League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 83: rogue


After the two people's summary, the second game also began.

The morning is a PK between various star teams, various routines, tactics emerge in an endless stream, four people push the tactics, wild auxiliary double tour, central and wild linkage...

In such a wonderful game, the time came to eleven all at once.

"Brother with big breasts, it's almost noon, I said I'll introduce my sister to Fat Brother!" The fat man drooped his head and glanced at Chen Xiao who was sleeping.

"Sister is sleeping, are you embarrassed to disturb?" Lin Chen waved his hand and smiled, "Fat brother, don't be anxious to pick up girls, and you can't eat hot tofu if you are anxious."

"Uh, no hurry, no hurry! Your fat brother is not in a hurry, he has time." Hearing Lin Chen's remarks, the fat brother said bitterly, this girl has slept all morning, why is she still sleeping? what.

At the same time, the final match between Team Tianyao and Team IG also ended.

"Let us thank Team Tianyao and Team IG for bringing us such a wonderful game!" Seeing that the game was over, Zhao Luoyu and Xiaolu also walked to the front road.

After the two people's summary, the morning game ended perfectly, and the intermission began.


Suddenly a burst of light came in front of him, and Chen Xiao, who was originally lying on the chair, also slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his distressed eyes.

"Stupid sister! We came here to watch the game, why did you sleep all morning!" Seeing Chen Xiao who was still sleepy on her face, Chu Yunxue pinched her nose and smiled.

"Wake up, wake up! Big brother, it's time for you to take action!" The fat man saw Chen Xiao opened his eyes, his eyes lit up, and he quickly motioned to Lin Chen with his eyes.

"Fat brother, you also said that you are not in a hurry. The girl just woke up and her consciousness has not been awakened from her dream. Now you let me introduce you to her. She will forget you again as soon as the meeting is guaranteed!" Lin Chen said. Turning a glance at Chen Xiao who was constantly yawning, he explained to the fat man.

"Brother, what you said makes sense, and I'm not in a hurry for your fat brother." The fat man nodded, feeling that what Lin Chen said made sense.

"You little girls, I bought your tickets for you, but you actually went shopping, you are going to piss me off!" Chu Yunxue picked up the phone and said angrily.

"Sister Xue, finally came to Shanghai, let's go shopping first!" A clever voice came from her hand.

"Then you go shopping first! I will refund the ticket first."

"Don't, we're going to see it this afternoon! Sister Xue, come to the Imperial City Restaurant! We are there waiting for you!"

"Bad girl, don't finish the food, wait for us."

"Go, go to the Imperial City Restaurant." After hanging up the phone, Chu Yunxue stood up and said to Lin Chen and Chen Xiao beside him.

"Beautiful lady, I don't know if it is an honor to have lunch with you!"

"Beauty, can you have a meal together!"

"Miss! Are you alone? How about a treat, how about going to the coffee shop for a drink!"

When Chu Yunxue and Chen Xiao got up, several people with good looks came over in an instant, but they were all dismissed by Chu Yunxue.

"Big brother! Your fat brother, I will eat first." The fat man hesitated for a while, "Wait in the afternoon, big brother, don't forget about the morning!"

"Don't worry." Lin Chen made an OK gesture.

After getting Lin Chen's promise, the fat man left with satisfaction.

After boarding the TAXI, we arrived at the Imperial City Hotel in less than ten minutes, and met the three of Qiaoqiao.

"Boss, would you like this meal?" Qiao Qiao said when she saw Chu Yunxue stick out her tongue.

"You girl! Call me the boss when you encounter money!" Hearing this, Chu Yun gave her a white look.

"Sister Xue, when I went shopping in the morning, I ran out of money. I can't afford to eat if you don't invite me!" Qiao Qiao swayed Chu Yunxue's arm and said a little.

"Who told you that damn girl to spend money indiscriminately! I am determined not to compromise this time!" Chu Yunxue shook his head.

"Sister Xue!"

"Don't give me this set, go find someone else to borrow money!" Seeing the dozen or so small bags in Qiaoqiao's hand, Chu Yunxue couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

"Xiaoxiao!" Qiaoqiao stared at Chen Xiao.

"My money is with Sister Xue, it's useless to see me!" Chen Xiao waved his hand to indicate that he had no money.

As a result, Qiaoqiao's gaze naturally shifted to Lin Chen, the only male among the six.

"Cough" Seeing Qiaoqiao staring at him, Lin Chen pretended to cough twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Brother Chen! It's nice to wait for you from the slave house on weekdays, lend me some money!" Qiaoqiao walked to the side of Lin Chen and said in his ear with a tired, crisp voice.

"Ahem! How much!"

"Lend me ten thousand first! I'll pay you back!"

"Ten thousand!" Hearing this number, Lin Chen's mouth twitched twice.

Sister, don't tease me! If you borrow 10,000 yuan, you'd better sell me and see if you can sell it to 10,000 yuan.

"It's funny! Lend me a hundred and help me pay for this meal!" Seeing Lin Chen's expression, Qiaoqiao suddenly giggled.

"Oh, oh, good!" Lin Chen felt relieved when he heard only one hundred yuan borrowed and nodded.

"These girls are so punctual! They are definitely much better than those in the store!"

"Hey, it's really much more beautiful than those in the store, maybe it's all the same!"

"Master Biao, won't you win it later! Brothers are waiting for you!"

"The mesh stockings are mine, you can pick the others!"

"That innocent girl, I want it, and I will let you slowly go innocent in bed!"

"Brothers, don't grab it so fast, leave one for me, I want the one in the blue skirt!"

"Hey, I want that man!"

While Lin Chen and others were choosing dishes, in a box next to them, more than a dozen naked eyes full of desire were scanning them back and forth.

"Dear beauties, are you free? Brother invite you today!" Just as Lin Chen and the others were about to return to the box after choosing the food, a big man with a tattoo on his neck came over and smiled at Chu Yunxue and the others.

"No time!" Chu Yunxue glanced at the big man before directly refusing her.

"Beauty, don't refuse so quickly, you see that we have more than a dozen brothers on the table!" At this moment, more than a dozen young people suddenly walked out of the box, looking at Chu Yunxue and others with nasty eyes. people.

"Little girl! As long as you let the masters feel good, they will naturally let you go." The big man looked at Chu Yunxue and the others with a **** stare, as if he regarded them as lambs to be slaughtered. .

"In broad daylight, how can you be so innocent." Qiaoqiao disgusted.

"Here we are Wang Fa!" Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, the big man showed a sneer.

"Made, anyhow, brother is also a dead person, bullying me..."

As the only man among the six, he naturally wanted to be the first to rush forward. Lin Chen was about to walk over to the big man, but Chen Xiao stopped him and motioned him not to pass.