League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 159: Prepare to hit the silver rank


Lu Chuan could think of it with his toes. At this time, the leader of the Blood Crow mercenary group would definitely jump into a thunder and send his subordinates to search for his position on a large scale.

After all, this is not Demacia, Lu Chuan doesn't have any support, all he needs to rely on himself.

A mercenary group of the top three local forces, the group leader even reached the level of one silver star, and even Lu Chuan had no certainty that he could deal with them.

The previous Void Messenger, Lu Chuan exhausted all his power before he killed the Void Messenger, who had only 20% of his mental power. Although his current opponent had only one silver star, he did his best to fight him, and Lu Chuan still had no idea in his heart. .

When he is not sure, Lu Chuan will not venture forward. Such arrogance will only harm himself and the people around him.

What needs to be done now is to hide first, improve one's own strength, and then make other plans. The momentary tolerance is to make the future path smoother.

At this time, Lu Chuan and his party were standing at the entrance of a cellar. Inside, it was dark, and they couldn't see their fingers.

"This place is really dark enough, and it still has a great smell." Ali pinched his nose and frowned Liu Brows and looked inside.

"It used to be a wine cellar, but it was emptied later, so there is still some flavor, but now I don't have time to pick it up, let's stay here for now." Lu Chuan held a long-prepared oil wooden stick in his hand, and dashed at his fingertips. A cluster of flames arose, lit the stick, and then fixed it to the wall next to it.

The whole cellar is now lit up.

"Then Mr. Lu Chuan, can you ask what's the cause now?" Xiao Huangmao raised his hand and asked.

"I offended a bunch of guys. They have a lot of power in this small town. I'm afraid they are looking for me everywhere now." Lu Chuan told the truth.

"How did you offend?" Ari leaned forward curiously.

"Interrupted his son's leg."

"Wow! You really have you, not bad!" Ari lightly slammed Lu Chuan's shoulder with a punch.

"It's not the time to praise him now!" Jana was speechless.

"What's the matter? Anyway, Lu Chuan wouldn't beat others for no reason. Someone must have provoke him, right." Ari shook his ears with a smile.

From this point, Ari was right.

"During this period, I have wronged everyone to live here now. I plan to break through to the Silver Stage in the near future and make other plans." Lu Chuan said in a deep voice.

If others hear this, they might laugh out loud.

Do you think that the Silver Tier is what you want to break through

How many people have been stuck in the realm of the brass gate all their lives and cannot advance half a minute, but it has become a lip service to him.

"Are you going to break through?" Jana swept a pair of beautiful eyes on Lu Chuan's body, and found that his cultivation level had reached a state of overflow.

In retrospect, it seems that he did stay in Brass One Star for a long time, and Jana clearly remembered that before entering the Tower of Courage, Lu Chuan was Brass One Star, and after he came out, it was still Brass One Star. one star.

Originally, Jana was still a little curious, but she didn't ask, but now it seems that he did hide some means and planned to keep it until now.

"Well, some time ago, the cultivation base was improved too fast, which caused the foundation to be unstable, so it took some time to consolidate the cultivation base. Now it is almost the time." Lu Chuan nodded gently.

If Lu Chuan wanted to, he could raise his cultivation base to the Silver Stage as early as the Courage Trial Tower, but that aura was too vain, and he was abruptly suppressed.

Originally, Lu Chuan wanted to hold on for a while to make his cultivation level more solid, but now that he encountered an unexpected situation, he could only hurry up to the Silver rank.

Silver Tier and Brass Tier are two different concepts. Lu Chuan, who is one-star brass, is not very sure about opponents surpassing three-star silver. After breaking through to the Silver Tier, he has the ability to fight.

"Is there anything I can help?" Jana asked softly at this time.

"Uh... you just need to rest here." Lu Chuan scratched his cheek.

Jana sighed lightly, "To be honest, we can't help you too much, you need to do everything yourself, we can only watch it by the side. Sometimes it will be a drag on you."

Although she is a silver rank, because of limitations, her own strength is a bit weaker than some brass one-star, brass-door warriors.

After all, Jana didn't get any particularly big opportunities, and had always been by Lu Chuan's side.

The same is true for Ari. Although she is always smiling and not serious on the surface, she really wants to help Lu Chuan a little bit in her heart. But she couldn't do it.

"Why are you talking about this suddenly? I don't think you are getting in the way." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, "You can accompany me to this dangerous place, and you have a great trust in me. I'm a man. Where can there be men holding their heads all day long and sleeping, letting women go out to do this and that."

"Yes, like him." Ari pointed to Ezreal who was already asleep lying on a big rock without expression.

Because the cellar is underground, the temperature is very cool and it is suitable for sleeping.

"He doesn't need to worry about it, he's a lack of heart." Lu Chuan twitched his mouth. This little yellow hair could really fall asleep all the time, and he was not at all aware of the surrounding situation.

Lu Chuan even suspected that one day he would sell him, he would not notice it, and he would still fall asleep.

The so-called adventure of such a person is to sleep in a different environment...

After coming out of the cellar, Lu Chuan turned and went to the black market.

In the morning, he had no money. Now that he has funds, he is ready to buy a large amount of medicinal materials and come back to make medicine.

For this impact on the Silver Stage, Lu Chuan needs to use the blood of the Void Messenger, the blood of the Golden-rank warrior, which is a great tonic for Lu Chuan’s current strength, but the high-ranking blood has a certain sense of autonomy, just like Lu Chuan’s hands. The same as the core of the red flame.

Lu Chuan would not be able to get it if it had not been suppressed by the small beads.

In the same way, this essence and blood will also have a certain degree of autonomous soul consciousness. If it is not erased, it will be particularly difficult to absorb it, not to mention, it is easy to be backlashed by that touch of soul consciousness.

Before Lu Chuan could improve his strength, he needed to refine the potion that could erase his soul consciousness. The two merged to absorb the essence and blood with confidence.

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