League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 133: pharmacist!


After resting for a while on the 30th floor, Lu Chuan led the spirit wolf, who seemed to have grown a circle behind him, onto the 31st floor.

Just stepping on the ground on the 31st floor, a violent sound hit Lu Chuan's heart like a heavy hammer.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" The roar was endless, and Lu Chuan's ears were a little numb.

Looking forward, he was a big man with a naked upper body, holding a club that seemed to be made of iron in his hands. His skin was red. Around him, endless anger seemed to be transformed. He made a substantial red halo, floating around him.

Before Lu Chuan came back to his senses, he rushed toward Lu Chuan, and the club in his hand also fell fiercely toward Lu Chuan's head.

"Bang!!" Lu Chuan hurriedly jumped away, and at this time he had been smashed out of a big hole where he was standing.

"Give me to hell! Remnants!" The big man didn't care where Lu Chuan came from, and he didn't even say a polite sentence, as if in his eyes, Lu Chuan was like pushing his wife down. It was an unforgivable sin.

"Could it be rage?" Lu Chuan frowned slightly. Among the seven original sins, one of the original sins was rage, and judging from the big guy who came up in front of him and shouted for killing without saying a word, it should be rage that couldn't be wrong.

Lu Chuan slightly sensed the strength of this big man, which was similar to the breath of Tu he encountered at the martial arts meeting at that time, and he was in the stage of a brass door.

However, although Tu did put Lu Chuan into a bitter battle at the time and almost lost his life, but now it is different.

Lu Chuan now has almost a 100% chance of winning against the brass door warrior.

"Bang!" Lu Chuan pulled out the sword while looking at the big man who was hitting him with a hammer regardless of his care, but this time he didn't have any skills.

Because he wanted to see how his own strength had reached after several consecutive layers of absorbing power.

The club hammer and the sword hilt slammed together, and a buzzing sound erupted. The big man's head was blown, and the Duolan sword called Lu Chuan was slightly curved.

"Dead!!" The big man's eyes were full of endless killing intent, as if he wanted to shed eight pieces of Lu Chuan, drink his blood and eat his flesh.

From beginning to end, Dahan's purpose was very clear, he wanted Lu Chuan to die.

Every sentence cannot be separated from the main heart.

And the strength of this big man was indeed extremely domineering, and Lu Chuan was slightly surprised as he felt the dark energy faintly coming from his arm.

This big man would actually use dark power to attack.

The so-called dark attack is an attack method that transfers one's own strength to the enemy's body through a special method. This kind of dark power attack is generally a skill that can only be learned by warriors majoring in the strength department, because the samurai of other departments are not so strong in their own power and cannot play the dark power well. To waste energy to improve this skill. Simply don't learn.

Although it is said that dark power is the most basic method of the warrior of the force system, it is also like the enchantment of the demon warrior.

The secret attacks that are circulating on the market are the most common. Everyone can practice, and the effect is only when fighting with people. Taking advantage of the lack of spare time to instigate others, you may be able to deal with warriors of the same rank. There is not much effect. After all, the force-type warrior is the most common type, and everyone knows more or less some methods to deal with the force-type warrior.

However, the dark attack released by the big man in front of him was quite different.

An ordinary warrior's secret force is at most equivalent to hitting someone else with a punch, and then through the secret force, this force will be shaken once more.

But this big man’s dark energy has something different. After that violent energy is transmitted into Lu Chuan’s body, it seems like a small snake has penetrated into Lu Chuan’s body, stirring wantonly, moving towards some tricky and dangerous meridians. The attack made Lu Chuan's meridians feel a sense of swelling and cracking.

The pain in the meridians is the most worrying. Fortunately, Lu Chuan's energy is relatively strong, and he quickly expelled the energy that was not his own.

Without the interference of energy, Lu Chuan's heart was also calmed, his arms trembled, and a touch of fire appeared on the hilt of Duolan's sword.

Immediately afterwards, a tongue of fire spit out, and the sword from the fire went straight to the door of the big man, swallowing him.

To deal with this kind of samurai in the brass gate realm, Lu Chuan only needs a Lihuo Sword, just to test what his current strength has reached.

Now it seems that the strength in his body is several times stronger than before, far surpassing the level of a warrior of the same rank.

Looking at the big man's gradually becoming vain body, Lu Chuan fixed his gaze under him. A secret method, a small bottle of medicine thick as blood.

He stepped forward to pick up the secret method and glanced at it. The content on it also made Lu Chuan feel slightly happy.

He was still thinking about that big man's secret power just now, but he didn't think that he had hit the boss now and directly exploded his secret power of secret power.

After clearing the boss three times, Lu Chuan probably figured out some tricks.

This Courage Trial Tower is like a game of brushing bosses to explode equipment, mobs can provide experience, and big bosses have a chance to explode good things.

But in the same way, it is also crueler than in the game, one might just hang up directly.

The arrogant boss in the first level provided Lu Chuan with two secrets, while the gluttonous boss in the second level gave him a halo of cultivation base, which melted into Lu Chuan's body, and helped him grow by less than about.' Five percent's water mark.

As for the boss of this third level, Lu Chuan's character has exploded again. This time, two items were released, and besides a secret book, there was also a bottle of things that looked like blood.

Throwing the Anjin secret method into the small bead first, Lu Chuan picked up the bottle of'blood' and looked at it.

"This should be... Forget it, I'd better read the book first, learning makes me happy." Lu Chuan pulled out a thick Valoran Encyclopedia from the little bead.

His days in Valoran Continent didn’t last long, and it’s only half a year if he was full of money. There are so many things in Valoran Continent that Lu Chuan didn’t know about, so he just kept an encyclopedia. , And now it is really useful.

Turning to the page of blood items, and looking for it carefully, Lu Chuan's gaze was fixed on a line of introduction.

"Blood of violence?" Lu Chuan's eyelids jumped subconsciously, and his gaze also eagerly looked towards the introduction in the book.

"Huh..." After a while, Lu Chuan closed the encyclopedia and threw it into the small bead, a touch of ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

This violent blood is not the essence and blood of normal humans, but when the anger accumulates to a certain level, it condenses into a thick mass, which seems to be blood.

To put it bluntly, although this thing has a high-sounding name like'Blood of Violence', it is just a cloud of anger.

Of course, anger is only intangible, and it takes extremely pure and strong anger to form substantial blood of violence.

In other words, the formation of this violent blood can only pass through those people who only want to kill, and only kill in their eyes. In his world, there is nothing but killing. Only this kind of people can anger, Change to anger. And when the anger is strong to a certain level, this group of strong blood like blood will form.

Of course, what Lu Chuan is happy about is not because of this blood of violence, but because... the other secret book he picked up in the first level of arrogance level worked!

It turned out that the arrogant old man in the first level gave Lu Chuan two secrets, one is the arrogance enchantment, the other is... the pharmacist!

Pharmacist and pharmacist are two completely different concepts.

Perhaps there are many pharmacists in Valoran Continent, because ordinary people often have a headache and brain fever. This type of pharmacist is a bit like a doctor in Lu Chuan's world, or an old Chinese doctor.

But the pharmacist... That's different.

Pharmacists, the simplest and most practical point is that they can refine magic cores into liquids, which look like potions. This can reduce some of the violent factors in the magic cores. After all, you must know that the physique of monsters is different from that of humans. , Refining the magic core itself is an unstable factor. Some people's physique is in conflict with the monsters, and some of the magic cores still have the essence of the monsters. It is easy to turn the object and take away the lives of the people.

There are many examples of young warriors who want to forcibly refine high-level magic cores in Valoran Continent. Because the energy of the magic cores is too irritable, they are all backlashed and lost their lives.

But after having a pharmacist, it’s different. They can refine the magic core into a potion. The energy in the magic core potion will become very neutral. Even if it can’t be absorbed, it will be discharged at most without causing backlash. .

This alone made the status of a pharmacist leap forward, becoming one of the professions that everyone in Valoran Continent wanted to learn the most.

And not only that, but pharmacists can also use some of their own methods to refine some weird potions, some potions can enhance the warrior's combat ability in all aspects!

Imagine the scene where after a samurai with only three brass stars took the medicine, he knocked the silver rank samurai to the ground with a punch.

Of course, that kind of medicine is very scarce, and the price is very expensive, which is not something that ordinary samurai can consume.

But this also illustrates the power of pharmacists from the side.

There is even a popular proverb on the continent of Valoran-I would rather offend an earl than offend a pharmacist easily.

This reflects the dignity of the pharmacist.

And how to become a pharmacist... It’s like a poor beggar asking others how to become a generation duke is laughable. Due to the dignity of the profession of pharmacist, the threshold for becoming a pharmacist is also very high. , It is a profession that looks at talent.

Some wealthy families can't let their children learn from a pharmacist even if their families are bankrupt. Even if they are accepted by a pharmacist and become a non-staff disciple, they may not be able to learn the real thing.

For Lu Chuan... these are not problems at all, because he has a secret pharmacist's secret method in his hand. The so-called secret method is something that can be learned after reading it, but the degree to which he can comprehend depends on his personal talent.

As long as you read this secret method, all the basic common sense and ideas of the pharmacist will be imprinted in Lu Chuan's bones and in his mind as if they were passed down.

No matter where he can go, what level of pharmacist he can become, but at least, he has avoided the embarrassing situation of looking at talent and spending a lot of money to get started without learning anything.

Lu Chuan read the secret method of the pharmacist as early as when he got it in his hand. In other words, Lu Chuan was already a qualified pharmacist, but he lacked practical experience and lacked all kinds of materials. Lu Chuan hasn't had the opportunity to make his first potion for a long time.

And Lu Chuan is now as a low-level pharmacist, and the only medicine he can make is level one.

However, there is a potion named'Frath Mixture'. Lu Chuan glanced at the effect, and it seemed that it could increase the current strength by 30%, as well as a small amount of physical recovery ability. This is currently the most practical for Lu Chuan.

There is one material in the mixture of anger. What is needed is blood of violence. Lu Chuan has never heard of this stuff. After getting the blood just now, after looking through the Valoran Encyclopedia, he found that he was holding it in his hand. That little bottle of anger is blood of violence.

"Tsk tusk, I was still thinking about how to make a lot of money. Now that I become a pharmacist, the money will be worthless in the future, and I can use it for myself. I am afraid that it won't work without moisturizing after a small day." Lu Chuan slapped his mouth with joy. Pharmacists are the most lacking of money among all professions.

Just do it if you think about it. Now the main ingredients for the Fury Mixture are all complete, and Lu Chuan has consumed some stamina after the battle just now. Taking advantage of this recovery period, he just used it to refine the potion!

[As the last chapter before the shelves are free, the number of words in this chapter is sufficient. I originally wanted to divide it into two chapters, but there is no need to write it as one chapter.

In addition, it’s going to be on the shelves tomorrow. I’m here to inform everyone that the words that should be said are almost the same as everyone said. Writing novels is the only job of the end, and everyone’s subscription is also the only source of income for the end. Maybe Other great gods can earn one hundred and eighty thousand yuan a month, but the end... If you can make two thousand yuan a month, it's just a joke.

In an age like this, 2,000 yuan, except for rent, water, electricity, meals, snacks, and there are really few left, but for the end, if you can have 2,000 yuan in subscription money a month, you can Just after eating a full bite, the end will gritted his teeth and insisted on writing it down.

The path I choose, no matter how difficult it is, even if it is no longer understood, even if it is exhausted, no matter how many eyes are turned, the end will go on gritted teeth, I have been on the street for four years, why should I be afraid to be on the street for another year

Although this road is very slow, there will always be a shore. 】

[Finally, let me talk about the issue of charging prices. All books have the same charging standard. It is stipulated by the creation. There is no author to change the price. The reason why you see some chapters with different prices is because the number of words is different. . Charging standard = 200 words per cent.

In other words, if you write an 800-word composition at the end, you can only get 4 cents (I am afraid that some friends after 00 do not know what a penny represents. Let me talk about it here, 1 yuan = 10 cents Money, 1 dime = 10 cents)

This book only needs more than ten yuan a month, that is, your meal money (and the fast food restaurants on the street, Shaxian snacks) can support the end of the road for a month. The end of the code is not easy, everyone. Just ask the end to eat a fast food, haha, hahaha, roll around and beg for care~

Readers: Get out! Shameless old thief! 】

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