League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 125: Something happened!


"Hey, brother, I knew you were the best to me." Haisen smiled and said with a grin, "Brother, remember that thing I told you before? It was a poor man who had a street stall at the time. The kid beat me."

"He?" Hai Yuan frowned slightly. He heard Haisen talk about the grudge between Lu Chuan and his brother, but he didn't investigate Lu Chuan much after the incident, and he didn't know much about Lu Chuan.

"Well, that's the kid. I caught him for half a month before, and I didn't squat down to him, otherwise I would interrupt him!" Thinking of this, a sharp look flashed in Haisen's eyes. He was caught by Lu Chuan at the time. The fact that the punch hit the other side of the road was passed quickly, and even the punks in other districts often made fun of him about it.

The culprit is Lu Chuan.

So Heisen wanted to retaliate against him. He wanted to die. He couldn't wait to interrupt his hands and feet one day, then put on a rope to lead him to the street and sneak off.

"Did you see him again?"

"Isn’t it? It’s in our West Street district, and the kid is lucky enough to have a shop, so I’ll come over and tell you first. Today I heard that it seems that his shop is opening. I’ll greet a few later. The brothers smashed his shop in the past. If he wants to report to the official, you have to take care of me." Heysen got up after speaking, and he couldn't get a reply from Haiyuan, and ran out of the room. , Before leaving, she nodded to the Fengyue woman who was lying on the bed, "Take care of my brother, you know? I'll order you next time."

"This stinky boy!" Haiyuan yelled, but Haisen was gone.

However, even if things like smashing a shop were seen by many witnesses, it might be a little troublesome, but if you want to suppress it, with Haiyuan's current status, it is not difficult.

"Help this stinky boy round the scene again. I will discipline him more in the future, and let him go so crazy, and sooner or later he will cause me a big disaster. But the boy named Lu Chuan seems to be familiar with his name, as if I heard someone mention it somewhere. Over." Hai Yuan frowned and thought for a moment, but didn't remember which character Lu Chuan was, he shook his head and snorted coldly, "Forget it, no matter who you are, if you provoke my brother, that's a dead end!"

"Guanren~" The Fengyue girl lying on the bed twisted the waist of the water snake and stepped forward. She could understand that the man in front of her was a big Buddha. If he could be served today, some small things would happen in the future. , Ask him for help, he will always take care of it more or less.

Seeing that the chick's figure was extremely irritating, Haiyuan, who had just vented once, ignited a sense of war again. He pushed down the chick's head and pressed it under his crotch, "Come, here. Let me vent my fire. I'll take care of you, and your benefits are indispensable."

The little girl squatted between Hai Yuan's legs with a charming look.

Just before Haiyuan had time to enjoy, the door was suddenly pushed open, scared Haiyuan almost softened, only to see a soldier rushing in hurriedly, Haiyuan suddenly yelled, "Grass! Who really let you in? Didn’t I see that I have something to do?"

The soldier was taken aback when he saw this scene, but said anxiously, "My lord, big news! There is big news!"

"What's the matter? Even if there is great news, wait until I finish the work in front of me! Now, you! Get out of me!" When he was ****, the non-eyed men rushed in and let Haiyuan was extremely violent.

"No... Your lord, the prince has come to our West Street district... The other officers in charge have already rushed past by this time." The soldier swallowed.

"What? The prince has come down?! Shouldn't he be busy in the palace at this time to die? How can he have time to spot check our West Street area?" Haiyuan was taken aback, and hurriedly pushed away the chick under his crotch, doing three steps in parallel. Picking up the clothes scattered on the ground in two steps, put them on in a hurry.

He is just a first-level officer. Above him, there are ensigns, captains, major generals, generals, and various titles. His Royal Highness, the apex of the pyramid among the ranks of official power, has suddenly come to the west. In the neighborhood, this made Haiyuan panicked and anxious, and the damned group of officers didn't even tell him, they ran to meet the prince one by one.

If you go there by yourself at the latest and neglect the prince, I am afraid that this position that has not yet been firmly seated will be swept down.

"My lord, His Royal Highness didn't come to inspect. Hearing from the group, he seemed to be carrying something to give a gift. Director Xin Zhao and Admiral Galen also came together."

"Gift? What gift?" Hai Yuan was taken aback for a moment, "Is there a big man in our West Street District? The biggest title seems to be the Earl Brandon in the east, right, but that's just the Earl. It's worth your Royal Highness's personal visit. Give gifts?"

"This is not quite clear, but I heard that it seems that the kid is called Lu Chuan and opened a store in the West Street District." The soldier hurriedly replied.

"Lu Chuan? This name is familiar." Haiyuan put on the clothes succinctly. The little girl stepped forward and picked up the saber in a timely manner. When she was about to hand it over to Haiyuan, Haiyuan was suddenly stunned.

"Wait... Are you talking about Lu Chuan?"

"Well, there should be nothing wrong, that group of people said so."

After getting the soldier's affirmation, Haiyuan's expression became very exciting, a moment of pale, with a little gloomy black, and thin cold sweat on his forehead.

At this time, he was flawless thinking about why he would be respected as the prince, and would bow down to give a gift to a small citizen himself.

Finally, his expression became savage, "Damn, something has happened! You! Did you see my brother when I came here just now?"

"Mr. Haisen just walked out not long."

"Take someone! I will catch him, and you must stop him!" Hai Yuan roared. As soon as the little girl handed the saber up, she was slapped on her face by Hai Yuan, "Go! Stinky, don't give it." I get in the way!"

With that, he buttoned his shirt and rushed out of the room like a gust of wind.

The Fengyue girl covered her face and stared at the back of Haiyuan's departure. She didn't understand from the beginning to the end, why this man who had just finished her job suddenly became irritable like an angry lion.

And in that irritability, there seemed to be deep fear.

What is he afraid of

[Fourth more! There will be one more later]

[A small partner from the Chinese website of the starting point of the air dialogue, this book is the first publication of the creation, and it is also serialized at the starting point. The end will occasionally go to the starting point and glance at it. If you have any questions or suggestions, just leave a message. Oh~ the friends from the starting point also remember to vote obediently~]