League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 171: Grab business


"Dude, are you here to deliver the medicine?" As a group of people suddenly emerged in front of Lu Chuan's booth, the impatient samurai took the lead to ask.

"Of course, the first fifty inquirers will give a free bottle of medicine. What kind of medicine do you want?" Lu Chuan responded with a smile.

"Then give me a bottle of speed-type potion?" The samurai was skeptical, until Lu Chuan handed the potion to his hand, he could not wait to unscrew the lid and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The body... feels a lot lighter.

"How is it, brother, is there any effect?" There are also cautious mercenaries, who first ask for advice.

"It works! Absolute first-level potion!" The samurai gave a thumbs up.

Suddenly a group of people rushed to Lu Chuan's booth like hungry wolves.

"Please bring me a bottle, I am the first to arrive!"

"Fuck Nima's shit! I'm the number one! Big brother, give me a bottle!"

"Big brother, I have squeezed out my breastfeeding energy. You have to give me a bottle for anything, right?"

"Don't grab it, don't grab it, the ones in front of me are my grandsons, whoever BB will explode in place!"

If it is a genuine first-level potion, its preciousness can be seen. Even if it is resold and sold, it can earn 10 or 20 gold coins. This is the money that some mercenaries can earn by taking orders for a month, even It is the income of some low-level mercenaries for a year.

A group of people rushed to rush, and Lu Chuan coughed in an orderly way, "Everyone, please line up and collect the medicine in order. If the formation is too messy, I won't give the medicine."

Then the peddler beside Lu Chuan saw a scene that made him stunned. These mercenaries who had been stubborn and never convinced anyone on the black market became docile little sheep at this time, and they lined up obediently. , A long dragon leading straight to the gate was pulled away in this way.

Although some people far behind could not hear Lu Chuan's words, they were embarrassed to jump in the line when so many people were queuing. After all, everyone in this place didn't know anyone and didn't dare to cause trouble.

The peddler dared to raise his hand and swear that this is the best atmosphere he has set up in the black market for so long.

In such a desolate town, seeing such a harmonious scene is not much different from seeing the rain in the Shurima Desert. It is a series of lifetimes.

"Come, take it, this is your share." Lu Chuan handed a bottle of potion to the hand of a mercenary, then clapped his hands and got up, and said to the person behind, "Today all the extra copies have been given away. , Everyone who didn’t receive it, I’m sorry here."

As soon as Lu Chuan said this, the hawker secretly said a bad word in his heart. Turning to look at the people in line, they all showed impatient expressions, and some even shouted, "******, I have been in line for so long and listened to you to tell me this?"

Although Lu Chuan's gimmick was sufficient and attracted enough guests to come and watch, if it did not give them any benefits, it would make them feel psychologically imbalanced and leave the queue directly.

After all, people are selfish creatures. Why did he get Lao Tzu but couldn't get it? If this is the case, why does Lao Tzu have to buy things at your stall

In the team, many people have already left the team, and after a few curses, they plan to leave.

"It seems that this kind of selling method is also flawed. The forward momentum is very strong and it can attract enough popularity, but if you really want them to pay for the medicine, I am afraid it is a bit embarrassing. After all, it is a luxury of dozens of gold coins and a small bottle. All the characters here are licking blood with knife-edges. All day long, they only make a little money..." The hawker secretly thought to himself, and at the same time, he felt that Lu Chuan's way of peddling also had some flaws.

But soon, Lu Chuan's next sentence made him change his mind.

“Don’t worry if you don’t receive the free potions. I’m also a mercenary. I can realize that the money of everyone here is hard-earned. They are all made with blood or even life. Therefore, the potions in this booth will start from now on. Only sell 5 gold coins!" Lu Chuan said with a light smile.

A word sank like a blockbuster to the bottom, splashing a wave.

The mercenaries who wanted to leave all took a step, turning their heads to look at Lu Chuan with a little surprise.

5 gold coins and a bottle of first-class potion

This is far from the cost price, right

For the first-level pharmacy, the cost price of the materials alone requires about two or two gold coins, because the success rate of the first-level pharmacists is only about 50%, no matter what they do.

In other words, only the cost of a medicine requires five gold coins, and the vendor in front of him, the merchant only sold five gold coins.

The hawker wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at Lu Chuan strangely, "Hey, buddy... Am I serious? Probably not. After all, the cost price is only five gold coins. If you sell like this, even you Friends will also have opinions."

"Really five gold coins are enough?" a samurai asked.

"Yeah." Lu Chuan nodded seriously.

Then I saw that the samurai fumbled out his wallet from his arms and handed over five gold coins, "Then give me a potion for strengthening the body."

Lu Chuan took the gold coin and handed a strong potion to the samurai.

"Puff!!" The hawker almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood when he saw this.

There are so many stalls selling medicines in this black market, but their prices seem to have been negotiated and maintained at more than fifty gold coins.

It is precisely because of this price that is as if an agreement is reached, many warriors are helpless. Except for some mercenaries who are always mixed in the black market, the others really need a potion, and they can only bite their teeth and reluctantly buy it. Down.

After all, the desert around this barren town is not as dangerous as the center of the Shurima Desert, but there are plenty of opportunities. If you want to get something, you must have a heart to take risks and fight hard. In contrast, this is Small contributions can still be accepted by gritted teeth.

But now there is such a stall where the potion is extremely cheap, and it is still a genuine first-level potion, making the samurai and mercenaries almost crazy.

After a group of people were stunned for a while, they burst into a more crowded rush to buy than before.

"Brother! Please give me a bottle!"

"Don't squeeze! Don't squeeze! Which pervert touches my little brother!"

"I want 20 potions of strength!!"

Looking at the bloodshot face, violent veins, and the mercenaries who were scrambling to almost fight, they all raised their purses for fear that Lu Chuan would not sell them. This phenomenon made the hawkers early. The already numb nerve twitched fiercely.

"Is this also part of Sheben? It seems that the eyes of the little brother are really long-term, which is beyond my reach." He smiled bitterly, and then joined Lu Chuan's team consciously. He didn't plan to show it anymore. There was a lot of people in front of him. Lu Chuan must have been too busy, he planned to help Lu Chuan as a manpower.

Southeast corner of the black market.

A square-faced man with a thick hemp rope wrapped around his forehead, with a cigarette in his mouth, angrily threw a bottle of potion to the ground, "This kind of garbage potion is what he relies on for grabbing our business. ?"

In front of him, there is also a booth with all kinds of medicines.

It’s just that business that is usually considered good, but today is in a state of no one cares about it.

"Boss, please calm down. If he sells a bottle of hardware coins, I'm afraid he won't even be able to collect the cost, right?" A rough man urn replied.

“It’s a matter of me whether he makes money or not. I only know that he has robbed my business. This new stupid young guy doesn’t even understand the rules, so he dares to grab the old people’s business and deliberately disrupts the market price balance. Are all the small businessmen now so ignorant and thick? It seems that I have to teach a lesson myself." The square-faced man called Terry twisted his neck and made a crackling sound, with a few people on his face. Somberly walked toward Lu Chuan's booth.