League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 98: Clear the axe to match the hook


The time came soon.

The ten people from both sides sat down on their seats on time, and when one came, a young man in uniform came over.

"When all is there, the game will begin!" Uniformed the young man, apparently this young man is the referee of the so-called match.

The final of the Domi Internet Cafe is obviously very advanced. It is not the usual to go to Ionia to create a room, but to enter the game clothes.

The game enters the ban selection page.

Wang Te is on the blue side. On the first floor, the strong version of Yasuo, the male spear and the sword girl are banned, while the red side bans are very casual, banning Nok, Quinn, and the enchanting girl.

The final blue team's lineup is: the captain of the top lane, the card of the mid laner, the wild barrel, and the bottom lane is the lineup of Delevingne and Thresh.

The red team's lineup is: the top single, the mid laner, the wild blind monk, and the bottom lane is the lineup of Wayne and the Japanese woman.

The game quickly entered the cache page.

"Wang Te, I'll hit you off the road later! Don't hide under the tower!" When the game entered the cache page, Xu Fei laughed in Wang Te's direction.

Hearing Xu Fei's ridicule, Wang Te looked up, then lowered his head and continued to look at the computer. His eyes were still calm, as if he had not heard Xu Fei's ridicule.

"Wang Te, don't worry, Qianqian, I will treat her well, so please don't worry about it." Seeing that Wang Te ignored him, Xu Fei used Liu Yuqian as a weapon to attack Wang Te. .

This time, Wang Te didn't even raise his head, and kept his eyes on the computer.

"Humph!" Xu Fei couldn't help groaning when Wang Te still ignored him.

The game started quickly. Both sides put their eyes on the wild area of their homes and looked at each other in the river for a long time. When the base creeps set off, they all returned to the line.

After helping the jungler to hit the red BUFF, Wang Te's Delevingne controlled the double axe to the line.

Not long after Wang Ted Levine arrived online, Xu Fei's Wei En and the red side assist Japanese girl also quickly arrived online.

Seeing that Xu Feiwei En was about to go to the A soldier, Wang Te controlled Delevingne to fly an axe at Wei En.

Although only one-sixth of his blood was deducted, he was taken advantage of for no reason when he went online, and Xu Fei was also suffocated in his heart.

When the game experience was about to reach two levels, Wang Te gave the opponent Wei En an attack command.

The fat man beside him was also very clever, seeing Wang Te's attack instructions, he hurriedly controlled Thresh to follow him.

"Retreat!" Seeing that Delevingne and Thresh were actually about to cross the line of soldiers, the Japanese woman also realized that the opposite was about to rise to two levels first, and quickly gave Wayne a retreat signal.

But at this time, Xu Fei, who had been taken advantage of by Draven just now, directly chose to ignore this retreat signal.

Killed the soldier next to him with a single knife, and he was directly promoted to two levels.

Wang Te's finger directly pressed on the'CtrlW', and the W skill was upgraded in seconds.

Seeing that the other side had risen to two levels, Xu Fei, who was furious, realized something and hurriedly ran under his tower.

But it was obviously too late to run at this time, and a throwing axe flew over his body fiercely.

General attack!

Bloody dash!

Get the axe!

General attack!

He directly tapped Wei En to half of his health, but to Wang Te's disappointment, Thresh's hook was hidden by Wei En's Q skill.

"I said I told you to retreat! You still have a hair-raising knife!" Seeing that Wei En had lost half of his health in one go, the assistant goddess of Dawn couldn't help complaining a little.

Hearing the complaints from the assistant, Xu Fei's face became darker and darker, and Wang Te, who didn't see the rubbish in his eyes, had the upper hand in the first place.

Delevingne, who was promoted to the second level, stopped making up the knife and danced in front of Vayne and the Japanese girl.

"Mad, I saw Delevingne dancing with an axe." Xu Fei's expression became more gloomy, but fortunately, the enemy soldier was killed by his own soldier soon, and Wei En and the Japanese girl were also killed. Promoted to two levels at the same time.

Seeing that the opponent had risen to two levels, Wang Te also wittily walked Draven to his line again.

When Wei En saw that she had finally reached the second level, she hurriedly walked to the side of the pawn line to fill up the pawn.

When Wayne was about to make up for the cannon cart next to her, Delevingne of Wang Te drove a bloody sprint to speed up and slashed at Wayne.

Wei En quickly recovered, and canceled the order of the gun-repairing vehicle with the walking position. The Q skill rolled over for a certain distance, and was about to fight back at Draven, but at this time, there was Draven’s figure, taking advantage of it. Delevingne returned directly to his line.

After being slapped by Draven again for no reason, and he missed a cannon cart, Vayne now seemed as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

Whenever Wayne wants to make up the knife, the opposite Delevingne will pretend to drive a bloody sprint to attack himself, so scared that Wayne sees Deleving’s bloody sprint and is so scared to stop making up the knife, but when he sees When I arrived at Draven, I just drove the W to make up the knife, and my face felt a little hot.

Seeing Vayne, who was scored one-third of his health, Wang Te gave Vayne another attack signal.

Out of belief in Wang Te, Thresh also quickly followed.

Seeing that Delevingne started the bloody sprint again, this time Vayne was still making up the knife.

"Huh! Demo, I still want to scare Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is not scared!" Xu Fei saw Delevingne in a bloody dash, with a look of disdain on his face.

But this time, it went beyond his expectation. Thresh flashed up directly, facing Wei En with a reverse pendulum of doom, which directly moved Wei En half a position towards him.

Seeing the flashing E on the opposite side of Thresh, the Japanese woman quickly reacted. The E skill was aimed in the direction of Delevingne, but to his surprise, Deleving seemed to know that he could E, and he would hide with a twist of his ass opened.

Even though he was hit by Thresh's reverse E skill, Vayne didn't panic. Pressing the Q key with his ring finger, he waited for Thresh's hook. The index finger was pressed on the E Devil Trial, and when Delevingne approached, he shot him away.

The plot was developing as he imagined. A green sickle flew out of Thresh’s hand and flew towards Wei En, seeing the sickle flying towards him, Xu Fei’s face showed a smile, and his ring finger was pressed hard. Q skills on the keyboard.

Vayne rolled a small distance to the side, but this small distance, if not unexpected, would inevitably hide the sickle, but when Vayne was secretly happy in her heart, a sharp axe drove Vayne towards Repelled half of his position on the right.

And it was this half of the body that made Wayne hit by Thresh's hook.