League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 150: Arrived, deserted town


Early the next morning.

The sun passed through the mottled leaves, and the rain and dew that was still hanging on the branches last night slowly rolled down under the sway of a breeze, splashing into the muddy puddles on the ground.

Ari sneaked out of Lu Chuan's tent. After confirming that there was no one around, he hurried back into his tent.

After a while, everyone gradually woke up from their sleep.

"Good morning, drinking a cup of hot mare's milk will make people feel good throughout the day." The early coachman sat by the campfire that was reborn, and said hello to the group of people who had emerged from the tent. . A small pot hung on the bonfire rack, and the mare's milk inside was boiling in the heat of the fire.

"Trouble the old gentleman, I still think so thoughtfully." Lu Chuan nodded gently to the coachman, expressing his gratitude.

"Haha, this is also a habit I have for many years. I haven't had any serious illnesses for so many years." The driver smiled heartily.

After washing, they drank another cup of steaming mare's milk to pad their stomachs, and the group was finally on the road again.

Ah Li was extremely calm, showing no flaws in the slightest, and his smile to Lu Chuan was just right. As always, no one noticed anything unusual about her.

Think of it like this, just hide it in my heart.

With his cheek in one hand, Ari thought, looking at the blue sky outside the carriage window.

"Wow! Is this the Shurima boundary? It is as shocking as expected. At first glance, it is full of yellow sand, and there are many sand slopes, a golden piece. It is said that the sand of Shurima contains gold. Say it very high." Ezreal was completely transformed into a fan of the desert at this time, looking out through the carriage window with a look of excitement.

"So why is he so enthusiastic? It's almost as hot as an adult." Lu Chuan pulled the clothes on his chest through a few winds.

"I don't know." The two chicks also looked free, and kept fanning the wind with their hands.

After three more days of driving, the carriage finally reached the boundary of Shurima. This is a world made up of yellow sand. Looking around, there is nothing but yellow.

The hot temperature made a few people sweat, and they could not wait to strip all their clothes off. The only thing that felt very excited, maybe only Ezreal's alternative.

"A few, in two more hours, you will be able to reach the deserted town." After distinguishing the way, the coachman jumped off his horse and put a circle of spiked gadgets on the wheel of the car.

This kind of small spikes are specially used for walking on sand roads. The usual round reel has no friction on the soft sand road, and it is easy to sink in.

"The barren town is the only inhabited town in the Shurima region, so it is also a necessary foothold for many gold prospectors. There are also some tomb robbers who will come to find wealth and treasures, because it is a completely independent town. So dragons and snakes are mixed, and there are people from all countries. Among them, there are some places dedicated to black market transactions and clearing of unknown money. The public security here is not very good, full of violence and blood... When the meeting arrives, Everyone is wary."

"So why are you so clear, Dr. Lu Chuan." Ah Li raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem, I love learning, and learning makes me happy." Lu Chuan threw the Valoran Encyclopedia back into his storage bag without a trace.

"Cut, don't pretend you can die." Ari cast a contemptuous look, and then sighed in surprise, "It's really hot, it feels like it's drained. No wonder Shurima is Valor. One of the seven forbidden places in Lan, the cruel weather alone is probably prohibitive."

A few hours later, the carriage successfully arrived at the deserted town.

The area of this town is as large as that of the town of Nuoer Xiuli that Lu Chuan had visited before.

However, as far as the population is concerned, the population here is more than that in the town of Noursurie.

The town’s architecture is a bit of a western medieval western cowboy style. There are wooden houses made of wood panels everywhere, and there are many pedestrians on the road. However, compared with the friendly and peaceful feeling of Demacia, here’s People are obviously alert and hurried when walking on the road, as if there is something big to be done, and at the same time, the corner of the eye is still looking around.

This place is full of suspicion and distrust. Everyone here seems to be an independent individual, exclusive.

After thanking the coachman, Lu Chuan took out a small gold coin bag, which contained more than 50 gold coins. Afterwards, the coachman raised his whip and returned immediately.

With the only brass five-star strength of the coachman, it is easy to suffer in such a place where dragons and snakes are mixed, so it is the safest choice to return to Demacia early.

"This place looks very unfriendly." Standing on the sandy pavement, Ari looked around for a while, and suddenly felt countless eyes shooting towards him, mixed with coldness and indifference. , There are many shadows hidden in the dark.

It seemed to be looking at the strength of these few new guys who stepped into the deserted town, and whether they had money.

"Look for a hotel to stay in. The introduction in the encyclopedia is too general, and there is no in-depth introduction to the real situation of the Shurima Desert. We have to stay here for a few days. After we understand the situation, Go further into the desert." Lu Chuan made his decision among a group of people, and no one refuted his decision.

Leading Jana and a few people, they searched for a hotel that seemed to be reasonable. After entering the shop, the boss asked in a very casual tone, "Stay in the hotel? Why are you here?"

Lu Chuan reached into his arms and directly slammed a bag of gold coins on the counter, which contained ten gold coins.

"Enough for a few days?" The boss is not welcome, and Lu Chuan doesn't bother to be polite with him.

"Hey hey, these guest officials, please come inside, please stay inside, how long you want to live." The boss' eyes straightened when he saw the gold coins, and his face changed very quickly.

In such a realm full of death and indifference, money is the only way to speak.

The arrangement for Lu Chuan and his party was the highest-grade suite in the hotel. After all, ten gold coins are not a small amount. If they are replaced by ordinary people, this is the income of two or three years.

There is even a small cooling magic device in the room. Although the air-conditioning is not very sufficient, it is very rare to have such a coolness in this hot environment.

"If you are tired, please rest in the room first. The room is cool. I will go to the street and see if I can collect some information about the depths of the desert." Lu Chuan said hello to Jiana and the others. Turned around and walked out of the hotel.

This time he came here is not a tourist, the sooner he can understand the situation in the depths of the desert, it will also help him to explore later.