League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 146: Hair is like snow


Inside a small alley in the east block of Demacia.

Lu Chuan originally wanted to come here alone, but the two chicks also had to follow along, wanting to find out who the employer can post such a high bounty is.

Maybe it's the granddaughter of the missing person? Fifty years have passed, and the granddaughter must have appeared slim, right

Between the employer and the mercenary, it came and went... Tsk, I’m afraid it’s a mosaic picture if I think too much.

Therefore, the two chicks both expressed that they were not relieved of Lu Chuan, and had to follow them to see.

"This alley is too old. The style is like a building 40 or 50 years ago." Ari stretched out his hand and stroked the moss-covered adobe bricks on both sides. Demacia was 40 or 50 years ago, I don’t know. Wherever there has been a wave of shareholder architecture, many alleys and alleys are made of oriental-style burnt earth bricks and bluestone slabs.

And there are still some oriental courtyard buildings in the imperial palace. The courtyard where Lu Chuan lives now is somewhat similar to the quadrangle courtyard in his world.

"Did you make a mistake? Does the employer really live here?" Even Jana asked with some confusion.

"The address given on the task list is correct. There is a small yard in front. Let's go in and take a look." Lu Chuan gently knocked on the wooden door at the entrance of the yard.

No one agreed.

But the wooden door was not closed properly, just a light push, the door opened.

There was an earthy breath rushing over my face. I looked around and found that the front of the yard seemed to be a small vegetable field, with all kinds of vegetables that Lu Chuan could not name.

And in front of me is a house made of bricks and tiles. The white ash on the wall has almost fallen off. Only one mottled and broken wall is left. Bundles of fine wood are placed on the side, like It is used for cooking.

"Lu Chuan! How can you enter someone else's house casually?" Jana pulled Lu Chuan twice, but instead of holding it, Lu Chuan walked in directly.

At this time, an old woman with a cane walked out of the house. She was not tall and hunched over. She looked very old, at least seventy or eighty years old, and her face was also covered with wrinkles.

A pair of squinted eyes seemed to have a trace of excitement, but after a glance at Lu Chuan and his group, the look of excitement disappeared and turned into a touch of loss.

"So it wasn't... It wasn't..." the old woman murmured in a low voice.

"Hello, grandma, we belong to the League of Legends mercenary group. I saw this task on the task list in the guild. The address filled in above is here. Is it your news?"

The old woman's reaction seemed to be a little inflexible, and she was stunned for a long time before nodding slowly, "Yes, yes."

"Presumably you have also heard about it. The person I am looking for is a person who disappeared fifty years ago. He disappeared in Shurima." Inside the room, the old woman sat on a small chair, speaking as if It's a bit laborious, and I have to take a few breaths every once in a while.

Obviously, she was old and unworthy.

Ordinary people have no natural treasures, nor can they afford high-end cosmetics. If they naturally age, it is very rare to live to 70 or 80 years old.

"Grandma, don't worry, speak slowly." As if feeling distressed, Jana handed a cup of tea for the old woman.

Perhaps the old woman in front of her was a lonely person living in such a dilapidated little house that did not know when it would collapse, which made her feel a little emotional.

If another fifty or sixty years pass, she will also become such a lingering appearance. At that time, will she be the same as the old woman in front of her, living a lonely life

Thinking of this, Jana glanced at Lu Chuan secretly, and then quickly withdrew her gaze.

No one can predict the future.

"He is my lover... or rather, his unmarried husband. He had already made a marriage contract, but he did not expect that he was drafted to Shurima the next day, the Shurima at the time, Because of all sorts of weird phenomena that affected the survival of the residents on the Demacia border, he was confiscated.” The old woman said that at this time, a touch of loneliness appeared in her expression.

"Before the day of the expedition, I said that I would wait for him to come back, one month, one year, ten years, I am his person, I will marry him, but now I have waited my whole life... He never came back." The old woman seemed a little excited, and tears flowed from the two lines of turbid eyes.

She stretched out her hand to cover her face and slowly shook her head, "I'm sorry, but I'm just an old and ugly old woman, but it's really rude to say these things to you young people."

"It doesn't matter, we came here this time to understand the situation, and I tell you, grandma, this guy is very powerful, just tell him if you have any problems, and he will definitely solve it for you." Ari comforted the old woman. , While selling Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan was speechless for a while.

"Perhaps in the eyes of others, I am a crazy old lady who is not dead. He has gone and has not returned for 50 years, but I am constantly looking for him. When I was young, I personally went to forgive me. Rema... But I am too weak, there is no way to find him and bring him back..."

The words of the old woman made the two girls feel sad again, as if they had seen such a picture. A few decades ago, a young girl went to Shurima alone in order to find a lover who had made an appointment with her. In the sandstorm, she left footprints one after another. After decades of searching in this way, she still couldn't find her lover.

"Decades have passed, and I am old, and I really can’t walk anymore. My only long-cherished wish before I die is to be able to look at him again, whether I’m still alive or dead, even if it’s for me to hold him. He cried with his ashes, and I died without regret." With that, the old woman took off a small jade pendant from her waist with a trembling hand.

The jade pendant is only half, as if it was cut in the middle.

"This is a token of love between me and him, and he also carries such a piece. If you are willing to help me find it for adventurers, then take this jade pendant. Maybe it will help you find something."

Ari stretched out his hand to take the broken jade pendant and glanced at the texture on it.

There is a line of small words on the jade pendant, like a person's name, vaguely engraved with "Millie Dassy", it must be the name of the old woman in front of me.

"And this, although I don't know if this can give you some help." The old woman leaned under the bed and turned out a small box. After unlocking a layer of locks, she turned out a yellowed one from the inside. Old photos.

"This is 50 years ago, it can be regarded as a wedding photo with him. It is also the only photo with him. The magic capture equipment back then was not as advanced as it is now, and the photo is also black and white." The old woman placed the photo. on the table.

Lu Chuan and his party leaned forward to take a look.

In the photo, a young and beautiful girl, with a happy face, nestled beside a tall and handsome boy, holding his arm, smiling like a flower, her smile seems to be full of beautiful hope for the future.

The boy looked a little dazed, with an incomparably simple smile, and was still scratching his head with his hands, as if a little embarrassed.

No one has ever been young, and no one has ever been beautiful.

From this photo, you can see how sweet and happy such a young couple back then.

Looking away from the photo, Lu Chuan glanced at the old woman. Her wrinkled face was filled with endless sadness.

She is no longer young and no longer beautiful. There is a huge difference from the smiling girl in the photo.

The neighbors around her thought she was a crazy old woman and insisted on waiting for someone who no longer existed to return. She pushed all the marriage contracts, refused all the gestures, and even spent a lifetime of savings to find his bones. .

The neighbor told their children that she was an old cannibal witch, and that ugly face was the best proof. The children were also afraid of her. As long as they saw her going out, they would run away while throwing stones at her.

She could only move to such a quiet place, waiting for the end of her life quietly while waiting for the sunset every day.

For more than half of every day, she is carrying a small chair and sitting at the gate of the yard, waiting for someone to push the gate open and say that I am back.

No one came back, only the sky gradually dimmed, darkness emerged, and hope disappeared.

But... he might be back tomorrow, she thought.

It would be great if I could see him again, she thought.

Year after year, day after day, her beautiful blue silk has become pale.

The hair is like snow, and whose parting is poignant.