League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 51: Five kills of male guns


"One library!"

The blind monk who was pulled into the tower did not panic at all. As soon as he entered the tower, he kicked his big move to Chu Yunxue's Draven, and Draven was kicked out of the tower by the blind monk.

Thresh's hook also followed, and the hook hit Draven who was kicked in midair.

"The male gun has gone wild!"

In the second paragraph of the death sentence, the reverse pendulum of doom, and the violent output of the male gun, Chu Yunxue’s Draven died out soon, and the enemy’s male gun successfully ran away. NS.

The robots under the tower also wanted to hide under the tower and pray for the protection of the tower, but under the blind monk’s resistance to the tower, they still managed to single-kill Feng Wei’s robot. The three of the robots were killed alone. Pushing the tower in a hurry, but first went to fight the dragon. Now the tower can no longer protect Chu Yunxue and others from the road, but it is dragged down. If the tower does not break for a day, Chu Yunxue’s economy will be given to him by the tower. Eat part of it.

"Feng Wei, you go to the middle road, you don't need you in the bottom road! If you stay in the bottom road, I won't have to play." The clay figurine has three points of fire, and no matter how good the character is, it can't stand such torture. The robot time and time again. She didn't say if the hook didn't hit her, she actually hooked the blind monk on the other side in, it was a death. Didn't this guy tell that the other side deliberately wanted him to hook him in! Chu Yunxue took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down.

"I didn't mean it! I saw the opposite blind monk by the wall, and I subconsciously hooked it over, forgetting that he has a big trick to kick you over." Seeing an angry face Chu Yunxue, Feng Wei explained in a low voice, but these explanations undoubtedly made Chu Yunxue even more angry, forgetting that the blind monk's big move can kick people? Are you a primary school student, can this be forgotten

When the time reached nine minutes, the next tower was successfully demolished on the opposite side, and the robot running with skill W under the tower was once again hooked by the hammer of the hammer.

Along with the destruction of the next tower, the enemy's top tower was also breached, and the enemy's big tree was once again successfully killed by the combination of the spider and Naer, but this time the head It was obtained by jungle spiders.

The current record of the two teams is 5 to 3, and these five heads are all produced by the bottom lane.

When the time came to fifteen minutes, the two teams fought fiercely at Xiaolong.

The robot flashed a hook and pulled the top laner of the Crystal Scar team over. When he saw his hook finally hit the opposite hero, Feng Wei finally showed a smile on his face, but when he saw the pull The smile on his face turned into bitterness.

If you pull the twisted dryad over, instead of blaming you, he will thank you.

"Vengeance vortex!" A magic vortex appeared beside the twisted tree spirit, and he locked onto Chu Yunxue's Draven with the W skill, and soon the tree spirit appeared beside Draven.

The war broke out at this time.

Seeing the big tree tying up their ADC, everyone in Black Rose hurriedly sent the output to the big tree, but the pure flesh and the big tree with magic vortex are really not so easy to kill, even if it is attacked by everyone, It still lost one-half of its blood volume.

"One library!"

I don’t know when, the blind monk had already appeared beside Draven, kicked Draven out of the crowd with a single kick. As Draven was kicked into the air, he took advantage of the opportunity to hit the robots and spiders beside him at the same time. Fly away.

Seeing Draven flying out of the crowd, the Crystal Scar team seemed to see a beautiful woman in clothes, and immediately rushed up.

With the yellow card plus the universal card and the output of the male gun, Chu Yunxue's Delavin soon died in a team battle.

"Retreat, retreat, this wave can't be beaten, nothing beats." Chu Yunxue came back to her senses when she saw herself who was seconded first, and shouted at the teammate beside her, but the situation that happened next made her stare. Big eyes.

A condensed vortex descended from the sky and appeared beside Demon Ji. The yellow card stunned Demon Ji in place.

Just when the enchantress wanted to use the W skill to move, a green sickle accurately hit her.

"Ultimate Bombshell!"


A huge explosive projectile flew out of the male gunner's hand, blasted directly towards Demon Ji, and directly took away Demon Ji's head.

When the explosive bomb came, the spider's body also flew to the sky, and when it fell to the ground, the demon girl was already dead.

Faced with five people like wolves and tigers, the spider was taken away by the male gun in a symbolic resistance.

As soon as the spider died, Nar was finally full of anger and began to grow bigger, but when it finally got bigger and ready to fight back, he found that his teammates had escaped dead.

Naer suddenly bounced from the ground, jumped into the five people, and threw the four beside him against the wall on the side.

Big four! If it is obvious that the normal teamfight will win this one, it's a pity that teammates can't wait for it to get bigger.

With the powerful output of the five people, the giant Naer finally screamed and fell to the ground. It hates it in its heart, why can't its teammates last for a while!

At this time, the five people of Black Rose only have the last support, which is the robot.

Seeing the scene of giant Naer being besieged to death, Feng Wei's heart was ups and downs, should he go or not? You will definitely die if you don’t, but you won’t die if you don’t, but how would your teammates think about yourself! As an assistant, he was still full of blood after a team battle ended.

However, just as the waves in his heart were ups and downs, a green sickle completely interrupted his thoughts.





The robot that was hooked quickly became the soul of the male gun.

When the robot died, the system climaxed, and solemnly and solemnly announced the end of the team battle.

"Go big tree? Do you have Q skills, don't you hook people?" Chu Yunxue saw Feng Wei on the side and was so angry, who was not good enough to hook the big tree on the other side, causing him to be forced for a second. NS.

"I didn't want to hook the big tree, but who told him to block the front! I thought the five of us could give it a second, but I didn't expect..." Feng Wei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a guilty conscience. . For the first time, he felt that he was so weak. He used to watch the professional league and found that their strength was no more than that. His strength was much better than them. He did not expect that he would make mistakes frequently.

"666666666, male spear god!"