League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 122: Eventful shop


Being able to open a store on his own is a dream that Lu Chuan has always had.

Even this dream, which is not too high-end, is difficult to achieve in Lu Chuan's own world.

The conditions in Lu Chuan's family are not very good. Both parents are working-class, with grandparents to support him and Lu Chuan's university tuition.

Although Lu Chuan had also considered finding a summer job after the college entrance examination was over to relieve the pressure on his parents, he was caught off guard by traveling to Valoran.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan survived the most difficult period before and finally had a small amount of his own money. It was time to pay for his dream.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect Master Lu Chuan that you would have met the Prince of Demacia." When only Lu Chuan was left beside him, Kathy Xiaonizi finally became lively.


"Yeah, in fact, I secretly told the adult that I first thought that the adult was just a small official of Demacia. I didn't expect it to be so powerful." Casey said with some admiration.

"Haha." Lu Chuan chuckled lightly, without explaining much, and he didn't need to show off to Casey.

The two wandered around in and out of the city center of Demacia.

"Kathy, do you think it is more appropriate to pick a store?" Lu Chuan glanced at the little Nizi next to him and said.

"What kind of store do you want to open?"

"Just a general grocery store, selling all kinds of miscellaneous goods." In Demacia, there is also a small shop similar to Lu Chuan's World.

"Um... if it's a grocery store." Casey tilted her chin to think for a moment before saying, "Just now the adult took me around, and I found that it seemed to be the busiest place on West Street, coming and going endlessly. But if you open a store, I think the end of West Street is better than the street."

"Oh? Can you tell me what you think? Generally speaking, people who open a store like to choose the street, because it is lively and bustling, but why do you think that the end of the street is better." Although Lu Chuan had a certain amount of thought in his mind. , But he has to test Casey again.

The most important thing for the owner of a store is to have foresight. How to attract customers and how to turn customers into regular customers. These all need the ability to react to changes. After all, the storefronts in Demacia City are also gone. , Why don’t others go to other stores to come to your store to buy things? This also requires certain sales methods.

"Because I took a look when I was walking across the street, West Street is a big crossroads, and as the main road, there are a lot of carriages that usually go into the city. If we open the store on the street, then We can only have a quarter of the customers on the street. After all, if it is just a grocery store, it is everywhere. From the point of view of convenience, the residents on the opposite side of the intersection will definitely not cross a large road to come to us. Shop shopping." Casey continued with a finger up.

"The road at the end of the street has become much narrower. Horse-drawn carriages can’t pass, and it’s much easier to cross the road. Although the people passing by are not as crowded as the street, we can still occupy all the source of tourists. After paying attention, there doesn't seem to be a grocery store of the kind that the adults said at the end of the street. Maybe everyone thinks the street is prosperous, so let's open the store near the street."

"Well, the analysis is good." What Casey wanted to say was something that Lu Chuan had just thought about. He took Casey around, and Lu Chuan also discovered the phenomenon Casey said, but he wanted to see it. Does this little Nizi have any vision

Facts have proved that the decision that I brought her out is correct. With this clever chick to help support the store, even if the business is not in full swing, at least it can still make a small profit.

While talking, Lu Chuan had already led Casey to the end of West Street. When he was looking at this place just now, Lu Chuan took a fancy to a store, behind him is a family of residential houses, since he wants to open a grocery store , Then the target of service is ordinary people.

After entering the store, the clerk who was taking a nap rubbed his eyes and said, "Good morning, Mrs and Ms. May I have something to eat?"

This shop is a restaurant, but I don’t know if it’s because the cuisine doesn’t suit the appetites of the people around it or what’s the reason. At this time, it’s time for lunch, but the whole restaurant is empty and empty.

"I saw the resale notice posted at your door, so I came over and asked, do you sell it in this shop?"

"Sell, oh no, don't sell... Oh, let me ask the boss first, two of you wait a moment." The clerk seemed a little confused, and ran into the back room.

After a while, a gray-haired old man walked out of the inside with a cane and took a look at Lu Chuan.

"This guest, do you want to buy this shop."

"Old sir, yes." Lu Chuan's tone was polite, and he should not be aggressive when dealing with the elderly because of the weakness of others. No one has ever been young.

"Young man, this shop was meant to be sold, but there are some troubles on the stall. I will tell you the matter first. Then you decide whether to buy or not. Please sit down." The old man coughed and sat down next to him. The dining table chair.

The clerk hurried to pour a few cups of tea. Just as Lu Chuan sat down, he found Casey standing upright behind him, like a female guard.

"Sit together, don't be restrained." Lu Chuan chuckled lightly, and Casey blushed, and then carefully sat beside Lu Chuan.

"This restaurant was actually run by my son a long time ago, but now he has gone to Pearwater to develop. I am getting older and I plan to rent and sell the restaurant. The notice is It was posted a few months ago, but a bunch of people came..."

The old man slowly explained the ins and outs of the matter to Lu Chuan. It turned out that the business of this restaurant was pretty good at the time. After all, it was an old store that had been open for more than ten years. Some diners around were quite similar to the old man. Familiar, plus the taste is also good, usually buy his face, come over for a meal.

It's just that after the old man is too old and unable to run his business, he wants to sell the store, but as a result, a group of characters like gangsters and gangsters want to buy the old man's shop at a very low price.

Because the price was too low, the two parties naturally didn't reach a conclusion. Later, the gang of hooligans brought people over to smash the shop at intervals, intimidating the guests: they would chop off their hands when they came to eat again!

After going back and forth, almost all the customers in this store ran away, and the little hooligans made it clear: If you don't rent this store to me, I will let you not get along!

And some people around who want to do business probably know the situation of this store, so they don’t dare to rent and buy this store, so it has been stranded until today, there is no business at all in the store, and rent can’t be done. go out.

The old man had a very kind heart. He didn't deceive Lu Chuan from not knowing, but explained the situation to him clearly. Lu Chuan would decide whether to rent or not.

Of course, there have been several groups of outsiders who have taken a fancy to this shop before, but they all got up and said goodbye after they had explained the situation, and even had time to wave their hands.

"Is that so?" Lu Chuan nodded and stood up, and Casey also hurriedly stood up.

The old man sighed slightly in his heart.

It seems that this business has gone bad again.

But I want to think about it, is there any business person who is so relieved, knowing that punks will come to harass the place all day, and dare to take this store.

It is reasonable not to.

When the old man was about to call the clerk to see him off, he suddenly heard Lu Chuan say.

"Old sir, please quote a price, I want this store."

"Huh?" The old man's face was full of astonishment.

[The first one is sent, ask for a recommendation ticket, hiding it in your trouser pocket the next day is a waste, so it is better to give it to the end, and the end is to keep it for you, hehehe. 】