League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 154: God of Gamblers?


The big turntable was spinning fast, and the green area and the red area alternated rapidly.

"God bless, it must be green. I have invested all my property in it." A gambler put his hands together in prayer.

"Don't dream, it's time to play red after driving the green for so long." A gambler who cast the red prize-free zone coldly snorted.

Compared with the simplest way to participate in betting, gamblers who have invested in a single area are obviously more nervous. Although the risk is high, the return is also high. Even if they buy the lowest five times the area, they are all five. Times the rewards, not to mention the higher ones.

Lu Chuan's gaze was also fixed on the turntable, and he was actually more concerned about whether his arrogance barrier was effective than winning or losing.

Although he has never tried anything else before, this kind of arrogance barrier is a state of mind barrier. In theory, as long as the arrogant state of mind remains unchanged, it should have an effect on everything.

Of course, for some opponents who are too much stronger than oneself, this kind of arrogance barrier is invalid, because it is not a form, but a barrier. The barrier is capable of withstanding, when the opponent's strength exceeds this After the endurance, the enchantment will naturally shatter.

The speed of the turntable slowed down, and finally stopped gradually, and the pointer pointed to the red area.

No prizes, all the gamblers who voted for the green all lost.

"Is it ineffective?" Lu Chuan frowned slightly, and when he was about to give up, he suddenly heard an exclamation from someone.

"No! It's not red, it's green, 60 times!!" The exclamation caught everyone's attention, and everyone leaned forward and took a closer look.

It turned out that because the pointer could be stopped in the gap between the green and red areas, and because the area of 60 times the area was too small, everyone subconsciously regarded the pointer as pointing to the red area.

But a closer look reveals that it is indeed at 60 times.

Everyone burst into exclamation, 60 times, really rarely seen.

"I remember a young man who seemed to have pressed a gold coin in the 60 times zone?"

"It seems a bit of an impression, because no one has ever pressed down in that area, so I was curious just now, but he seems to have only pressed one gold coin, which is a pity. If he bankrupted his fortune by 60 times just now, I am afraid that he has become the top. Rich man now."

"Hehe, standing and talking can't hurt your back, do you dare to gamble like that? That kid is just better luck."

Among the people's discussion, it was the maid just now, respectfully carrying the plate and walking to Lu Chuan, and handed a bag of gold coins totaling 60.

"Damn! You're hit again! Big Brother really has you!" Grande said with a look of excitement, but was slapped on the forehead by the fat mouse.

"How do you talk to Big Brother? You must pay attention to honorifics when you talk to Big Brother, don't you? Isn't it Big Brother, hehehe." Fat Mouse looked at Lu Chuan with a bit of flattery.

Fat Mouse is a rough but fine person. Lu Chuan can beat them like a group of guys of the same rank with the strength of one-star brass, so there must be some ulterior tactics in his hands.

These methods may have something to do with his two wins, or maybe just his luck. Of course, Fat Mouse would not ask such things.

Since he plans to mix with Lu Chuan, he must keep his posture to the lowest level and hold him as tight as his thighs. This is what a little brother should do.

"It's just good luck. I bet you will never have such good luck if you bet on a few more games." The big man urged.

"Oliver, you'd better stop chewing your tongue in Lao Tzu's ear, who doesn't know you wear a pair of pants with this casino-brother, we will accept it when we see it, if we can make some, I am thinking of some other things for you Money way." Fat Mouse glared at the brawny man named Oliver, then turned his head and smiled at Lu Chuan.

He could see that the big brother he followed seemed to be short of money, but the casino was a black hole, and he could be sucked in as much as he earned. Moreover, if he earned too much, the casino unilaterally would not let people leave so easily. .

In the casino in the deserted town, Xiao Xiaoxiao, they can open one eye and close one eye, but if the guests win too much, they will be invited in for tea. Fat Mouse also knows a lot of news. Visitors from other places were chopped off in this casino because they won too much money.

Thinking of the forces behind this casino, Fat Mouse swallowed with difficulty.

"Let's play two more games," Lu Chuan said lightly. Fat Mouse was a little anxious and didn't know how to persuade Lu Chuan, so he could only agree.

"Since the eldest brother said so, you can play two more games. Today, eldest brother's luck is very good, but I personally suggest that eldest brother bet on red or green this time. The chances of winning the lottery will be much higher... elder brother!!!" Fat The Rat almost choked to death as he spoke.

Because he saw Lu Chuan throw the bag of gold coins that he just won into a 60 times area...

Nima! It's not like having money to play like this!

Not only the Fat Mouse, but even the Oliver and the other gamblers had their eyes widened and looked like they had seen a ghost.

60 gold coins is not a small sum. If you put it in the common people's house, this is the savings of ten or twenty years. Even in this outrageous and deserted town with high prices, you can eat the best, wear the best, and play the best. Good woman, splurge like this for a while.

But what about this kid? What did he do

He changed hands of the 60 gold coins he had just won and threw them into the gambling game.

"Hey, he turned out to be an insatiable fool. Really if this casino is yours, it is 60 times as much as 60 times." Oliver smiled darkly, and planned to use some method to pry out his money. As a result, Now he throws it all back into the casino.

A group of gamblers also talked about it.

"Don't he really think he is a god... He has seen a big hand, and has never seen such a big hand." A crowd of onlookers wiped their sweat.

"I think if you don't want to work with him, maybe he is really lucky today. I want to try a gold coin." Some expressed support.

Under the divergent opinions, the bunny girl once again shook the turntable vigorously, and as the red and green areas alternated, the eyes of a group of people also widened.

The turntable gradually slowed down.

The breathing of a group of people is much weaker, as if they are afraid that taking two more breaths of air will affect the final result.

Gradually, the turntable became slower and slower, and finally pushed forward at a very slow speed.

After a few seconds, the gamblers in the entire large turntable area fell into deathly silence.

Even the bunny girl on the turntable looked at the pointer with a dull face, without even noticing the chest strap slipping off.

"No way… "

"he looks like… "

"Shot again..."