League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 134: Flask of Fury


"Well... a small portion of blood of violence, five first-class magic cores... And, let me think about it..." Lu Chuan was now half leaning on the sill, half looking at the mudstone slab on the top of the tower, half thinking. .

He has learned the secret method of the pharmacist, so the formula of any first-level medicine exists in his mind. It is only the second-level formula, but it is a little fuzzy in memory. It seems that even if the secret method of the pharmacist is obtained, he has to follow it. Behave according to the rules.

A first-level pharmacist cannot make a second-level medicine.

"By the way, I still need a scorpion shell to neutralize... I wonder if the corpses of the magic scorpions picked up on the second floor just now are useful?" Where did Lu Chuan go to find the scorpion shells at this time, he simply Take the materials locally, whether it works or not, at least you have to try it first.

Lu Chuan spread out his right hand, and with a light movement of his thoughts, a milky white halo appeared on his right hand, but this halo didn't fluctuate in strength at all, it was just a ball of light.

This halo was the'medicine refining place' when the pharmacist was at the first level, according to the memory inherited in the secret method.

"This medicine refining platform is too crude, right? Can it really condense something?" Lu Chuan stared at the light ball on his right hand, and some wondered himself.

However, if they make it difficult to become a pharmacist's disciple, and it takes them a month or even a few months to condense the first-level'medicine refining platform', they may vomit blood for three liters of anger when they hear what Lu Chuan said.

They worked so hard to understand the realm of the pharmacist, and they failed countless times to support the halo. Lu Chuan had the secret law inheritance and could directly study the meeting, and even complained that the light group was useless.

Of course, for a second-level pharmacist, this light group is really useless, and a pharmacy table will be needed at that time.

Shaking his head, his left hand picked up the small bottle containing the blood of violence. For the time being, Lu Chuan had no way to get the blood of violence. After all, it was too much to find someone who only wanted to kill. Difficult.

So he had to save a little bit. It took a long time to squeeze a small drop out. Lu Chuan felt distressed. He quickly sealed his mouth and put it away. Then he put his wrists up again. There are five first-level demons with faint fluorescence. The nuclear appeared in Lu Chuan's hands.

The first-level magic core Lu Chuan still has some stocks, but the effect of these magic cores is minimal for Lu Chuan. I originally planned to throw it into the branch of the Demacia grocery store in a few days and sell it, but now it seems , It can be used as a refining medicine.

Throwing all the five magic nuclei into the halo, the violent blood of violence quickly melted away like ink into the water, staining all the five magic nuclei with a bright red color.

The primary medicine refining platform seemed to have the effect of catalyzing operation. Lu Chuan could see to the naked eye that the five magic cores seemed to be slowly shrinking. Soon, they had shrunk from half the size of a palm to a thumb. A mass of paste, large and small, was constantly squirming in the halo, but inside it contained a strong and violent aura.

Naturally, this violent breath couldn't be taken directly. Lu Chuan quickly threw the prepared devil scorpion shells into the halo.

Although he didn't understand why the devil's scorpion shell could neutralize, but the Encyclopedia of People said so, he felt it necessary to believe in the authenticity of a wave of books.

Soon, under the catalysis of the halo, the devil scorpion shell also turned into a dark brown sticky thing. With a move of Lu Chuan's mind, the five groups of magic cores that had turned into red paste and the dark brown were more Things like snot, fused together.

"Zizizi." After the fusion, what Lu Chuan saw was like a squirming piece of meat, and the picture was really a bit spicy. After a period of warming in the halo, a thick, scarlet pool of liquid that looked like a sister’s aunt finally formed...

Lu Chuan filled the beach of "Auntie" in an empty bottle with a bit of tears and wanted to cry, and he had to taste the medicine he made himself with tears in his eyes.

He stretched out his trembling fingers, stained a little in the small bottle, then stretched out his tongue and licked it, and Lu Chuan's brows suddenly wrinkled.

An extremely weird taste spread in the mouth, with a hint of pure acridity and a bitter taste, just like the feeling of gnawing on the bark and chewing hard in the mouth.

But soon, Lu Chuan's whole body began to emit a faint red fluorescence.

"It's really fast to see results." After tasting a little bit, Lu Chuan could clearly feel that his strength had indeed increased a little at this moment.

But I am afraid that even the 10% increase has not been achieved.

Of course, this has something to do with Lu Chuan taking less, and this is his first time refining medicine, and he is not familiar with all aspects.

Putting the small bottle away temporarily, his physical strength was almost restored at this time, Lu Chuan raised his leg and led the spirit wolf to the upper level.

Thirty-two floors.

As soon as Lu Chuan stood firm, his whole body shuddered by a blast of cloudy wind blowing on his face.

There seemed to be plunged into a dark area again, and the Yin Qi was so heavy that Lu Chuan could even vaguely distinguish the charming laughter and groans of some women from the cloudy wind.

Soon, Lu Chuan found a ghost image drifting in front of him.

The spirit wolf at his feet also let out a vigilant whimper.

"Ghost layer?" Lu Chuan whispered to himself. By spreading out his spiritual power, he perceives something invisible to the naked eye.

For example, standing in front of him now, there is even a gray and transparent soul with his face close to his face.

The soul’s facial features were extremely enchanting and gorgeous, like a woman of about 27 or 18 years old. She was slender, but her face was a little pale. She faced Lu Chuan face to face, her eyes widened. The distance between the two was even No more than one centimeter, just stare directly at Luchuan.

"Did you see me, giggle. It's been a long time since no fresh body has come here. Welcome to Paradise, have fun with us, giggle." The woman smiled sullenly and stretched out. With a blood-red tongue, he licked Lu Chuan's cheek.

Although it was just that action, the soul couldn't approach people, but it made Lu Chuan feel a cold on his face, as if she was really licked by her tongue.

"Chuck, the breath of the living is really nostalgic." The woman smiled, and Lu Chuan followed closely, and there were bursts of cold smiles around Lu Chuan.

Spiritual power spread again. At this time, in front of Lu Chuan, behind him, beside him, and in all directions, there were dozens of guys who looked like female ghosts, surrounding him.

And it is worth mentioning that their looks are very good, but their delicate faces have a weird smile. In this dark environment, they seem to be extraordinarily infiltrating.

Lu Chuan snorted coldly, and a group of red flames burned around him, illuminating the surrounding area.

Just such a move made Lu Chuan startled in a cold sweat.

After he illuminated all the surroundings, the female ghosts disappeared around his body, but surrounded by hundreds of skeletons with only bones. The two of them had only hollow eye sockets, and there were fat ones. The maggots were wriggling.

"Now? You really, did you see me?" It was the voice that was still smiling, echoing in Lu Chuan's ears.

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