can't even beat the support."

"Push the opposite, I won't play anymore." The prince was also completely hot, and said on the public screen.

"Five people are in a group, let's push it!"

Seeing the enemy's message on the public screen, Lin Chen said.

Seeing the opposing middle push, the four people except the prince resisted symbolically, but after all, one person was missing, so the game ended in fifteen minutes.

"Master, am I a special pit?"

Recalling his various mistakes during the laning, Venmott said embarrassedly.

"General, general, and some rescue" Lin Chen replied.

"Master, can you bring me another one! I want to see how Master plays Delevingne." Just as Lin Chen was about to shut down and sleep, the other side sent another message.


The customer's request is God, and Lin Chen picked up the canned Coke next to him and drank it to refresh himself.

The regular ban people, choose people, the game will start soon, but it is worth mentioning that the fourth floor wants to place an order, but the second floor does not give it, so the fourth floor hangs up.

Lin Chen has seen a lot of things like grabbing a seat and hanging up, and it's no surprise that he has seen it.

"Master, what auxiliary hero do I play!"

"You can choose a nanny next to watch me play Draven. Remember, you have to look carefully, my position, my fill."

"Welcome to the Drae League."

The game quickly entered the game. Lin Chen bought Dolan's Blade and a bottle of blood. This is also the normal outfit for all ADCs and the most cost-effective outfit.

In a normal start, Lin Chen arrived next to the red BUFF early.

"Master, there is no jungler in our house. The jungler hangs up." Seeing Lin Chen's Delevingne squatting next to the red BUFF, Winmot could not help but remind.