League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 48: Feng Wei, the dude boy


"Little brother Lin Chen, you actually take advantage of your sister Xue. Should we communicate in the room at night! Your sister will take care of you, OK?" Chu Yunxue who said that women are the most fickle, who just looked angry. , He changed a person in the blink of an eye, and cast a wink at Lin Chen.

"I'm really sore hands, really!" Lin Chen quickly let go of Chu Yunxue's hand, looking at the disbelief look on her face, Lin Chen also rubbed her hand to show that what she just said was not deceiving. people.

Soon the elevator reached the ninth floor. When the elevator opened, the'gj' icon on the wall attracted Lin Chen's attention.

"This is the icon of our team!" Chu Yunxue also saw Lin Chen looking at the icon on the wall, and explained to Lin Chen.

"The icon of the team!" Lin Chen nodded. When he saw the icon of gj, he recalled the team two years ago. His previous team also had the same icon, and'gj' also meant the championship. the meaning of.

When he stepped out of the elevator, four or five young girls appeared in front of Lin Chen, facing the computer, pressing the keyboard in his hand, and the game the computer was playing was League of Legends. Obviously these were Chu Yunxue’s teammates, Ling Lin Chen Surprisingly, all her teammates are actually women. If they can become a member of this team, then how wonderful it would be.

The four big beauties play games with themselves all day, and the thought of that scene is absolutely enviable and enviable.

"Sister Xue!"

"Sister Xue! This is the bull's head that day!" When Lin Chen and the others got off the elevator, all the people playing games in the room also looked at him in return, and the long-haired girl playing games in the middle put down her hands. Turned around and asked Chu Yunxue.

"Well, he is the one who played with Bull Head." In response to the long-haired girl's question, Chu Yunxue also nodded.

"Little brother, you are good at playing bullhead! What kind of rank is you, but you have to bring your sister to score!" When Chu Yunxue's affirmative reply was heard, the long-haired girl blinked at Lin Chen's big eyes. .

"Silver Five!" Lin Chen said unnaturally, watching the long-haired girl staring at herself.

"Ah! It's only Silver Five, don't lie to my sister! If you are Silver Five, I will live broadcast." The long-haired girl glanced at Lin Chen's lower body and didn't believe it.

Looking at the part where the long-haired girl had been staring at him, Lin Chen felt a blast of cold wind blowing by, and he couldn't help feeling a chill.

"Sister Liu, you scared my Xiaozhengtai, Xiaozhengtai, how old are you! Come and play for our sisters." A woman wearing a blue camisole on the right also turned away from the computer. He came and smiled at Lin Chen.


Hearing this phrase, Lin Chen felt a cold air flow all over his body. No wonder Chu Yunxue likes to tease herself so much. It turns out that the members of their team are like this! Lin Chen's expression changed when he thought of having to play with them later.

"Qiaoqiao, Liu Liu, don't make trouble." Chu Yunxue's expression became unnatural when seeing the two men molesting Lin Chen.

"Oh, come to think of it, the person was brought by Sister Xue, it must be Sister Xue's person, we have passed." The woman in the halter shirt called Qiaoqiao said, sticking out her tongue.

"You girl, you beg."

Then there was a battle in the room that made Lin Chen dare not look squint, and the suspender unconsciously slanted from the side, making it even more revealing.

"Ahem, there are other people here!" The long-haired woman coughed softly, and Chu Yunxue and Qiaoqiao stopped fighting.

At this moment, three people came down under the elevator. Lin Chen also heard the sound and glanced in the direction of the elevator, just in time to see two men and a woman including Chu Zixiao coming over here.


"Good coach!"


Chu Yunxue and the others obviously respected the blue-clothed woman in the front and called out.

"You are the person Xiaoxue invited! Welcome!" The blue-clothed woman stretched out her hand towards Lin Chen with a smile.

"Well, hello!" Lin Chen also smiled slightly and shook hands with the blue-clothed woman as he said that he would not hit the smiling man with his hand.

"Next, I will play a training match with Crystal Scar, and it will be broadcast live on the God of War TV. I don't know how sure you are, sir." The blue woman asked Lin Chen very seriously.

"Ah! How sure!" Hearing the question from the woman in blue, Lin Chen touched her nose and turned her head and glanced at Chu Yunxue. Seeing her desperately blinking as if to indicate something, he said, "I will try my best. !"

"If you are not sure, then don't bother you, Mr.". As if expecting Lin Chen to answer like this, the blue-clothed woman said.

Seeing Zhao Zixiao with a smug face behind the blue-clothed woman, Lin Chen said dissatisfied, "What do you mean by not bothering me? Drive me away?"

"Your kid is being ignorantly promoted. Our coach has a more caring candidate. You can go away." Seeing Lin Chen's dissatisfied expression, Zhao Zixiao sneered.

"What do you mean, Chu Zixiao? I invited Lin Chen. He is a guest when he comes." Seeing Zhao Zixiao mocking, Chu Yunxue couldn't help but speak for Lin Chen.

"Zixiao, how do you speak, Xiaoxue is right, this person was invited by her, he is a guest, how can you invite him to go!" The blue-clothed woman glared at Chu Zixiao behind her, and then He smiled at Lin Chen, "Sir, please forgive Zixiao for being unreasonable, but he is right, but I have a more caring candidate. Could you please come here, but sir, you can watch and wait. This will be used as compensation."

"Coach, you should have seen it in the previous game. His support played very well. I believe that this will help me, and the next lane will definitely blow up the opponent like last time!" Hear the coach What she said, Chu Yunxue was also anxious, and said angrily.

"Xiaoxue, your friend is not a member of our team after all. What if you win the opponent?" Hearing Chu Yunxue's angrily words, the blue-clothed woman's face turned gloomy and asked back.

Seeing that Chu Yunxue and her coach actually quarreled due to her own reasons, Lin Chen was also a little guilty and laughed dryly, "Sister Xue, it's okay, you guys have fun. It's okay for me to watch by the side. ."

"Jingle Bell... "

At this moment, the mobile phone in the blue-clothed woman's pocket rang. Not long after she took the call, she said with a bad face, "The wolf is back."

Hearing the name of the wolf, all the people in the room looked unnatural.

"Who is the Canglang!" Seeing the faces of all the people in the room, Lin Chen asked Liu Liu who was next to him with his hand in confusion.