League of Heroes of The World

Chapter 99: Xu Fei was scolded by his teammates


Vayne, who was hit by the hook, quickly prescribed a treatment, but the treatment was obviously a drop in the bucket. Vayne, who was finally free from Thresh's hook, was taken directly by a rotating axe from the sky before he could flash out. Took his life.

Seeing that her ADC was killed, the Japanese girl who finally ran in front of Delevingne was instantly embarrassed. She lived in Delevingne Q, and ran down the tower again.

But Delevingne and Thresh obviously would not disagree that the food in front of them flew like this, another attack, and finally forced the flash of the Japanese woman, and the flash of the Japanese woman, the two of them gave up chasing. , Pushed the pawn line to the opposite tower, and then press B to return.

A human head plus passive extra gold coins directly bought a pickaxe and a long sword, which controlled Draven to go to the line.

Because when Wei En was killed, Wang Te pushed the line under the enemy's tower. When he controlled Draven to go online, he happened to see the line of soldiers coming towards him.

So Wang Te started the brutal and inhuman control line. Waves of soldiers set off in the base, but the line was still on the blue side.

Dance taunts!

I only saw two heroes dancing on the blue side down the road, dancing with hands and feet, while the red side two acted as spectators, and the spectators were obviously very impatient, walking left and right, obviously Waiting for the line of soldiers to come.

When the line of soldiers could not be controlled, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Te's mouth. It was time to kill the opponent!

At this time, Draven and Thresh had reached level six, while Vayne in the red square was only level four, while the auxiliary Japanese girl was one level higher than Vayne, reaching level five.

Seeing the arrival of a large wave of soldiers line, Xu Fei's face finally showed joy, as long as he had eaten this wave of soldiers line, he would be able to reach the sixth level, and Wei En who reached the sixth level was called the real Wei. kindness.

Seeing a large wave of soldiers enter under the opposite tower, Deleving's axe spun wildly.

There was no signal from Wang Te this time, Thresh turned towards Wei En Q.

Cold-blooded pursuit of life!

As soon as Thresh placed the hook, the two crazy axes in Delevingne's hand flew out.

E flash!

Delevingne's E skill can be used in conjunction with the flash, a clearing axe directly knocked back the tumbling Wei En in the air to the ultimate move.

In fact, Delevingne now has a lot of skills to force the opponent to hit his own trajectory. This is a small trick, using the E skill to clear the axe to force the opposite Wayne to eat her own full set of big moves.

After eating Draven's full set of big moves, Vayne was directly beaten to half of his health. Just when he wanted to go to Draven, a sickle had hit him at some point.

Vayne, who was hit by the Thresh hook, only struggled symbolically and died on the ground.

In the middle of the way, I saw that my home, Wei En, was fighting with the opponent again, and the Japanese woman also hurriedly made an E to Draven, but was easily walked away by Draven with an S walking position.

When I finally ran to Delevingne, he realized that his ADC had died again. The hard-pressed Japanese girl had to live in Delevingne for a while, and hurriedly went deep into the tower again. Ran down.

Seeing the female on the opposite day hand in Q skills, Wang Te's face showed a slight smile. He was worried that he would be counter-killed under the tower, so now there is absolutely no need to worry.

The fat man saw Wang Te's gaze, and he also understood. He controlled Thresh to first A bit the Japanese girl and lifted the tower.

AWA, take the axe!

Even the Japanese girl with the W skill was still killed by Wang Te’s Delevingne, and Thresh left the tower with the last bit of blood.

Wang Te did not control Delevingne to leave directly, but cleared the opposite wild area. The red toad and the three wolves screamed miserably, and squatted down on the opposite blue BUFF for a while to see that there was no one. After passing, I had to press B to return to the city honestly.

After returning home, Wang Te directly made a blue knife, bought a crit cloak, a pair of shoes and a true eye, and then he slowly walked to the line.

Due to the update of S6, the price of True Eye is only 25 higher than the price of the blood bottle, so it is very cost-effective to buy True Eye.

Control line!

Pawn line into the tower! Kill!

Even the Japanese girl with three control skills still couldn't stop Vayne from dying in front of her eyes. Without Vayne, the Japanese girl obviously became a naked beauty who could only be slaughtered by the other side.

After killing the Japanese women's singles again, Delevingne did not demolish the opposite tower. At this time, the tower on the red side obviously could not bring them a sense of security. It was a drag. The tower would continue to kill the soldiers. Kill it.

"Playing with your mom! Wei En, you are such a dish, how did you get into the finals! I pit you, I also served!" After being single-killed again and again, the Japanese girl finally couldn't help it, facing Wei En Scolded.

"Blam me? When did your E get hit!" Xu Fei retorted not to be outdone when hearing the words of the auxiliary Japanese woman.

"I can't let it go, but it's better than a fool who always hits someone else's hook!" Auxiliary Japanese girl sneered.

"I'll catch you with the midlaner later! Fight well, the other roads are still downwind!" said the wild blind monk at this time.

Hearing the blind monk's words, Wei En and the Japanese girl stopped arguing. ,

However, what happened two minutes later completely announced the explosion of the red side's bottom road.

The mid-lane fire man, the blind monk and the two bots ran away except for the Japanese girl, and the heads of the other three were taken by Draven.

"Vayne, you're a pig, TMD, are you stunned before we come?"

"Wayne, what's your position? This position, bronze!"

"Made, I met this idiot Wei En, I'm unlucky today, I've taken it!"

Seeing Wei En’s “God-level” operation, the mid-laner Huo Man and the Blind Monk finally couldn’t bear it. They cursed at Wei En, and Huo Man and the Blind Monk finally understood the suffering of the Japanese woman. This kind of Wei En who hits the hook on the opposite side can't be defeated!

"Fuck! I hit the road solo kill the opposite side twice, the bottom road is messing up!" Seeing that the bottom road was killed three times, the people on the road couldn't help but speak instantly.

"ADC fool!"

"This one loses, this fool Wei En!"

"Wayne can't play, just play, Bronze Dog, hit your man and machine!"

The fire man, the blind monk and the Japanese woman all threw all the pots to Vayne. Hearing the cursing words of his three teammates, the top solo player also joined the ranks of the fans.

The four people next to Xu Fei looked at him with an angry look, and Xu Fei couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his head.

To say that the most surprising thing is Liu Yuqian, the manipulator of Delevingne who took the axe to slaughter blood is actually Wang Te who she always thought was a novice! ! !