League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 183: Girl begging


"Huh?" Lu Chuan frowned slightly, feeling the strange change of the small beads in his arms.

Speaking of it, the last time the little beads changed, it was back in Demacia's Disha Ridge. At that time, because of the core of the red flame hidden under the magma pool, the little beads became spiritual.

However, after helping Lu Chuan to absorb the core of the red flame, the small beads returned to peace. Apart from the amazing and wonderful effects inside, it is difficult to associate it with spiritual creatures.

It's just that late this night, in the blood crow's home, the small beads tremble again, floating in the air without Lu Chuan's control.

"Could it be that this guy..." Lu Chuan's thoughts flashed through his mind, but now is not the time for him to think about it.

The Blood Crow in front of him possesses the strength of one silver star, and if he is not careful, he may overturn the ship in the gutter.

"Jingying Wanyue!" With Lu Chuan's low voice, the Storm Sword in his hand slashed diagonally and slashed vigorously.

"Bhacha!" A sound like a broken mirror resounded throughout the room.

Immediately afterwards, all the furnishings in the house seemed to have been chopped by thousands of knives, scattered on the side, becoming a pile of waste.

"Puff!" Even the Blood Raven, who wrapped his body in thick earth and sand, vomited a mouthful of blood under this move, and the clods on his body began to flop and fall, like a mud statue covered with water. generally.

"Sure enough, it's a little weird." Lu Chuan glanced in surprise at the Blood Raven who had stepped back a few steps away from him.

This waning moon in the mirror is an intermediate mid-level skill book he found in the space inside the small bead. It is very powerful and can even destroy the space in front of him.

It happened in an instant, after which the space would automatically heal.

Even if the space can destroy the skills, then the existence in the space other than the caster will also be destroyed.

It's as if the furnishings that were originally neatly arranged are now in fragments.

"It's really a pity. It seems that this is your final means, right?" The Blood Raven kept a safe distance from Lu Chuan. In fact, even the walls have been destroyed now, and the house has been almost razed to the ground.

"That's not bad, the trick just now." The blood crow smiled sullenly, "I can give you a chance to survive, hand over your skills just now, I can bypass you with a fate."

In the eyes of the blood crow, a silver five-star warrior can release such a powerful blow, perhaps this is his biggest reliance.

It's a pity that he didn't count that he had a sand core. It was a three-level superb magic core he picked up during an expedition in the Shurima desert. It was generated in the body of a golden high-order earth type monster. ,

Just relying on this magic core, the Blood Raven has escaped from the dead countless times, and this time is no exception.

The silver five-star samurai who has lost the final means is not much different from the fish on the chopping board.

It was his method that was very attractive to the Blood Crow.

If you can get that skill, you can have the upper hand even against a warrior of the golden rank, right

"It seems that you haven't figured out the situation too much." Lu Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth faintly, "I said, since I dare to come here, then I'm sure to kill you!"

The next moment, his eyelids suddenly lifted, and the storm sword in his hand hummed and trembled.

Three different colors of brilliance climbed onto the hilt.

"Three lines of sword intent!" Lu Chuan shook his wrist, and the intertwined luster of the three colors burst out from the tip of the sword, turning into a burst of light, and rushing towards the blood crow.

If compared to the power, the Mirror Shadow, who has not yet cultivated to the perfection, is definitely not as fierce as the power of the three elements of sword intent. After all, it is the fusion of the three skills, even if the power of each sword intent itself is not great.

However, the advantage of Mirror Shadow is that it can quietly kill the opponent. Although the Blood Crow used its own means to withstand a blow, it could not stop Lu Chuan's subsequent offensive.

The three sword intents were intertwined with each other and quickly swept towards the blood crow, emitting a biting sound of breaking wind, and even the surrounding air was wiped out with a faint trace.

In a flash, he rushed to the blood crow.

"Such a trick has no effect on me at all!" The Blood Crow looked at the three sword auras flying towards him without fear.

As a silver one-star warrior, his attack methods may not be too fierce, but behind him with the sand core, this level of attack only needs to mobilize the magic power in the sand core a few more times. , It can be completely resolved.

Although the attack is not strong, when facing a powerless samurai, won't it be easy to take him down

Just when the blood crow was about to mobilize the core of the dust, the spine suddenly chilled.

The core of sand and dust that he had stored in his storage bag and carried close to his body seemed to be blocked by a substance that suddenly intervened. No matter how much he manipulated his mind, he couldn't take out the dust as a shield. Come to isolate the immediate attack.

Looking at the three biting sword auras that had hit the nose, the pupils of the blood crow shrank violently, and he snarled in a panic, "Blood crow wings!"

Behind him, a pair of generous wings covered with blood burst out, enclosing the blood crow itself.

"Boom!!" The sword intent formed by the fusion of the three sword auras slammed on the blood-colored wings. The violent wind instantly lifted the blood crow, and after fluttering in the violent wind like a broken kite for a moment, Leaving the blood-red feathers in the sky, the Blood Crow hit the ground heavily.

Compared with the rock-solid sand core, the defensive effect of the Wings of the Blood Raven is a bit unsatisfactory.

Perhaps this was a means to increase speed, and was reluctantly used as a defensive method by the Blood Crow.

"Cough...Cough...Puff!!" The blood crow struggled to sit up from the ground, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

At that time, Sivir was stunned, but his body was still intact in all aspects. At this time, the blood crow received three lines of sword intent from the front, the aura in the body became disordered, and the blood went out uncontrollably. The feeling of gushing.

"What the hell did you do... Huh!" Just when the blood crow was about to stand up and fight Lu Chuan, the broad sword blade glowing with white light appeared in front of him.

"You..." The Blood Crow looked up at Lu Chuan with a little horror. He couldn't believe that a warrior with only five silver stars had actually forced him into his current embarrassed appearance with two moves.

"Curious how I did it just now? After I die, how about asking Yama? Oh sorry, you may not believe in Yama, then go and ask Satan." Lu Chuan was just about to harvest the life of the blood crow. , When he had settled his thoughts, a timid and crisp voice suddenly came from behind him, which sounded like a seven or eight-year-old girl.

"Um... Big brother... Can you let my dad..." Behind the clod of the dilapidated house behind her, a little girl with a ponytail showed a small head, with big teary eyes in her eyes. Seven points are afraid, three points are begging.

[The reader in the comment area who said that I did not update is because of a car accident, soon enough! 】