League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 132: The samurai's paradise


Inside Jarvan's palace.

"Help me announce this decision. During this time, I will use this proposal first." Jarvan threw the quill pen in his hand into the pen holder and handed a paper book in front of him to the official in front of him.

Demacia's situation in the imperial house is now regionally stable, and Jarvan is gradually grabbing back the power that was previously emptied.

The old Harriman seems to have retired in his heart. He is now in his 60s and 70s. After the previous rebellion, he has aged a lot, and now he has taken things big and small. They were all handed over to Jarvan to take care of.

It was only a matter of time before Jarvan succeeded to the throne and ascended to the throne. In search of a sunny day, Harriman planned to transfer the crown on his head to Jarvan.

After the confidant official turned down the paper book, Jarvan rubbed his forehead with a headache, turned to the person next to him, and said, "Mr. Zhao Xin, according to you, those big families should be punished What decision is made?"

Director Xin Zhao has been assisting the king since Demacia II. As the king’s right-hand man, he has not only a tall and strong strength, but also a wise vision, which can make up for the king’s vision in some aspects. Blind spots and put forward your own opinions.

Xin Zhao is absolutely loyal to the Demacian royal family. He has been assisting the king since the second king, and has been through three long generations, and has begun to become Jarvan's right-hand man.

No one will know how old Xin Zhao is, but Jarvan thinks he should be at least a hundred years old, belonging to his grandfather's generation.

But it looks like he is in his mid-thirties. The origin of Xin Zhao is also extremely mysterious. It is rumored that King II brought him back from the arena of Noxus. Before that, there was no People knew where he came from, and he didn't talk about it.

But it doesn't matter, as long as his heart is loyal to Demacia, then even if he had a heinous sin before, Jarvan would stop him with his hand.

The so-called hero does not ask where he comes from, as long as he can be loyal.

"My personal suggestion is to keep their families and only cancel their titles, because these big families control almost half of our Demacia's financial resources, and their economic chain covers a wide range, and they even trade with other countries. If they are dealt with together, the current economic situation of our country will also be in a semi-paralyzed state. At least more than ten years of economic retrogression." Zhao Xin replied in a deep voice.

"Well, I have this plan too. It seems that you are similar to what I thought." Jarvan sighed slowly, "Obviously he is a traitor, and Demacia is about to fall into the hands of others, but now For various reasons, they cannot be sanctioned."

Xin Zhao stood blankly beside Jarvan and did not answer any more words.

The people all envied the king, thinking that he could eat all the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, and enjoy the most luxurious things, and the king's women, there could also be many, they all rushed to hug them.

But the king also has the king’s difficulties. When faced with many things that he knows to be incorrect, the king also has no alternative.

For example, for the current major rebel families, according to their crimes, it is not enough to copy all the doors, but Jarvan can't do it. These major families control at least half of Demacia's financial resources.

"It seems that they can only slowly weaken their strength." Jarvan shook his head and looked out the window again.

From a distance, he could see the tower of courage trial not far away.

"One day has passed, I don't know what happened to Mr. Lu Chuan."

Of course, Lu Chuan's situation is very good, even playing very well in the tower.

"Hey hey, you are too weak. Come and chase me, chase me... Uh, I won't give you any hehe if you chase me." Lu Chuan was running forward at this moment, and behind him, followed A group of three-star brass wolves, there are at least hundreds of them.

It is now on the thirtieth floor, and Lu Chuan is trying his new arrogance secret method.

The secret method is relatively simple to learn, as long as you get the secret method book, you can learn it in seconds by opening the book, or the secret method is more like a kind of inheritance, and the method of using the secret method is directly branded into the mind of the recipient.

Lu Chuan just made a mark casually, propped up an invisible barrier around him, and enveloped the entire tower.

No matter how high the IQs of these creatures are, they naturally can't think of an arrogant way to get rid of them, so they chased Lu Chuan with a stare, and even if Lu Chuan sometimes stopped to rest for a while, they rushed to Lu Chuan without harm. !

Does it hurt at all? It is said that the wolf's teeth are extremely sharp and can bite an adult into two pieces.

But Lu Chuan saw with his own eyes one of the wolf pounced in front of him and bit his crotch. As a result, his teeth shattered.

"Oh~ you are so bad~" Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and pointed at the wolf. The wolf suddenly felt angry and pounced on Lu Chuan again. As a result, Lu Chuan felt like a child, and he slapped him out.

Lu Chuan glanced around and found that there were no other creatures around.

"It seems that they are all drawn over." As Lu Chuan spoke, a flash of fire appeared on the Dolan sword in his hand, followed by a flash of fire.

Holding the hilt in his hand and spinning around in place, the flames gushing from the Dolan sword also wrapped all the wolves in all directions.

"Ohhhhh!!" Amid the fire, there was a screaming howl of wolves.

With the arrogance barrier, Lu Chuan's clearance speed is much faster. When each layer faces these creatures, as long as the arrogance barrier is turned on, they will not be able to hurt Lu Chuan for half a minute, and they will start to attract. Their hatred, after turning the entire tower layer around, the hostile creatures in the tower layer were basically attracted to Lu Chuan and launched an attack on Lu Chuan.

At this time, Lu Chuan only needs to throw two skills at random to kill all the creatures in the first layer.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Melted into his body, Lu Chuan let out a groan comfortably.

"Plap!" Lu Chuan clenched his fists hard and made a crisp sound. He looked around, walked up to a wall, inhaled, raised his fist, and struck out with a fist.

"Boom!!!" With a loud explosion like an explosion, the entire tower layer seemed to be crumbling as if it was about to collapse, and the gravel above the head fell down and fell.

"This power, I'm afraid it should already be close to the silver rank warrior, and it is still a warrior who mainly cultivates power." Lu Chuan muttered to himself.

He discovered the law in the tower, that is, starting from the second floor, every tenth floor, the attributes obtained by killing the creatures in the tower are different.

The second to tenth floors provide Lu Chuan with mental power, while the twelfth to twentieth floors provide Lu Chuan with physical tyranny. From the 22nd to the 30th floor, unexpectedly It directly provided Lu Chuan with a lot of power.

These are very important things for Lu Chuan, because his realm jumped too fast, and he did not have a solid foundation like an ordinary warrior. It can be said that before Lu Chuan entered the trial tower , If you remove all the things supplied in the little beads, he is far less than a warrior of the same rank in terms of speed, strength, and physical sturdiness.

Every battle is won by many means, and now Lu Chuan, even if all the equipment and skills are removed, and he fights with the samurai of the same rank with red fists, he is confident that he will punch that warrior's front teeth Lose.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Chuan has also discovered a pattern. Every tenth floor, a boss-like guy will appear in the tower. They represent the seven original sins. Defeating them can gain a lot of cultivation base diligence.

The little old man on the eleventh floor represents arrogance, while the dead fat man on the twenty-first floor represents gluttony.

Now Lu Chuan is standing at the entrance of the 30th floor, and upwards is the boss level on the 31st floor.

"What will happen to the level of the thirty-first level?" Lu Chuan's eyes flickered with keen interest.

Inside this tower, it is simply a paradise for samurai.

【Late update, cheeky point recommendation ticket...】