League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 170: Advertising effect


"No money?" The samurai thought there was a problem with his ears.

Even the peddler on the side stared at Lu Chuan with a surprised look, "Dude, are you crazy? These first-level potions are worth at least 50 gold coins. Even a samurai who knows the way, sell them more than 10 gold coins..."

Lu Chuan smiled and waved his hand to interrupt the hawker's dissuasion, and continued, "Well, no money."

"Something for no money? Then I don't dare to ask for it." The samurai patted his sleeve and tried to stand up.

This samurai is also a mercenary, but he is not a mercenary in a barren town. He came from other areas to search for things in the black market. Seeing that there are a lot of first-level potions for sale here, he also plans to buy some back To spare.

No matter which kind of medicine they are, they may become life-saving straws at critical moments, even if they have a little more strength, even a little more speed.

But this cost-free medicine was probably refined by those medicine apprentices. Its quality may not even reach the first level, and the effect is naturally minimal.

For the samurai, it’s better to spend more money on matters that matter to their lives, so that they can buy peace of mind anyway.

"No, no, I think you got it wrong. This medicine is indeed free of money, but I didn't give it to you for nothing, but with additional conditions." Lu Chuan smiled and looked at the samurai.

"Conditions?" The samurai paused and looked back at Lu Chuan.

"Perhaps you are worried about the actual effect of these potions? Do you think they are extracted by some potion apprentices or even trainees? You can try it now, and you will naturally understand." Lu Chuan generously handed out a bottle of power potion. .

After hesitating, the samurai took the potion, unscrewed the lid and swallowed it.

The black market is very lively and people come and go, and the samurai really doesn't worry about Lu Chuan's tricks in the medicine.

The slightly boiling liquid slid down the esophagus, and soon, a light red halo floated around the samurai body, which was the state where the effect of the power potion was activated.

After squeezing his fist, the samurai could clearly feel that his strength was a bit greater than before.

This is a genuine first-level potion!

But if it was a real first-level potion, why would he be so generous, and first give him a free bottle for his own use.

Squeeze the thoughts down first, and the samurai asked in a deep voice, "Say, if you give me some potions for free, what are the corresponding conditions?"

"Promote it for me." Lu Chuan looked up at the samurai.


"Well, propaganda. Promote for me at the door of the black market, so that everyone who enters and exits the black market knows that I have all kinds of first-class medicines for sale, and the prices are favorable." Lu Chuan picked out two bottles of various types of medicines. , Pushed to the front of the samurai, "After you're done, these are all yours."

Lu Chuan's approach is the most sparse and commonplace in his world, that is, advertising.

The popularity of the product is spread out through advertising, and more people will come to buy it.

However, in this world, Lu Chuan found that no one seemed to have done this.

Even in the bustling black market, the vendors just spread a layer of cloth on the ground and waited for the samurai passing by to buy it.

Although it is only a small booth, if the advertising effect can be made, the effect is naturally extraordinary. Moreover, if all the medicines in Lu Chuan's hand are sold, it is conservatively estimated that they can earn a few thousand gold coins.

The stall was small, but he made a lot of money. That's why Lu Chuan was able to lay down his capital and promised to give away a bunch of potions to the samurai.

The samurai looked at Lu Chuan's pile of bottles and cans that he pushed, and after his throat shook twice, he nodded vigorously, "Is it all about publicity?"

"Well, I don't ask how many customers you can bring to me, as long as you can convey the things like'I am selling first-class potions and have high efficacy' to every samurai mercenary who enters and exits. Yes. Yes, you can tell them that the first fifty inquirers can give away a bottle of one type of potion for free."

"Okay." The samurai nodded and agreed, raising his leg and walking to the entrance of the black market.

At this time, the hawker pulled Luchuan’s sleeve nervously, "Big Brother... The medicine is not used like this, and the first 50 first-comers can receive a free bottle of medicine, which will cost thousands of gold coins. Ah... Even if the cost alone is the cost alone, more than two hundred gold coins will be given away. Isn't this too a loss?"

Lu Chuan was not distressed, but the hawker was distressed.

You don't want to give it to me... Why are you giving it to unrelated passers-by.

Lu Chuan explained with a faint smile, "Everyone is realistic, I don't know you, so why do you buy things from me? For those samurai, they are often familiar with themselves. Buying things at the stalls is a matter of understanding, and prices can be negotiated, and secondly, it is also because of a habit of getting acquainted with people."

"It is said that the fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders. If you change it to you, you want to buy a bottle of medicine." Lu Chuan said, picking up a bottle of medicine and gestured, "At this time, there are two medicine booths in front of you. You know one merchant, and you don't know another merchant. Where would you choose to buy?"

Although the hawker doesn't like being led by Lu Chuan's thinking, he can only swallow his mouth at this time, "I... I should still choose the businessman I am familiar with, so I feel more at ease."

"Look, you think so too, so everyone thinks so. For me, a businessman who just started to set up a stall and doesn't know anyone, who would be willing to come to me? They are more worried about the effect of medicine. There is no effect? "I sold it cheaply, and they would think, "Is it too cheap, so I don’t feel at ease?" I sold it expensive, they would think like this again, "It’s more expensive than the one I used to buy Expensive, who will buy it from you?'

There are always problems. My current approach is to use free gifts to block their mouths. The so-called shorthands and soft mouths. After they use my medicine for free, if the effect is good, they are also quite good. Invisibly, Yu helped me publicize, "Which pharmacy stall is pretty good, and I gave it to me for free before."

This kind of rhetoric has spread all over the world. Everyone wants to come and try the free medicine. They all squeezed their heads in order to grab the 50 places. Am I still worried about no customers coming? "

Mr. Lu Chuan said a long time, and the hawker was stunned on the spot, a touch of confusion flashed in his eyes, as if he was still digesting Lu Chuan's words.

"Using a loss-making method... instead of making money?" the hawker muttered in a low voice, his head spinning quickly.

What is lost is the money that can be seen by the naked eye, because the medicines are given for free, and what have you made

Earned popularity.

Whether you open a store or set up a stall, as long as you gain popularity and everyone knows that there is a store or stall like yours, then you don’t have to worry about running out of business.

It is equivalent to using actual money to turn into invisible popularity, but invisible popularity can change more money.

"I seem to understand..." The hawker suddenly straightened his back, then pressed his hands on the ground, squatted his head vigorously, and said seriously, "After listening to the little brother, I feel that I have benefited a lot, please For the next prayer, this is a return!"

The hawker was unshaven, he looked like he was in his thirties, but he didn't care at all and kowtowed to Lu Chuan.

"Uh... That's too polite, get up quickly." Lu Chuan scratched his cheek and said embarrassedly.

"No, no, little brother, don’t feel embarrassed. To be honest, I’ve never heard of such a novel idea before. Losing money is about making money. This idea is really great. The little brother is willing to share his ideas with me. It's a great help, just based on what you just said, you can sell it for money!!! And it's still a lot of money!" The hawker categorically approved.

At this time, the samurai who had agreed to Lu Chuan had already reached the entrance of the black market and yelled.

"Everyone, there are stalls in the northwest corner of the black market selling all kinds of medicines! The prices are reasonable and the medicines are amazingly effective. I have used them personally. They are definitely from the hands of senior first-level pharmacists. The first 50 arrivals will give away a bottle of medicine for free. How can you try it out!!"

With the shouts of the samurai, some samurai mercenaries who had just come in or had not yet left the gate of the black market stopped one after another.

"Free trial of first-level medicine?"

"How could there be such a good thing? Did I get it wrong? Aren't all first-level pharmacies very expensive luxury goods?"

"Is it true? Just go and see? There is no way to deceive people like medicinal effects. Where is the right thing?"

"It seems to be in the northwest corner."


As soon as a group of samurai mercenaries heard that the first 50 arrivals could give away a free bottle of potion, they ran towards the direction of Luchuan's booth.

Whether it is true or not, you will know when you go there. If it is true, why not get a free bottle of potion

Everyone squeezed their heads in order to make themselves arrive before fifty.

The black market at this time, if someone takes a bird’s eye view in mid-air, they will find a very strange scene.

That is, 80% of the passenger flow in the black market is concentrated towards a point in the northwest corner, just as if the tide finds a breach in a dike, it gushes out.

[Thank you for the reward from my friend "Scarlet Ammo"~]