League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 175: Spike


"Hehe, now, how did these medicines come from? I think everyone should be clear? This guy doesn't know how to make medicine at all! Now he has given up!" Terry reached out and pointed directly at Lu Chuan.

"Although I'm sorry to disturb you with such impassioned remarks, but..." Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, and a thick blood-red liquid floated on his fingertips, "Which ear did you hear? I admit that I gave up?" "

Terry's eyes widened suddenly, "You... You didn't say everything just now, it was too reluctant and failed, what kind of things?"

"Oh, you said that. I was a little bit big and wanted to extract the third-level power potion, but because the materials in all aspects were not up to the standard, so I could only step back and refine the second-level potion. "Lu Chuan also stretched out his hand and scratched his cheek, with a very embarrassed smile.

Terry gritted his teeth and stared at Luchuan with an iron face.

This guy did it on purpose!

It's definitely intentional!

Deliberately using such misunderstood rhetoric to make people mistakenly think that he has failed, and then to say that kind of thing is undoubtedly tantamount to slap him severely.

Coupled with his mean smile on his face, it is really maddening.

When Terry's lungs were about to explode, the other mercenaries all exclaimed in a low voice.

"What did he just say? Planning to refine Level 3 potions..."

"Then it failed..."

"So retreat to the second place, refining a second-level potion?"


The whole audience took a breath.

Although the second-level potion is only one level more than the first-level potion, it is enough to increase the power by 80%.

What is the concept of 80% power? Almost doubled the original strength!

In other words, if a force warrior of the brass gate realm, after swallowing the second-level power potion, all the means are only more powerful than power, and it may even slam the silver rank warrior.

Although the two fight against each other not solely relying on strength or speed to win unilaterally, these physical attributes can definitely affect a battle.

To put it more directly, the average mercenary buys this kind of potion to take it when it is used to fight with the devil. For the beasts without too many bells and whistles, the power is nearly doubled, which is absolutely right. Killing Warcraft is of great help.

"But I always feel that this kid is a little big talker? He looks only 20 years old. The 20-year-old first-level pharmacist is already a dragon scale phoenix, let alone a second-level pharmacist..." There are also doubts. After all, the huge contrast between Lu Chuan's age and his strength is hard to believe.

"But he doesn't need to say such unthankful things, right? After all, what is the potion, the ten mercenaries will understand by trying it out."

"Yes, just watch the changes."

In the whispered discussion of a group of people, Lu Chuan had already filled the thick, blood-like viscous liquid into ten small bottles one by one, and handed it to the ten mercenaries.

Those ten mercenaries all took the medicine from Lu Chuan unnaturally.

Originally, they planned to support Terry with all their staff, but if they were faced with a second-level pharmacist...

"How do you feel?" Lu Chuan glanced at them faintly. The mercenaries had already taken all the potions just now, and the red light lingering all over their bodies at this time was the effect of the power potions.

"This..." A mercenary glanced at Terry hesitantly, and found that Terry's face was particularly ugly.

The effect is of course not to be said. The mercenary can feel a steady stream of majestic power emerging from all over the body immediately after taking it. This is not comparable to Terry's first-level potion. of.

But he had already agreed to Terry's words. At this time, Terry was still staring at him, making it difficult for him to speak.

"I vote for this little brother." At this moment, a voice suddenly broke the silence.

Terry looked up and found that it was the one who first said he wanted to support him, and his brows suddenly sank.

"Everyone, what this little brother has refined is indeed a second-level medicine. No matter how effective the first-level medicine of Mr. Terry is, it cannot be compared with the second-level medicine. I think even if I haven't tried the second-level medicine before. Everyone at Level Pharmacy should know better than me. So I voted for him." After the mercenary finished speaking, he simply stopped looking at Terry's expression.

A second-level pharmacist is much more expensive than a Terry. The mercenary understands in his heart, how could he offend a second-level pharmacist for a Terry

This kind of thing seems to have inertia, once someone speaks, then the next thing is much simpler.

With the early bird, several other mercenaries also voted for Lu Chuan one after another.

The last few mercenaries hesitated for a long time, and finally voted for Lu Chuan.

One vote counts as one point, Lu Chuan got 10 points, but Terry didn't get a point.

"Ha ha... Ha ha ha..." Terry's face was already extremely gloomy at this time, and he was also extremely angry.

It was a kind of frustrated anger.

The venue was found by myself, and the competition was also proposed by myself. In the end, the group of people said they supported themselves.

As a result, up to now, the face is lost.

Terry could even feel the scalp-numbing sight and whispers around him.

The second-level pharmacist had completely exceeded his expectations, and once the second-level pharmacy was revealed, Terry knew that he had nowhere to go.

No matter how effective the first-level medicine is, it cannot be compared with the second-level medicine. Otherwise, what is the significance of the second-level medicine

Now that the outcome is a foregone conclusion, and I can't be shy and confuse my old face on this land...

A smug flashed in Terry's eyes. He picked up a bottle of power potion and poured it into his mouth. A light yellow halo on his fist also burned.

"Then you will pay for my life! Kid!" Terry yelled, bursting out the power of his body and focusing on his fist.

He is a force warrior and a silver four-star peak warrior. At this time, Terry was already angry and ashamed. He couldn't control so much, and he couldn't care about his reputation.

Anyway, I can't mix in the black market anymore, so let this kid who has just stepped into the realm of silver return to the west!

A crowd of onlookers retreated a few steps, and they all could see that Terry had entered a state of runaway at this time. The strenuous blow of the four-star silver peak force warrior, like a mountain of gravel, was extremely powerful and overbearing. Even the other warriors of the Silver Two Stars might not dare to regret it.

"It just so happened. I also saved a copy for myself, to try the effect." Lu Chuan squinted his eyes, and directly poured a bottle of second-level strength potion into his mouth. The strength exploded like a tide, and his limbs were full. Strong destructive power constantly emerged from the remains.

Originally, Lu Chuan's power was not weak after being baptized by the trial tower, so he drank a second-level potion.

I saw Terry rushed to Lu Chuan's front door, which contained extremely violent fist wind violently slammed down.

"Go to hell!! If you don't let me live, don't you want to live either!!" The smile on the corner of Terry's mouth became more and more ferocious.

Lu Chuan glanced at Terry with cold eyebrows, and threw a whip kick quickly.


In the eyes of countless people, the menacing Terry carried his strongest blow, but was kicked by Lu Chuan in the middle of the abdomen, shooting backwards like a cannonball, throwing all the land. A deep gully was rolled up.

"Man, you must do what you say. It doesn't matter if you are wrong, no one will blame you. No one can find the shameful thing by yourself, and no one can give it to you, but you make mistakes again and again, arrogantly thinking that it's all other people's words." Lu Chuan drew the Storm Sword and walked towards Terry step by step, standing still in front of him.

"That's too ugly, isn't it?" Lu Chuan twitched his mouth lightly.

"No... don't kill me..." Terry trembled. He thought it would be over like this, but he didn't expect this guy to lift his sword to kill him at this time.

"For those people who have moved to kill me, I will not let them go in most cases, and you are no exception." Lu Chuan slammed the Storm Sword down blankly.

The sharp storm sword cut into Terry's chest like a tofu. He died before he snorted, and the blood flowed through Terry's body into the ground under his feet.

At this time, the black market fell into deathly silence.

Everyone stared at the very young man holding a broad blade.

Killing a four-star silver warrior is nothing surprising in itself. There were even three-star silver or even two-star silver warriors among the mercenaries present.

But to achieve such a one-shot kill, and even Terry could not fight back, I am afraid that even the silver two-star warrior can't do it.

Lu Chuan gently wiped the blood stains on the Storm Sword with the corner of his clothes, then put it into the storage bag, turned around and smiled at the crowd.

"My little brother is not talented, there is a pharmacy stand, I wonder if you can take a look at it?"