League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 190: Quicksand vortex


As the moon climbed higher and higher in the sky, the voice of the people gathered on the border of the small town gradually diminished.

Because the opening of the enchantment of the desert burial ground is an uncertain factor, everyone only knows that it will open in the second half of the year, but no one is sure about the specific month, so everyone seems a little nervous at this time.

If it is not turned on, it will be a trip for nothing.

"Will it not open?" Ah Li yawned. Now it is late at night. Normally, the two chicks have long been sleeping peacefully with the quilt.

"Probably not, I have previously analyzed it. If there is no accident at the end of this month, it will be the strongest moment of energy fluctuations between heaven and earth. If the barrier is to be opened, it will be tonight." Lu Chuan replied. .

"Is there really so many good babies in that burial place? You have to grab a few of them for me by then, hehe." Ari shrugged his ears with a grin.

"No problem, it's on my body." Lu Chuan promised readily. This desert burial site had buried an empire, and almost the average per capita level of the empire was above the golden rank. It really doesn't count if you want to grab a few treasures. What a difficult thing.

Jana glanced at Lu Chuan faintly, "Speaking ahead, let's come back if we are in danger, you know?"

This time her tone was tougher, perhaps because she didn't want to give Lu Chuan room for maneuver on this matter.

When Lu Chuan heard what Jana said so serious, he could only answer with a wry smile.

"You... Look for time anyway, and care about me." Jana whispered with some dodge eyes.

When Lu Chuan heard the words, he moved in his heart, and turned his head to look at the beautiful woman who was close at hand. The blushing face was beautiful and moving.

Thinking about it carefully, I really haven’t spoken to Jana for a long time. They all say that men and women in love are the most affectionate, but after she made a clear relationship with Lu Chuan, because of various Lu Chuan had to deal with the matter, so Jana didn't care much about it.

"It's really messy, myself." Lu Chuan shook his head in a low voice.

If you put it in your own world, a beautiful girl like Jana, and then meet your boyfriend who is lukewarm to him, I'm afraid you will break up long ago.

That's why Jana was willing to wait patiently for Luchuan.

"After this burial place is over, I will..." Lu Chuan took up Jana's little boneless hand, while Jana twisted her hand a little bit shyly, unable to draw from Lu Chuan's hand. When he came out, he could only let him hold it.

As a result, Ari was accompanied by a hand-knife that was very puzzling.

"I'll fight!" Ari separated the two holding hands with a knife.

"What are you doing?" Lu Chuan glared at Ari. This fox movie always likes bad things. If it weren't for her interruption just now, the atmosphere would be doubled. Maybe you could taste the "Jana's Little Mouth". Delicacy.

"I said, you two should have separate occasions for intimacy. Don't do these shameful things secretly when you are at home. Is it really appropriate to do it on the street? Besides, look over there." Ah Li said to the desert. Numerous mouths in the distance.

Lu Chuan and Jana both cast their sights over, only to find that the moon in the sky had hung in the center, and above it, a light silver beam was slowly descending, directly at a certain point in the depths of the desert.

A light blue light mask visible to the naked eye was washed away by the silver beam of light, slowly dissipating in all directions like ripples spreading on the water.

"The enchantment is lifted!!" After I don't know which excited guy chanted, the people who had been waiting for a long time at the border of the town were all commotion, and even some guys who couldn't hold back took the lead. Entering the desert area, rushed towards the direction where the silver beam of light was spilling.

"Wow, I ran too fast, and when did that woman run ahead of us." Ahri exclaimed, watching the passers-by win like a racer. After one, as well as Sivir who was still next to Lu Chuan just now, all disappeared.

"Let's set off too, if it's late, the baby will be snatched away by others." Lu Chuan said.

"Wind!" Jana's jade arms raised lightly, and a slight whirlwind arose under her feet, causing Jana to float in the air.

"I want me too!" Ari looked at Jana with eyesight. Jana chuckled. Lu Chuan said when he was about to give Ari a sense of style.

"Have you ever experienced the feeling of flying in the sky?"

"Huh?" Both chicks looked at Lu Chuan with some doubts.

"When I say flying, I mean sprinting in the sky like an eagle. Jana may be able to fly into the air, but in a sense it can only be regarded as floating, floating away, but it cannot increase the speed to the extreme. ."

"So what you want to say, everyone is gone, uncle." Ari put his arms around his chest, pretending to be impatient, and slapped the ground with his little feet.

As a result, she was dumbfounded the next moment, because Lu Chuan stepped forward and hugged her in his arms.

"Ah! You..." Ari exclaimed, only feeling that he was embraced in a warm embrace, and his heartbeat accelerated.

This is not so good... Jana is still watching... Why is it so sudden? What should I do if I'm not ready yet.

When Ari was thinking wildly in his heart, he watched Lu Chuan stretch out his hand to take Gana into his arms.

"Hold me tight, ready to take off." Lu Chuan took out a blood-red secret book from his arms, crushed it hard, and turned out a pair of blood-colored wings several feet wide from the shoulder blades on his back.

"Huh!" The wings appeared, and after a few blood-colored feathers fell to the ground, Lu Chuan hit the ground with one foot, and his whole body rose into the air. A pair of wings suddenly flapped, bringing out a blood-red tail. Three people It stabs forward for a long distance like lightning.

"Too... Too exciting... The secret method where you stole it from." Ah Li backhand clung to Lu Chuan's arm tightly, looking at the small ant-like people under his feet.

"What is stolen, please speak nicely to me, otherwise I will throw you down." Lu Chuan pretended to threaten.

"Don't, Brother Lu Chuan, I was wrong..." Ari's rare mouth behaved once.

"I heard that your women like stimulation the most. The more exciting the better, then it is best to prepare." Lu Chuan said something that is easily misunderstood, while snorting in his mouth.


"Om!" The bloody wings brought a gust of wind, one blue and one red trailing intertwined, leaving a two-color arc in the air. Lu Chuan's speed was as fast as a storm, almost in the blink of an eye. They caught up with those who rushed to the forefront.

"This damn fellow!" The Blood Crow, who was on the ground, looked up at Lu Chuan, who shone like a meteor in the air, almost crushing his teeth with anger.

His proud skills have become a means for him to pick up girls, which is really annoying.

"No... Nothing, brother, you sprint slowly, I'm going to break..." Feeling the cold gust of wind coming on your face, Ali's hair fluttered, his cheeks flushed, and he was gasping for breath.

"Don't say something that is easy to misunderstand." Lu Chuan felt Jana's little hand pinch on his waist, and hurriedly corrected Ari's sick language.

At this time, Lu Chuan and his party were only a short distance away from the beam of light.

"Is it all right to go in from there?" Lu Chuan paused in the air, and the bloody wings behind him kept flapping in order to stay in the air.

Only at this moment, on the ground below, there was a burst of screams.

Lu Chuan hurriedly looked down, only to find that on the originally calm desert ground, a sand river vortex was suddenly formed at this time, and the flying sand was spinning at high speed, and many warriors who were still on the way were swept in.

The density of sand is relatively high. When the human body sinks into the sand vortex, it will be easily cut through the skin by quicksand due to the fluidity of the sand, and even those who are deeply trapped will have their waists amputated on the spot.

The scene that was quite enthusiastic just now, after the sudden accident, the front of the entire desert burial ground was filled with the smell of blood.

"This..." Ari closed her eyes unbearably, and Jana also staggered her eyes.

If it weren't for Lu Chuan's flying secret method, they would probably also sink deep into this sandy ground, right

This desert burial site is indeed not a place that can be easily entered. Even the gate of the burial site has not been entered, and at least one-third of the people have been lost in the quicksand.

The difficulties in the back seem to be even more terrifying.

[Happy National Day everyone, there will be another update later]