League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 19: The forces behind


"Boom!!" A thunderous sound exploded in the castle. The strong shock wave turned into an aperture and spread out in all directions. For a while, the wind was violent, and even the smooth stones on the floor were lifted. In this fierce collision, numerous stone foams were broken, and the entire castle began to shake violently.

"Puff!" Lu Chuan was also affected by it. He was thrown a few meters away by a powerful cyclone, and hit the wall heavily. He only felt an undercurrent surge in his chest, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

"The aftermath is so strong... The bursting strength of the Brass 2 stars is really a bit scary." Fortunately, whether it is Ari or Jana, both are magic attacks, Lu Chuan, wearing a magic immunity robe, All this spread, but suffered minor injuries.

After the two powerful skills collided, they exploded. The aftermath blasted Jana and Ari out at the same time. After a few steps, Jana backed up and jumped into the air with her toes, but Ari had no such good luck. Now, she was already at the end of the battle. In this wave of influence, she was lifted and turned several times in mid-air, and slammed heavily on the wall.

"Master, this castle is about to collapse, and we have to leave here as soon as possible." Jana tilted her head slightly, her invisible pupils looked towards Lu Chuan, without any expression on her face.

"Okay..." Lu Chuan just got up from the ground, and suddenly felt a pair of soft hands hugging him. Looking up, Jana didn't know when she flew in front of him and hugged Lu Chuan's waist. It was white and tender. The soles of her feet were slanted, her toes were on the ground, and the dust was shaken away, and her white and tender feet were not stained with dust.

The two of them floated in mid-air like this, and flew to the gate of the castle with just a few breaths. Gana's eyes sank and she snorted, "Broken!"

"Boom!" The door of the castle was blasted open by an invisible strong wind. Jana flew out of the castle holding Lu Chuan, and gently placed him on the ground, keeping herself slightly volley.

"Master, let's go back." Jana's chin was lowered, like a soldier waiting for orders.

"Has the barrier been lifted..." While Lu Chuan muttered, he looked up at the small town not far away, and found that the strange black shadow had disappeared, and there was a round of whiteness in the air. The bright moon sprinkled the soft silver light down, and the stars quietly hung in the sky diagonally, reflecting each other, and the beauty was so beautiful.

"Master, it is very dangerous here. If the castle collapses, the rubble may affect you." Jana called out again softly.

"Oh, okay... go back." Lu Chuan came back to his senses, nodded in response, and then turned to glance at the castle that had begun to collapse behind him. Large blocks of rocks continued to fall from the top, on the walls of the castle. The cracks are spreading at an extremely fast speed.

"Boom!" A huge rock fell from a high altitude and hit the ground heavily, only a few tens of centimeters away from Ahri's who fell on the ground.

Ari gritted her teeth and tried to stand up, but she who had overdrawn all her mental energy and was injured again in the aftermath of the explosion. At this moment, she couldn't lift a bit of strength all over her body. After working hard a few times, Ah Li finally gave up, letting the rubble fall on her body, and she might be buried soon.

"Finally... Are you going to die here..." Ari stared at the falling gravel from the top with a dizzy look, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

have no choice


Still unwilling

Ah Li himself didn't know, because he was going to die soon, why was he laughing

Maybe it's relief...

It is also true. After all, for those who have died, it is not a pity to die 10,000 times for their sins, right

The dying person will remember things that are worthy of memory in the past. Ari lay on the ground, trying hard to remember, what is there to remember for himself

A long time ago, when I was not transformed into a human being, I was just a little fox. At that time, I lived in the forest. Although I was worried about the persecution of natural enemies, I lived a happy life, at least carefree. It doesn't have to be like now, need to continue to kill, to provide that adult with the essence of mental power, in order to barely survive in his hands.

During that time, maybe it was the one I missed the most... Ah Li sighed in his heart thinking.

"Kacha." At this time, a large stone used to fix the top of the castle, as the castle continued to collapse, was finally overwhelmed and fell down, but the place where it fell happened to be aimed at the bottom and fell to the ground. Ari.

"I'm sorry..." Ari whispered softly, not knowing who he was apologizing for, but he was very religious. In her pupils, the reflection of the boulder shrank sharply and came to the top of her head in a flash.

"It's over." She closed her eyes gently, waiting for death to come.

At this moment, Ari's ear suddenly heard a sharp shout.

"Blast!" A sharp red light cut the falling boulder in half, and after that, Ari felt her arm being grasped by a strong and warm hand.

"Jana!" Lu Chuan whispered, and Jana who was standing at the door replied softly, "Okay, Master."

Lu Chuan's body was wrapped in a layer of wind, and Lu Chuan's speed became faster in an instant. He hugged Ari and ran towards the door, leaving only a shadow in his body. In this continuous falling gravel array, he rushed out of the castle in one breath.

"Boom!!" As Lu Chuan just stepped out of the castle, the castle behind him made a loud noise again, and finally he was overwhelmed and collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble.

"You... why..." Ah Li opened his eyes weakly, but saw a familiar face. This was the guy he wanted to kill just now.

But he saved himself.

"For a sinful person like you, if you want to die so easily, is it too sorry for those who died? At least you have to tie you to a huge cross, and then put a fire under it to bake and give you alive. Burn to death." Lu Chuan said viciously.

"It's also... Whatever you do. Since you have defeated me, even if I survive, I'll just wait for death." Ah Li closed his eyes, looking like someone would be slaughtered.

Lu Chuan twitched his mouth, "Why don't you girls in this world like to joke?"

"A joke?" Ari opened his eyes again, his furry ears shrugged, and there was some confusion on his face.

"It should be safe here." Lu Chuan didn't explain to Ari, but looked around for a while. At this time, he was far away from the collapsed castle behind him, and he didn't have to worry about the gravel hurting people. He gave Ari to him. Gently placed under a tree, Jana stood quietly behind Lu Chuan without saying a word, looking like a sensible subordinate.

"Did you hide something?" Lu Chuan looked down at Ari who had many bruises on her body. Her dust-stained tail was filthy and feeble on the ground, and the spring light on her body was seen by Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan I had to sigh, take off my clothes, cover Ari's body, and cover up all the spring light.

"No." Ari looked to one side unnaturally. Seeing her look weird, Lu Chuan was even more sure of his own conjecture.

"You must be hiding something? When you used the last trick just now, you were not so willing."

"I just don't want to waste it on you." Ah Li replied impatiently.

"This answer is a bit far-fetched, maybe you just want to keep that trick against some people who make you more dreaded, right? The brass 2 star ability is very strong, but there is absolutely no ability to build a barrier that covers the entire town, yes Jana."

"Yes, master, I have no way to plant that level of wind barrier." Jana replied calmly behind Lu Chuan. After the first awakening, her strength soared, breaking through the shackles, and she was born from the 4-star brass. The upgrade to Brass 2 stars.

Seeing that the excuse he said casually was exposed, Ari's emotions suddenly became excited, "What is it about you? Why do I have to tell you? What can you do if you know it? In your eyes, I'm just a heinous. Sinner, I don’t want to explain to you, and you will never understand me!"

Lu Chuan just watched Ari quietly vent, and then slowly said after she finished speaking, "If you don't say it, won't anyone understand it?"

Ari's mouth opened slightly, trying to refute something, but looking at Lu Chuan's faintly smiling cheeks, she couldn't say a word. After a long time, she curled up into a ball and put her chin on her knees. , His eyes drooped and choked softly, "What do you want to know... Just kill me, it will be over."

Lu Chuan walked to Ali and squatted down, staring directly at her exquisite cheeks. This vixen, who looks very powerful and triumphant, is as fragile as a wounded little fox at this moment. He can only curl up in the corner. Silently licking-licking his wounds.

"If you want, you can join us at any time." Lu Chuan stretched out his hand to Ari.

"Huh? I..." Ah Li was taken aback for a moment. She didn't expect Lu Chuan to say something like this. She was all enemies of life and death just now, and Ah Li knew it in her heart.

If he defeated him just now, maybe he is already a corpse now? But he not only aimed at himself, but also invited himself to form a team with them and leave here.

Of course, in Lu Chuan's mind, there are also other ideas.

Naturally, he wouldn't be sympathetic to pulling her into the team just because Ahri looks pitiful now. You must know that the chick in front of him is not someone else, but a fox by nature. What if her poor appearance was just a disguise

Another reason why Lu Chuan pulled Ari into the team was the small bead in Lu Chuan's arms.

There is a hero soul system in the bead. The higher the fit between the summoner and the hero, the greater the summoner’s benefit.

In order to improve his strength, in addition to relying on continuous actual combat and training to improve, the heroic soul will improve Lu Chuan even more in this respect. After Gana's first awakening, Lu Chuan directly stepped into it from a half-sailed warrior. After entering the 5-star brass threshold and becoming a real samurai, Lu Chuan could even clearly feel that the firmness, strength, and speed of his body were much stronger than before.

Otherwise, as early as the aftermath of the final duel, Lu Chuan was shaken to death. The collision of the two Brass 2 stars with all their strengths launched the tactics, and the aftermath of the aftermath shakes a half-hearted samurai who has no entry point is really not uncommon. .

That's why Lu Chuan was so kind, and La Ari joined the team.