League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 45: noob


The sleep was very fragrant, and I slept until ten o’clock in the evening when I was awakened by the alarm of my mobile phone.

Looking at the time of the phone, Lin Chen quickly put on his clothes and went to the Internet cafe to take the night shift.

Although it is a night shift, it is actually playing games. Generally, when the time comes in the early morning, the entire Internet cafe will have no more than 20 people at all, so naturally he does not need to be busy.

Lin Chen opened Ali Wangwang, and there was no news. When he was bored, he logged in to LOL again and found that Venmot was in the game. He randomly clicked on his record, a whole man-machine record.

"Good guy, fifty man-machines, this guy didn't sleep today!" Lin Chen looked at the three-sided man-machine record in front of him, and wiped the cold sweat on his head.

"Master, I played with fifty man-machines today. I feel that I have a feeling when I pick up the axe! Master, teach me the skills of picking up the axe." At the same time, Venmott's man-machine also ended. Yes, seeing Lin Chen was online, he hurriedly asked.

"Teach you the first lesson today-----mending a knife."

Lin Chen opened a custom, and invited Venmott.

"Master, what are you doing?" Venmot showed a puzzled look, but still entered the custom room.

"You can choose an ADC that you are good at and unload your rune talent. Don't buy an outfit to practice making up the sword." Lin Chen said.

The game quickly entered the game.

Seeing the initial attack power of only forty-nine, Venmott had even the heart of death. With more than one hundred attack power, he often missed the knife, not to mention that this only had an initial attack power of forty-nine.

"Even if you pass 60 knives in ten minutes, proceed to the next training." Given Venmott's technique, Lin Chen thought for a while and said.

"Master, it's not very useful to make up knives. You can teach me Draven's skills first."

"Do you know why the players of the strongest kings can play the game so well? It's not just how many skills they have for heroes, but the most basic basic skills of making up and moving positions." Lin Chen The look became serious.

"Oh, master, I'm so lofty." Hearing what the master said, Venmot's face turned red. He couldn't even climb the most basic level, so he wanted to learn to run.

Sixty knives in ten minutes can be said to be very simple. In addition, without the interference of heroes, Lin Chen originally thought it was a very simple test that should be easy to pass, but the reality made him drunk. .

The time quickly reached ten minutes. Lin Chen looked at the interface of the compensation tool, and there were only a mere thirty compensation tools. You must know that if there is no interference at the beginning, if someone interferes, it is estimated that Venmott will run ten. The knife may not be able to make up.

"Master, is my number of repairs bad?" Looking at ten minutes, I actually only repaired 30 knives, which is half of the 60 knives prescribed by the master, and Venmott's face is also a bit difficult to look.

"Next!" Lin Chen didn't say anything. The basic skills of making a knife don't have any skills, but you need to train every day and night to improve.

There was still no change in the number of the next one. The next one went on. One night’s time passed quickly. Lin Chen didn’t know that he had opened dozens of self-defining tools. The final score finally let Lin Morning is satisfied.

"Master, it's sixty knives in ten minutes." Seeing that the compensation interface was finally up to sixty, Venmott almost jumped up happily.

"you should go to bed soon too!"

"Master, I'm not tired, I will continue to practice making up the knife by myself."

Lin Chen couldn't help but nodded. Although this apprentice was not very talented, he worked very hard.

But what Lin Chen didn't notice was that a little white dog was squatting on the ground, staring at the screen of Lin Chen's computer with wide eyes, watching the scene of making up the knife all night.


Lin Chen still wanted to say something to Venmott, but when her stomach hurts suddenly, she ran to the toilet, and even forgot to turn off the game on the computer.

Seeing Lin Chen walk into the toilet until the door was closed, a white figure jumped onto the computer desk.

Looking at the colorful computer screen in front of him, Xiao Bai was stunned for a while, and then he actually used his dog's paw to control the mouse and start a customization.

Seeing the pop-up selection interface, the white dog was very familiar with choosing the hero Delevingne.

The game quickly entered the game.

At first, the little white dog keyboard was very unfamiliar, and the hero controlled by the computer also went to the bottom road one by one.

After one minute and thirty seconds, the little soldier slowly walked out of the base.

Seeing the purple soldier appearing in front of him, Xiao Bai looked very cramped and nervous, and the hero he controlled was also very slow.

Although he was very slow, he could always kill the purple soldier with the hero in advance at the moment when the purple soldier was about to be killed by the blue soldier.

There were not many people in the morning, but two or three people walked past the counter. Naturally, they saw Xiao Bai standing in front of the computer, but they didn't care.

If they were allowed to see a dog, manipulating the keyboard and mouse before playing League of Legends, it would definitely scare the latter.

Ten minutes later, there was a sound of opening a door in the toilet. Hearing the sound of opening the door, the snow-white figure on the computer desk jumped off the computer desk.

"Which little shit kid is playing the game while I am away?"

When Lin Chen returned to the computer from the toilet, he glanced at the counter computer, and found that the counter computer had entered the game interface, and was about to exit the interface. He was instantly dumbfounded when he glanced at the counter.

Tens of nine seconds, one hundred and six make up.

If Lin Chen remembers correctly, it took him seven or eight hours to get from the toilet to the computer, that is, ten minutes and one hundred and six make-ups. You know, ten minutes is one hundred and six minions.

The first wave of pawns appears in one minute and thirty seconds in a game, and then every thirty seconds, another wave of pawns will be refreshed.

The rule of the game in the new season is that there will be a gun cart for every three waves of minions 20 minutes ago, that is to say, there will be 106 minions if the gun cart is added ten minutes ago.

"Yes!" Without the rune talent to go out, he was able to make up for it ten minutes ago. Although it was in the absence of interference from enemy heroes, it was also terrifying.


Hearing Lin Chen's praise, the little white dog screamed twice triumphantly.

Lin Chen swept around, but didn't find any suspicious person, so he shook his mind and didn't want to think about it, because the meat buns came, Chu Yunxue appeared in front of him with a big bag of buns.