League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 50: God-like robot


"Fuck, the little ladies ignore Lao Tzu. When Lao Tzu inherits the Black Rose Club in the future, you will definitely not be able to survive and die." Zhao Zixiao cursed in her heart when she looked at Qiao Qiao who ignored her.

When Chu Yunxue returned to the line again, she was obviously more careful, and even gave up the double axe to make up the knife. She was afraid that she would push the line of soldiers over. Seeing the dark field of vision, she was also speechless. The robot went back home but didn't buy anything at all.

"Xiaoxue, I hooked, you are ready, I will definitely hook this time, when I hook the male gun, it will be a second immediately."

Looking at the male spear that stupidly repaired the knife in the same place, Feng Wei suddenly became energetic and said to Chu Yunxue.

However, the hook of his fatal blow, the male spear did not even move with the E skill, and escaped with a walking position.

"Be careful, don't get caught by the other side again." Looking at the robot that failed to hook again, Chu Yunxue glanced at Feng Wei.

"Mistakes and mistakes, I will definitely hit them next time." Looking at Chu Yunxue's eyes, Feng Wei's face was a little hot, and he didn't hit the hook twice in a row.

"Mechanical flying claw!"

"Mechanical flying claw!"

"Mechanical flying claw!"

When the Q skill cools down, Feng Wei controls the robot to release the mechanical flying claws. However, what makes his face gloomy is that he has not hooked the opponent once, and he has been hooked by the hammer on the opposite side several times.

When the game time came to five minutes, when Feng Wei’s robot Q skills cooled down again, he hid in the grass and hooked to the grass on the opposite side. He completely woke up, since the ADC male on the opposite side couldn’t hit the gun. Just hook the auxiliary Thresh on the opposite side.

"Hook it, haha! I said my robot is not bad for playing..." However, when Feng Wei saw the hero he had hooked, his whole face was completely shocked. Nima's, how did he hit the hook? It was the blind jungler on the opposite side.

Looking at the blind jungler in front of him, Feng Wei hurriedly manipulated the robot to turn on the W acceleration skill and ran down the tower. When he was panicking, a green sickle behind him hit his golden chrysanthemum.


Seeing the green sickle wrapped around his body, Feng Wei's face was as gray as death.

Chu Yunxue also symbolically released the clear axe and repelled the blind monk who was pursuing it, but she also understood that under the chase of Thresh, the blind monk, and the male spear, there must be a dead end for a robot that did not flash. .

"The robot was killed by a male gun!"

"The male gun has already been killed."

Two system prompts came out from the speaker.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter with your down road. Down the road be steady, don't do it, counsel, you can't beat the opposing combination now." After hearing the system prompt, the blue-clothed woman as a coach couldn't help it. The hint said.

"En! I can counsel it, but can someone co-operate with it!" Chu Yunxue glanced at Feng Wei, who was as gray as he was next to him, and said dissatisfied.

"I can't blame me! I can only blame our jungler for not coming to the road to catch, and the opposite jungler came to the road to catch, why didn't she come?" Seeing everyone in the room looked at him, Feng Wei quickly threw the pot to the jungler.

"Don’t you understand if you don’t catch you? The falling male spear already has two heads, plus the summoner skills on the opposite side of the road are all there. How do you let me catch it?" Qiaoqiao’s beautiful eyes were so beautiful that the boss defended himself, "Besides, I don’t even have an eye on the next road, and the other side doesn’t catch the next road. Is it wrong?"

"Stop arguing, you guys play hard." Not five minutes before the game started, the blue-clothed coach shouted loudly when his team members started arguing.

The male gun on the opposite side knows that the opposite is not his opponent. Various control lines, whenever Chu Yunxue is going to make up his knife, Thresh walked out of the grass, deterring Chu Yunxue’s Draven and stopped making up. The knife made her play very embarrassed.

"Xiaoxue, don't worry, I am here, I will hook them over under the tower."

"Brother, stay calm, you can just eat experience under the tower, and everything else can be fucked, okay?" Chu Yunxue can't stand Feng Wei's robot anymore, and said in dissatisfaction. Keeping the Q skill can also give the opponent a deterrent. If the hook skill is handed in, isn't it a super creep that can move

Chu Yunxue was also speechless looking at the robot that was hooking up again and again.

"Today's level is a bit wrong. It was definitely not like this before." Seeing the beautiful woman beside him suddenly broke out, Feng Wei said in embarrassment. Although he was very dissatisfied with Chu Yunxue's attitude towards him, he was helpless. After all, reality lies. In front of me, I said so many big things, but the reality is that I have hooked so many times, but I have not hooked the opposite side once, and finally I have hooked the opposite side, and also caused myself to give the opposite male gun a head.

In the Crystal Scar team.

"Are you sure that the robot on the opposite side is the bull head from before? Why are you so delicious!" Seeing the silly robot on the opposite side, the gray wolf said to the capped youth next to him.

"Captain, it doesn't seem to be the same person, this robot really has a bit of stubbornness!" The young captain replied, looking at the robot that once again emptied under the tower.

"Xiao Luo, let's catch it again in the next lane, and take advantage of the other side's illness to kill the other side!"

"Good column! I can finally report the grudge against him." The admiral was controlled by the opponent's support, and even the red and blue Buff became the private property of the opponent's support. This made him hate it for a long time. Revenge can finally come back.

... ...

"Who played this robot! Bronze rank!"

"You actually said that this robot is a bronze rank, don't you want to black our big bronze rank? Lao Tzu is still at least ten hooks and nine empty robots in the Bronze Three of the Watch Sea, this is a good one!"

"Poor Delevingne, with such scumbag support!"

"If I were Draven, I would call the police, and when I saw this robot, I was convinced by Ye Liangchen."

"League of Legends Taobao store www.ddd.com, welcome everyone to join, it is a dream to be a master."

"Please take me to the top brother, I am QQ7758258, if you take me to the top, I will be rewarded! Again, this robot is a real dish. If you are the same as a robot, don't find me."

In the live broadcast of God of War, in the room where the Black Rose team and the Crystal Scar team training match were broadcast live, barrage in the sky floated from the computer, but most of the barrage had a common feature that mocked this robot dish.

But Feng Wei can't see these barrages, and if he sees it, he will definitely be annoyed.

"Nar killed the tree!" Just as he was waiting on the road, there was good news on the road. With the help of the jungle spider, he successfully killed the twisted tree spirit on the enemy's top lane.

"You come down to me! Do you think I can't see you?"

Seeing the blind jungler who was shrinking outside the wall and stuck in his vision, Feng Wei manipulated a hook and pulled it into the tower from outside the wall.