League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 103: The strongest blow of a golden-rank samurai


"Die!" The Void Messenger's palm suddenly pressed forward, and the hundreds of purple fragments floating around him rushed towards Luchuan and his group like violent arrows.

"The gun is like a dragon!" Xin Zhao shook the silver gun in his hand, and the barrel of the gun was swept into a full moon. A majestic vigor radiated from the barrel, and then I saw Xin Zhao hunting and dancing the long spear. , The speed was so fast that even the gun barrel gave birth to several afterimages.

"Ding Ding Ding!" The purple light fragments that rushed in front of them were slapped horizontally by Zhao Xin, and they were all knocked out without exception, shooting backwards towards the Void Envoy.

You must know that even if an ordinary person throws a small stone into the air, and then sweeps the stone away with a long spear while it hits the ground, it is extremely difficult to do, not to mention the purple light shards tens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Xin Zhao, after the first awakening, his strength has skyrocketed to the level of 3 silver stars. His eyes are sharp with sharp edges, and he quickly catches the purple light fragments that follow. . A shot swept out, leaving a shallow circular gully on the ground.

Looking back at Galen, he has moved the sharp blade in his hand to the extreme at this time. He does not have gorgeous martial arts at all, and some is the infinite power of his body. He instills power on the hilt, in the hilt. When Ming Zhi released his hand, the hilt of the sword was covered with a dazzling golden color, and it spun around Galen's body extremely fast.

It is precisely in this way that there is no dead end, Galen will fly all the scattered fragments.

"Huh?" The Void Envoy looked at the people who were still struggling in front of him, and raised his brow lightly.

The strength of this group of people seems to have made a qualitative leap when he condenses the purple light fragments. If it is in the state of being exhausted just now, they may not even be able to resist the energy fluctuation of a fragment, let alone In the face of hundreds of purple light fragments, there is still the power of a battle.

The strength after the awakening is really beyond Lu Chuan’s expectations. Every hero in this room is much stronger than a warrior of the same rank after awakening. If you can maintain this state forever, you want to defeat Void Messenger...

Lu Chuan swallowed, and it was really not impossible to defeat the Void Messenger.

Together, they can defeat a warrior of the golden rank, which was something that had never been imagined before.

When everyone was struggling to resist the offensive of the purple light fragments, the Void Envoy closed his eyes once again, and at the same time a pale red color appeared on his face.

"Puff!" A mouthful of thick and viscous blood was sprayed out by him, not because of some serious damage, but because of his deliberate actions.

After the blood was ejected, the thick blood floated slowly in the air without any assistance. The breath of blood was ejected, and the breath of the Void Envoy was also wilted a lot. Obviously he will use it next. This trick of essence and blood requires a lot of mental energy.

However, the Void Messenger didn’t want to drag on any longer. He faintly felt that the kid named Lu Chuan was quite weird, and when he condensed the purple light fragments, the little bead he took out had the aura in it that made him All faintly shuddered.

What exactly is that bead? Why is there such fluctuations.

The Void Messenger didn't think too much, taking advantage of the fact that the purple light fragments could still entangle them for a while, he directly sacrificed his own ultimate move.

To be honest, even the Void Messenger himself has not counted that a golden-rank samurai can be forced by this group of ants-like existence to have to use the last trick.

"However, when my Soul Eater is set up, you won't be able to roll over any big waves anymore." The Void Envoy gave a cold smile, and stretched out his fingertips to lightly tap the dense spirit in front of him. The blood, as if writing a book of blood, began to write in the air.

The blood was dragged by the fingertips, bringing out a long bloodstain in mid-air. The Void Messenger wrote very fast, and quickly, a simple and obscure, blood-filled array was outlined by him in a shallow shape. In a circular blood array, there are some things that are difficult to understand. Bizarre characters.

After doing all this, the Void Messenger spouted another bit of blood and sprinkled it on the tiny blood formation intertwined with essence and blood. For a while, the blood formation seemed to be activated, and the blood burst into the sky. A very strong beam of light stands upright between the sky and the earth.

"What's that?" After Jarvan's halberd shook a few fragments away, he was suddenly attracted by a strange burst of blood. Turning his head, he found a pillar of blood standing between the sky and the earth, and the pillar of blood exuded an order. The wave of fear.

"Suck..." Lu Chuan also glanced at the pillar of blood, his face suddenly changed.

Judging from the fluctuations emerging from the blood pillar, this is probably the last blow of the Void Messenger, and its power is naturally self-evident. Once shrouded by that blood column, I am afraid that he will die extremely miserably.

"Go! Get out of here first!!" Lu Chuan shouted, he couldn't care too much at the moment, and he grabbed the nearest Bobby next to him, and carried it on his shoulders, turning on the wind and sprinting at the same time. Xing retreated violently towards the rear.

The strongest blow of the Golden Rank warrior is definitely not something people of their level can resist.

"Go! Go!" Lu Chuan retreated violently as he kept shouting at the Jiawen and his party who were still on the battlefield.

Seeing that Lu Chuan's eyes reddened anxiously, the group of people also urged their speed to the fastest.

"It's too late, just stay." At this time, the hoarse and cold voice of the Void Envoy slowly sounded, and immediately following, the blood column spread quickly toward the outside in an extremely fast posture.

Soon, several heroes who had not had time to retreat were all wrapped in.

Lu Chuan watched Jiawen and the others, swallowed by the pillar of blood. His whole body was shaking, but his feet were still backing away.

Facing such a trick, he really has no choice. If Lu Chuan also rushed in at this time, he might also die in that formation, and if he stepped back and escaped the blood pillar, there might be more The way to rescue.

But when he saw that bloody color swallowed Jana in, Lu Chuan's heart seemed to be smashed with a heavy hammer, and even his feet were a little unsteady.

"Jana!!" Lu Chuan seemed to see Jana trying to escape from the blood circle, and the hand extended to him, eventually even her palm was swallowed by blood.

The group of people, except for Bobby who he brought out first, all the others were in the blood without exception.

Lu Chuan was able to escape this disaster by relying on the dual blessing of wind and sprinting, but Jana, Ari, and Jiawen... all of them...

After running out of the coverage of the blood pillar, Lu Chuan stood not far away, looking at the giant blood pillar that rose to the sky and had a radius of hundreds of meters. His head buzzed and was empty.

[The first one will be delivered earlier. Fight today to see if you can change 6 and make up for what you owed yesterday. Don’t stop commenting on everyone’s recommended votes. If the conditions permit, I hope to be able to give a reward and help the end. During the PK period, these things about popularity are very important... The most important thing is to follow up. Follow-up reading, some friends may like to keep books, but the PK these days, follow-up reading is very important, thanks! 】