League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 71: Ximen Cangye's arrival again


Lin Chen was still very satisfied with this apprentice. Although he had a little bit of cooking, he still worked very hard.

"When you are playing well, come out to match and see what you have achieved recently!" Lin Chen left a message to Wenmot.

"Yeah." Lin Chen saw Venmot replied shortly thereafter.

During this waiting period, an uninvited guest came from the Internet cafe, looking at the black vest and the big red shorts. Isn't this Ximen Cangye!

"I wipe it! This guy looks so familiar!"

"Hey, yes, I also feel that this product is very familiar! Where have I seen the column!"

"How do I feel that I have seen these red thigh pants?"

"Isn't this the No. 1 national server Raven Simon Cangye!"

"Yes, yes! My idol! I'm still his apprentice!"

When players playing League of Legends saw Ximen Cangye wearing bright red shorts at the door, they talked about it, and several players directly did not know where to get a pen and a finger, and they were looking for Ximen Cangye's signature.

Ximen Cangye, who entered the Ares Internet Cafe, saw Lin Chen sitting at the counter of the Internet cafe at a glance, and said; "Raven SOLO, you ran away last time, this time I must avenge my original revenge! I will definitely beat you. !"

"What is it that I ran, brother, you keep losing, is it interesting? I am embarrassed to win, and I want to lose to you, but you are too weak, so I have to withdraw first." Lin Chen He looked at Ximen Cangye with a hatred of iron and steel.

"It was at the beginning. Recently, I practiced Raven again and went out of the mountain. I believe I will never lose to you this time." Hearing Lin Chen's words, Ximen Cangye's face couldn't help but flushed, and he seemed to be abused. Countless.

"Who is this, so arrogant, can still win Ximen Cangye with Raven!"

"Is this network manager hiding it deeply, otherwise it won't let the first Raven of the national server come to SOLO in person!"

"I remember that a few weeks ago, Ximen Cangye and a person SOLO were defeated countless times, and none of them won. Could it be that this network manager is the great god!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I also saw the live broadcast at the beginning. I seem to remember that the ID who defeated Ximen Cangye really wanted to be called the deity of Mo Xiaoxi."

Seeing the dialogue between Ximen Cangye and Lin Chen, the players who were playing League of Legends next to them were even more talking.

"Master, I am one of your three thousand disciples, please sign!"

"Ximen Cangye, Da, please take me to the top."

"Ximen, do you want to broadcast live here? Please show your face in the live broadcast!"

There were also fans who saw their beloved anchor here, and couldn't help but ran up and said excitedly to Simon Cangye.

With the movement of the front row of the Internet cafe, the people behind and the people in the box also looked up. You must know that 95% of the Internet cafes can be said to be playing League of Legends. Therefore, seeing people who could only be seen on the Internet before appeared in front of them, everyone left their computers and ran over.

There is an endless stream of people looking for photos, photos, and good points.

"Ahem! Brothers, I have something to do today. After taking pictures and waiting for my business, we will come one by one. As for players who want top scores, they can come to my Taobao store. Ximen is absolutely guaranteed to be cheaper than other Taobao shops." Seeing the crowd suddenly rushing in front of him, Ximen Cangye coughed.

Hearing Ximen Cangye's assurance, the fans around slowly left, leaving only three or four girls behind.

"Ximen, I really like watching your live broadcast. You are more handsome than the live broadcast room! I will ask for a date later!"

"Ximen Dada, Room 21 of Hongchen Hotel, just across from the Internet cafe. When you are done, I will wait for you to come!"

"Simmon, I'm a good cook at Raven, and I'll beg to teach me in bed later."

These three or four girls were dressed very coolly and spoke very blatantly. Simon Cangye blushed, and he waved his hand in a perfunctory manner.

"Could this be the legendary superior bitch!" Ximen Cangye said silently in his heart.

"Raven SOLO!" After finishing playing with the three girls, Simon Cangye turned his gaze to Lin Chen again.

"No time!" Hearing what Ximen Cangye said, Lin Chen raised his head and glanced at Ximen Cangye, then lowered his head to do what was in his hands.

"B! You are afraid that I will beat you, so you dare not come. If you have the seed, come to SOLO." Seeing Lin Chen so decisively rejecting himself, Ximen Cangye began to use the aggressive method.

"Well, I'm counseling b!" This time, Lin Chen said casually without even lifting his head.

Hearing Lin Chen's casual tone, Ximen Cangye instantly became popular. You must know that he is the first brother of God of War Live, an anchor with an annual salary of tens of millions, and usually others ask him for points. Now he is looking for someone to SOLO. Put it back...

"Five hundred and one round! I'll give you money if you win!" Seeing Lin Chen so not buying his own account, Simon Cangye instantly thought of a clever plan. Since Lin Chen is obviously short of money as a network manager in an Internet cafe, so he only needs Money can definitely make him and himself SOLO.

Sure enough, Ximen Cangye hadn't expected it, he just said that Lin Chen, who had been browsing the webpage casually with his head down in front of the computer, instantly raised his head.

"Are you sure!" Lin Chen's eyes brightened when he heard a handful of 500, and he laughed loudly. Isn't this the legendary picking up money!

The change of Lin Chen's face and expression made Simon Cangye speechless. Isn't it only 500 yuan? Do you need to be so excited? However, what he did not expect was that he regretted this idea afterwards!

Lin Chen was afraid that Simon Cangye would regret it, so he quickly invited him, and soon entered the game.

One minute and forty-five seconds.

Lin Chen's Raven walked out of the house slowly.

Two Ravens were holding daggers on both sides of the screen and I looked at each other.

"It's really Raven's SOLO! I bet a pack of spicy strips, the opposite Raven will definitely get a blood within four minutes!"

"I bet two packs of spicy strips, and Raven on the other side will get one blood in three minutes!"

"And Ximen Cangye SOLO Raven, this network manager is so courageous, this is simply looking for death!"

Seeing that Ximen Cangye also found a place to go on, and logged into the game, many fans also ran over and watched from the side.

"Don't say that, maybe this network manager is the original deity of Mo Xiaoxi!"

"You said that Mo Xiaoxi's deity is related to Mo Xiaoxi!"

There are also many fans who are not Ximen Cangye shook their heads beside them.

The equipment of the two Ravens is a long sword plus three bottles of red, which is an extremely normal outfit. If the cloth armor is five red, it will be a bit embarrassing.

When the line of soldiers came, the two Ravens rushed forward at the same time, releasing the Q skill, Dance of Wings.

When the lines of soldiers met each other and fought hard, the two Ravens also descended from the sky with broken swords in their hands to launch an assault on the opposite side.

This is Raven’s basic card CD. When the first-level soldier line comes over, first card the Q skill two-stage CD, wait until the last CD, and then fight the opponent, the Q skill can quickly cool down, and The opposite will also fall into the misunderstanding that you have no skills to fight with you.