League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 181: Unexpectedly


"I'm sorry, I was wrong." Lu Chuan squatted in the corner with his head folded. In front of him, there were Ari with Erlang's legs and Jana with a gloomy face.

"Why do I have to apologize..." Sivir and Lu Chuan squatted in the corner with their heads held together, their faces full of love.

"Prisoner, Lu Chuan! By the way, what is your name?" Ari glanced at Xivir.

"..." Sivir bit her lip and said nothing. It was her shame to be imprisoned by Lu Chuan, but what happened to the two women who suddenly popped out now.

And I was actually tried by these two women...

"Since you refuse to say, then I have to call you code A." Ali said triumphantly, tilting his feet.

"Sivir!" Sivir gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, the brains of this group of people are not normal!

"Wait... Sivir?" Lu Chuan was startled slightly, turned his head and looked at Sivir carefully.

If I remember correctly... The girl who is also known as the Goddess of War in LOL is also called Sivir, right

It's just that the original painting is too cruel, and Lu Chuan can't help but think of the aunt, who is completely different from the sexy and beautiful sister in front of him.

No wonder it always feels familiar.

"Roar! It turned out to be a good old friend! This should be written down." Ari did not know where he took out a small book, and quickly took notes, "XX year XX 20th, sultry demon Lu Chuan carried his wife at home on his back. , Private meeting old lovers..."

"Please don't read it out! And what's the matter with your notes!" Lu Chuan roared, just as he had tortured Sivir.

"It's really one thing and one thing." Sivir looked at Lu Chuan with contempt.

"Cough." Jana coughed slightly, with a serious face, Lu Chuan shrank his neck and squatted back to the corner.

There is no way, who would let him ignore this matter himself, facing a genuine girlfriend, Lu Chuankong has the ability to be arrogant.

"Aren't you going to give an explanation?" Even Jana, who has always been very accommodating to Lu Chuan, was unhappy after Ari's cheering and jealousy.

"Uh... This is how things happened... So it's just like this." Lu Chuan roughly talked about the situation just now.

"So, did you explain the whole thing clearly in two sentences?" Ah Li immersed himself in memorizing the little book again. "The sinful Lu Chuan tried to describe the whole thing in two sentences..."

"So you listen carefully to me! I just said so many sentences clearly."

"Quiet." Jana clapped her hands, as if taking out her mistress's posture, and coughed lightly, "In other words, this woman is planning to assassinate you, and then was you caught alive?"

"He was overcast!" Sivir corrected.

"Sorry, you don't have the right to speak yet." Jana narrowed her eyes into a slit, and looked at Sivir with a chuckle.

"The Zhenggong aura is strong, and it is early warning of blackening." Ari put his cheek in one hand, commenting.

After a few people's whispers, the trial team with Gana as the presiding judge and Ari as the judge made the following decision.

"Such a woman should be beaten to death."

"Burn it with fire."

"Soaked in water?"

"A needle stick is the most suitable?"

"You guys..." Sivir's slender eyebrows jumped, apparently trying to endure it very hard. Only today can she feel how troublesome and terrifying a woman is.

"Cough cough, okay, stop making trouble. Just talking about it." Lu Chuan suddenly jumped out to cover, in case the two chicks really did anything extremely inhumane to Sivir.

If she didn't know the identity of Sivir before, she was just an assassin, and even the blood of a golden-rank warrior flowing on her body was even more attractive.

But after knowing that she was also a hero, Lu Chuan didn't want to embarrass her.

People who can become heroes are not bad in nature, although these are just background settings in the game, and how they meet real people are two things.

But Lu Chuan is more willing to believe in those heroes, and he may encounter all kinds of heroes in the future.

After all, the heroic soul system given in Xiaozhuzi could not be used to entrap him. Since it was given, and Lu Chuan was asked to go to the raiders to improve his favorability, it would prove that they were all desirable.

"Now, how did you start to help her speak, do you really have a leg?" Ah Li turned out the small book again.

"Enough! Don't remember!" Lu Chuan suddenly roared seriously, making Jana and Ari both look up at him with a little bewilderment.

"Uh... I don't mean anything else, this person, she... She is also a divine envoy." Lu Chuan suddenly remembered the excuse he had said to Jana at the beginning, the person chosen by God.

"Divine Envoy?" Jana and Ari both were surprised, "Then why does she want to kill you?"

"This..." While Lu Chuan's mind was running fast, Sivir gave Lu Chuan a little inexplicably.

Wasn't this slut all making things difficult for himself just now? Why does this have started to maintain itself.

Could it be that…

Could it be said that he fell in love with himself

I am such a cold-blooded and ruthless woman who only thinks about murder all day long...

Sometimes people are admired

And it's not the kind of gaze dominated by desire...

"How could it be..." Sivir murmured quietly.

"That's right!" Lu Chuan finally thought of a suitable answer, and said to Jana word by word, "Look, didn’t you guys also wanted to kill me at the time, Jana at the beginning, and what happened later? Ari, when we don’t know each other, don’t you always want to kill me?"

Lu Chuan's answer caused both Jana and Ari to fall into contemplation. They both pointed their lips, tilted their heads and thought for a while, then looked at each other again.

"It feels like..."

"That's it..."

"Look, right? Ha... Haha..." Lu Chuan gave a dry smile, and suddenly saw Jana and Ari look strange.

To be more accurate, Jana and Ari's eyes were cast behind Lu Chuan.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chuan asked suspiciously, and then heard a crisp sound.

"Pop!" It seemed to be the sound of the rope breaking.

Turning his head, he found that Sivir had broken away the hemp rope tied to his body and stood up.

"Did the effect of the medicine disappear? Isn't it effective for two hours?" Lu Chuan felt a little bit in his heart, thinking that after Sivir herself was a warrior of the Golden Rank, the effect of the medicine on her might be much weaker.

But now is not the time to consider these. The purpose of this woman is to assassinate Lu Chuan. After the humiliation just now, she has now regained her freedom.

So what she will do next...

Lu Chuan quickly leaned behind Jana and Ari, and shouted in a low voice, "You go back first, this woman is a bit scary."

Then he directly drew out the Storm Sword, only to hear a thump, the sword tip directly hit the ground.

Lu Chuan, who did not have the blessing of the second-level power potion, had a little difficulty in lifting the storm sword directly.

Sivir moved his wrist tied with twine, and drew the cross dagger from the side of his leg.

A powerful aura rose all over the sky, and the faces of Gana and Ari behind Lu Chuan were a little pale.

"This woman... Golden rank?" Ari swallowed, perhaps frightened.

After all, he was still being judged with his hands and feet tied up just now, and he looked like a weak wind, and now suddenly became an insurmountable mountain-like existence.

Lu Chuan was groping for the second-level potion in his arms, but the bad news was that the second-level potion seemed to be used up.

When refining at that time, only a few copies were left. The bottle that I used when I met Sivir just now was probably the last bottle of medicine.

"How do you get her away?" Lu Chuan quickly calculated in his heart.

If Sivir wanted to make a move now, he would definitely be real. A serious Golden Rank warrior, Lu Chuan asked himself that he didn't have the ability to resist her.

While Lu Chuan was still thinking about it, Sivir walked out of the cellar with a pair of slender thighs.

"Huh?" Sivir waved his hand, leaving the three people with puzzled faces, "This single assassination mission has been cancelled."

Immediately, without giving Lu Chuan a chance to ask why, her wonderful figure had disappeared at the exit of the cellar.

Lu Chuan Jiana and Ari are both you look at me, I look at you.


"Sure enough, he has one leg." Ari picked up the notebook and took notes.

"Have you said it!!!"

[There may be another update later~]