League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 49: Grey wolf


"The captain of the Crystal Scar team." Liu Liu glanced at Lin Chen and replied.

"Don't you just come back with the captain? Do you want such a big expression?" Lin Chen curled his lips and whispered nonchalantly.

"You know what a shit, do you know why Crystal Scar can be ranked fourth in the regional leaderboard! The other players are not very strong, but because of the existence of the captain, this team The changed iron bucket generally makes it impossible to conquer." Although Lin Chen's mutter was very small, everyone in the room could also hear it clearly. Zhao Zixiao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Lin Chen with disdain.

"Fuck! The clay figure still has three points of anger! Lin Chen ridiculed Lao Tzu again and again, and Lin Chen decisively wrote the three words Zhao Zixiao on his blacklist. Is the Crystal Scar team very hungry? In terms of the brilliance, it's nothing to mention." Although Lin Chen didn't say a word, he already cursed Zhao Zixiao in his heart.

"Okay, you can prepare, and the training game will start soon." The blue-clothed woman waved her hand to disperse the surrounding players, and said to a young man who killed Matt next to her." Feng Wei, you will assist Xiaoxue later, so don't let it go."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely assist Xiaoxue Super God, coach, don't worry, don't worry about my strength." Hearing the words of the woman in blue, the young man called Feng Wei showed joy and nodded quickly. .

When the blue-clothed woman appointed Feng Wei to be Chu Yunxue’s assistant, Lin Chen clearly saw a look of disgust on her face, not just the look of disgust on Chu Yunxue’s face, except for her, the other four were on the computer The teammate who was wiping the computer keyboard at the table also looked disgusted.

"Xiaoxue, I will help you later, I will help you well, I will definitely protect you, you are under my crotch... Well, no, I will definitely be able to output as much as possible under the protection." Feng Wei's face Facing Chu Yunxue with a flattering color to please her.

"En." Chu Yunxue obviously disliked Feng Wei with a pleasing face, and was unwilling to say a word in reply.

"Today you didn't respond to me, and I will let you serve me in bed in the future!" Although there was no expression on his face, Feng Wei thought secretly in his heart.

"Xiao Wei, that's all I can do. The next thing is up to you. Chu Yunxue is just a little pepper. You can't be so anxious." Zhao Zixiao pulled Feng Wei aside and faced him. He said softly in his ear.

"I remember what happened today." Feng Wei said. As for Chu Yunxue, he is very confident. After all, he is most dependent on his identity as the son of the president of the Black Rose Club, and Chu Yunxue is a member of the Black Rose team. The players, for him, will be able to eat this piece of meat sooner or later.

Soon the game entered the ban selection page.

Black Rose is on the blue side, so the three heroes, Tsar, Nok, and Sword J are banned first. The Crystal Trail team banned the three heroes Calista, Ryze and Tauren.

In the end, the lineup of Black Rose is top laner, jungle spider, mid laner demon girl, bottom road Dleving and auxiliary robots. The Crystal Scar team is the big tree in the top lane, the jungle is the blind monk, the jungle evergreen tree, the middle lane is the card, and the bottom lane is the combination of male guns and hammer stones. The black rose lineup is in the mid-term, and the late output will be Not the big tree in the front row that is hard to touch the Crystal Scar.

"There must be sparks in this bot lane!" Lin Chen murmured after seeing the heroes chosen by both sides on the bot lane. The combination of Delevingne and the robot is undoubtedly very violent, but the combination of Thresh and the male spear is also not good. Weaker than the combination of Dravenga robots.

It didn't take long for the cached page to reach 100%, and the game began.

In the first group, Black Rose was very aggressive because of the robot. The five people invaded the opposite wild area early. The opposite also seemed to expect that the opposite would be so aggressive. They were not in their own wild at all, but All five ran to the blue BUFF on the blue side.

Nothing happened at the start, and both junglers swapped blue buffs.

"Xiaoxue, I will see my god Q later." When Feng Wei got on the line, he said to Chu Yunxue.

"Don't call me Xiaoxue, I'm not familiar with you." Chu Yunxue said with an aversion to Feng Wei calling herself affectionately.

"Mechanical flying claws."

When the bottom road was up to two levels, a golden hook flew out of the grass and went towards the male spear who was making up the knife.

And when the hook was about to fly to the male gun, the male gun moved a distance forward to avoid the robot's hook.

"Ahhh... Almost... If the other side hadn't reacted a little bit faster, I would have been hooked." Feng Wei saw that the male gun on the other side had escaped his hook, and said, unfortunately.

"Death sentence!"

And when Feng Wei shook his head, it was a pity that a green hook had appeared in front of him. Seeing the green sickle suddenly appeared in front of him, Feng Wei was shocked and hurried back, but he now It was obviously too late to move, and he was still hooked by the green sickle.

The Thresh holding a sickle saw that he had hooked the robot, and it was obvious that he could take advantage of the pursuit, and flew directly behind the robot from a distance. The reverse'pendulum of doom' directly pulled the robot that was about to run back to his side.

Chu Yunxue also quickly noticed the battle in the grass, and quickly put down the mending knife in his hand, quickly started a bloody sprint, and threw the axe in his hand against the Thresh.

One after another axe spun from the sky, quickly hitting the Thresh to a quarter of its blood, but when Chu Yunxue was about to continue chasing, the sound of her own robot being killed was heard in her ears.


And it was the enemy male gun that got the first blood, and the blind jungler was standing next to the male gun. I don't know when the blind jungler on the opposite side has come to support it.

Looking at the Thresh with residual blood in front of him, and then at the blind monk and the male spear standing on the corpse of the robot, Chu Yunxue hesitated for a moment, and continued to chase Thresh without hesitation.



The two flashes were handed over on the bottom road at the same time, and Thresh saw the flashes handed over from behind, and completely put down the keyboard.

"Deleving killed Thresh."

Seeing the killing sound in her ears, Chu Yunxue also deeply exhaled the breath from her mouth. If she couldn't kill Thresh just now, she would really lose her money, watching the blind monk rushing behind him. With the ADC male gun, she also gave up resistance, and was successfully regained by the male gun.

"Jungler, what's the matter with you, the other side is arresting, why don't you come." Zhao Zixiao said unhappy to the jungle spider.

Regarding Zhao Zixiao's discomfort, Qiaoqiao, as a jungler, didn't even bird him, completely ignoring what he had just said.