League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 78: It was discovered


The fat man was not convinced and played a few more Ravens. Of course, the result was natural. He was beaten to death by the opponent, and walked out of the Internet cafe with a frustrated expression.

"Xiao Chenchen, it is said that you ran away the person at the opposite Internet cafe. How would you like to thank you sister!" When Zheng Linchen sent the fat man away, Chu Yunxue slowly walked downstairs.

"En! I'm an employee here, so naturally I won't leave it alone when others come to mess around." Lin Chen said.

"Huh! This kind of small internet cafe wants to become famous in my internet cafe, it's just looking for death!" Chu Yunxue obviously didn't catch a cold at the Lin Ya internet cafe who came here today.

"Little brother, the annual All-Star Game will be held in a few days. I will give you a vacation. Are you interested in going there?" Chu Yunxue suddenly thought of something and said.

"Please don't pay for the tickets!" Lin Chen moved a little when he heard the holiday, but still asked shamelessly.

"Please! You little poor ghost!" Hearing that, Chu Yun whitened his eyes and was speechless.

"Okay! It's time to meet my old friend." Lin Chen nodded and sighed softly.

"Old friend!" Although Lin Chen's sigh was very small, she was still heard by Chu Yunxue, who had keen ears, and said in confusion.

"Ah! You got it wrong, I said to see the star commentators." Lin Chen quickly explained.

Seeing Chu Yunxue go upstairs, Lin Chen exhaled deeply, and she almost saw something.

After sending away Chu Yunxue, Lin Chen bored into the League of Legends Post Bar and wandered around!

"The SOLO of King Raven, Ximen's defeat, and Mo Xiaoxi's video explain in detail."

"Raven must watch the video, don't hesitate to come in."

"Mo Shen was born again, kill Simon Cangye!"

"Moshen Legion is recruiting people, don't hesitate to come in quickly. Those who come in are all brothers, and they also have the benefits of Raven Light Speed QA skills and so on!"

As soon as I opened the League of Legends post bar, I found that the posts in the post bar were all about the one-on-one contest between him and Ximen Cangye.

"Mo Shen's position, this operation, is too strong, if I have this operation, it will be easy to become the king."

"Mo Shen, I want to give you a baby!"

"Mo Shen, I love you!"

Looking at the various comments that praised himself, just as Lin Chen was thrilled, a man wearing red pants suddenly broke in outside the door, isn't this Ximen Cangye!

Seeing the arrival of Simon Cangye, Lin Chen seemed to see money that could move. When he saw him coming, he knew that he could make more money again.

Let the time go back to ten minutes ago. Simon Cangye in the live broadcast room thought of the same ID of Mo Xiaoxi and that Mo Xiaoxi who defeated him, and thought that both of them interrupted his Rui again and again. Wen's Dance of the Wings, he a little doubted that the two were the same person.

The doubts in his heart grew bigger and bigger, Ximen Cangye directly closed the live broadcast room and ran to the Ares Internet Cafe again.

"Is that Mo Xiaoxi you just now?" When Ximen Cangye walked into the Internet cafe, he didn't mean anything, but straightforwardly said to Lin Chen.

"What Mo Xiaoxi?" Lin Chenzhuang said confusedly, looking at Ximen Cangye with a confused expression on his face.

"You don't know Mo Xiaoxi? You weren't the Mo Xiaoxi who abused me just now?" Seeing the confused look on Lin Chen's face, unlike the lie, Ximen Cangye was even more puzzled at this time.

"I don't know!" Lin Chen shook his head.

"Then how to explain the ID name of your deity Mo Xiaoxi!" Ximen Cangye obviously did not believe Lin Chen's answer, and still asked without giving up.

"This is my friend's number! Otherwise, it won't be a silver five!" Lin Chen explained with a stall. The truth is also true. He didn't tell lies. This number was originally Fatty's.

"Big-breasted brother, Raven SOLO is still coming! Five hundred and one rounds!" Since Ximen Cangye came to the door, Lin Chen naturally couldn't let him come in vain. After all, the anchors now earn 10 million yuan each year and don't grab them. Money, whose money is robbed.

"Good!" Ximen Cangye readily agreed.

"Then you turn on the machine first, and I'll be back when I go to the toilet!" Lin Chen stood up and rushed to the toilet in a hurry, while Xiao Liu, the waiter next to him, looked after the counter.


After finally venting his body in the toilet, Lin Chen suddenly thought of a very serious problem. It seemed that he hadn't closed the League of Legends page.

He quickly took a few sheets of paper and wiped it, and then quickly got up and ran to the counter, only to see Ximen Cangye looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Has it been discovered?" Lin Chen secretly asked, looking at Simon Cangye with a smile on his face.

"Mo Xiaoxi!" Ximen Cangye smiled at Lin Chen while sitting in front of the computer in front of the counter.

When he heard this claim, Lin Chen's face suddenly turned green, and his identity was discovered.

"I just said how could I lose to a little network manager! It turned out to be the famous Mo Shen!" Ximen Cangye patted his head and sighed.

Several black lines suddenly appeared on Lin Chen's face, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Boss! I don't know what you're looking for with me" Suddenly at this moment, Simon Cangye answered a call with a very respectful expression.

"The person you SOLO today, I don't know if you know him!" A slightly older voice came through the phone.

"Ah!" If the call came ten minutes early, Ximen Cangye would definitely say that he didn't know him, but at this time...

"Oh, good! Boss, don't worry!" After Ximen Cangye hung up the phone, he kept looking at Lin Chen with a strange look.

"Ahem!" Looking at Ximen Cangye, Lin Chen coughed awkwardly.

"Mo Xiaoxi, our God of War TV sincerely invites you to join!" Ximen Cangye said with a serious face.

"Forget it, I still have to take the college entrance examination! How can there be so much time for live broadcasting!" Lin Chen directly shook his head at the invitation of Ximen Cangye.

"The benefits of our live broadcast of God of War also include five insurances and one housing fund, contracted funds, and various gifts!" Ximen Cangye did not forget to mention the advantages of the website.

"Forget it, I don't like the industry of live broadcasting!" Lin Chen still shook his head. He didn't like this kind of publicity.

"Okay! Let's not talk about it, come to SOLO." Seeing Lin Chen's unmoved look, Ximen Cangye nodded helplessly. Although he hadn't completed the task assigned to him by the boss, at least he had already Tried hard.

At a young age, after Lin Chen had won all the money in Simon Cangye's pocket, he left.

After earning another 5,000 yuan, Lin Chen happily took Xiaobai to the nearby restaurant and ordered more than ten dishes at once.

In the sound of'brushing', those more than ten dishes were quickly wiped out by Lin Chen and Xiaobai.


Three days passed in an instant, and time soon ushered in a more important League of Legends game-the All-Star Game.