League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 43: Welcome to Drae League One


But Lin Chen ignored Venmott's words. When the game time came to one minute and fifty, a rotating throwing axe appeared from Draven's left hand.

At one point and fifty-five, the red BUFF was refreshed. Lin Chen’s Draven turned the rotating axe in his hand to the red BUFF without hesitation. The axe bounced from the red BUFF to a high altitude, and a golden glow appeared behind Draven. Bright light.

Lin Chen's Delevingne also seemed to have expected the appearance of the golden light, and walked to the golden light.

When Lin Chen's first rotating throwing axe was about to disappear, Lin Chen pressed the Q skill again and a rotating throwing axe appeared on his right hand.

This is also the trick of Draven's first-level double axe. First help the jungler to lay down the field and then go online. The two-axe Draven is definitely the most powerful of all ADCs in the first level.

Seeing Draven, who was flying an axe with both hands at the same time, Venmott was also stupid. How could this hero still possess two axes

"The master really deserves to be a master, he is amazing," Venmott muttered.

The ADC on the opposite side is Ezreal and the auxiliary prince.

Although he has a double axe, Lin Chen is still very stable, but when the experience is about to rise to the second level, he greets the assistant nurse and said, "Flash, E skills are behind them."

After Venmot heard Lin Chen's words, he didn't hesitate or question Lin Chen at all. He did not hesitate to flash out of the grass, and a blue barrier appeared behind the two enemy heroes.

Seeing the nanny who had been staying in the grass suddenly flashed over, and the E skill was placed behind them, Ezreal was about to mock the opposing assistant if his brain was broken, and suddenly saw the opposite Delevingne and the nanny. There was a burst of white light on his body, and he rose to level 2.

Someone in Lin Chen didn't hesitate to raise the bloody sprint with the W skill in seconds. When he was with the bloody sprint skill in the seconds, the rotating throwing axe in his hand also flew out towards Ezreal.

A golden dot appeared in front of Draven, and Draven quickly picked up the axe at the drop point with the acceleration of the bloody dash.

Seeing that the opposite side had risen to two levels, Ezreal also ran to his defensive tower non-stop, but at this time the enchantment of the nurse played a big role. Ezreal, who was escaping back to the defensive tower, was suddenly caught The enchantment was imprisoned in place.

Seeing the imprisoned Ezreal, Lin Chen quickly flew out with another axe. When the axe flew back, the W bloody sprint returned to cooling again, and he continued to press the bloody sprint. The rotating axe flew out of the Draven mobile phone.

Draven’s W skill bloody sprint is the most important reliance for Draven to chase the heads-up. After releasing the bloody sprint, Draven will gain attack speed and movement speed acceleration, and if he receives a rotating throwing axe After that, the bloody sprint will be cooled down immediately, as long as there are enough demons, the bloody sprint can be released indefinitely.

You must know that everyone is not equipped in front, and the 40% attack speed and 20% speed that Delevingne gives is absolutely terrifying.

Seeing his own blood volume drop rapidly, Ezreal, whose imprisonment effect ended, directly pressed the two Summoner skills, the D key and the F key.

Healing caused Ezreal to return a little bit of health, but when Ezreal flashed, Lin Chen’s Delevingne also flashed past, and a rotating throwing axe flew out, completely taking Izer away. Riel's blood volume.

"Firstblood" one blood.

As soon as the opposite Ezreal died, Lin Chen's Delevingne flashed a faint light, and the worship value was completely emptied, earning Lin Chen a lot of bounty.

When Ezreal died, the most embarrassing thing was the enemy's auxiliary prince. As an auxiliary, the opposite ADC actually killed his own ADC under his nose

Lin Chen pushed the army line to the opposite tower, but he didn't go home. Instead, he asked his assistant to fight his own red buff, because his jungler was hanging up, and the opposite side did not invade our wild area, so The Red BUFF was safe and sound until it met Lin Chen Delevingne.

Soon after, there was a stubborn voice of resistance from the Red BUFF, but it was still no match for the violent treatment of Delevingne and the nanny, and succumbed to Lin Chen's lewd prestige.

After playing the red buff, Lin Chen played F4 and the stone statue by the way, knowing that his wild area was cleared up, and seeing that he could finally buy a killing knife, he returned.

"God pretended."

When buying the mysterious sword from the store, Lin Chen sighed.

The mysterious sword is also called the Killing Knife. Every time you kill an enemy hero, you will get 2 layers of BUFF. Each layer of BUFF will increase your attack power by 5 points. It can stack up to 20 layers, but you will lose half of the BUFF when you die. Low cost and high return, very suitable for the use of violent Draven.

When Lin Chen returned to the line, the opposite Ezreal also just pushed the pawn line over.

No matter which way, when the opposite side pushes the pawn line, remember to control the pawn line.

Seeing a large wave of soldiers in front of his own eyes, whenever Ezreal wants to replenish the remaining blood soldiers, a wretched uncle with a horror will swing at him with two large axes in his hand.

"It hurts."

Ezreal was dumbfounded, and he was rubbed by Draven. He did not expect to lose a third of his blood. Is this still a shame

Lin Chen had cleared his own wild area and had a wave of soldiers more than Ezreal, so he reached level four early, while Ezreal was still level two at this time.

"Jungler blind monk, come quickly, it will explode completely if you don't come down the road." The assistant prince couldn't stand it anymore, and greeted the jungler.

"The soldier line is on the opposite side, how do you catch it? And the Draven on the opposite side is level four, while Ezreal is only level two, he won't be killed three times!" Looking at the situation on the road, the blind monk was full Skeptical said.

"You won't come again, but it will really explode." Looking at the blind monk with a reluctant face, Ezreal was helpless, and he played more than a hundred EZs. I didn't expect this one to play so miserably.

"Why can't the line of soldiers come!" Ezreal's face fell completely gloomy, the opposite Delevingne was almost level five, but he was still level two.

And God seemed to have heard Ezreal's pleading, the line of soldiers finally slowly came towards him, and at this moment, the blind monk also slowly got into the grass of the bottom road.

"Master, I'm going to pierce in." Venmot who pierced in, happened to see the blind monk in the grass.


A sky sound wave flew up and successfully hit the nurse, and then the figure of the blind monk flew towards the nurse.