League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 20: mission completed


"Things have to be talked about ten years ago. Ten years ago, I was just a fox and I lived in the woods near the town of Nuoershulie, because my intelligence is much higher than that of my fellow tribe. The patriarch of our spirit fox clan introduced me to a mysterious person living in the north of the forest. It is said that the strength of that adult is unfathomable. Our patriarch of the spirit fox clan hoped that the adult would help and transform me into a human form. , So that when we intermarry with people in the clan and carry on blood inheritance, this part of the illusion of human form will be passed on." When he said this, Ari paused slightly and looked up at Lu Chuan.

Although Ah Li did not agree to Lu Chuan teaming up with him, this little fox is probably too cunning in his heart, for fear of being used by Lu Chuan.

However, under Lu Chuan's soft and hard bubble, she told about the things that happened in the past ten years and the guy hiding behind her.

Perhaps there is still an expectation in my heart, what if this guy in front of me can really take her away from this place? Although this hope is very slim, after all, she was cursed by the adult, and she could never leave this place forever.

Seeing Lu Chuan listening carefully, Ari hurriedly continued, "You also know that if you just talk about the speed of cultivation, the speed of human cultivation is not comparable to that of monsters. Our spirit fox clan is no exception, so the patriarch can do so hard. I wanted to introduce me to the adult. The initial stage of the matter went well. The adult was unexpectedly easy to talk. In just a few days, we provided the materials needed for the illusion, and then began to help me with the illusion, but when I illusion After reaching the human form, the adult suddenly changed his mind."

At this time, a cold wind hit the forest, and Ari pricked up his ears vigilantly and surveyed the surroundings.

"It's okay, you can continue talking." Lu Chuan said.

Ari looked around, and after confirming that there was no danger, he continued, "The adult found out that after I transformed into a human form, I possessed the ability to absorb the souls of others, so he started using me and asked me to provide him with The pure mental power even confined me to this small town and set up a barrier. He said that if I don't pay a certain purity of spiritual power on time, all my people will be killed. So I have to..."

"Is that so?" Lu Chuan sighed lightly. After understanding the ins and outs of the whole thing, he finally understood that the Ari in front of him was only an object of exploitation.

Can control a brass 2 star samurai, its own strength... what point has it reached

"That adult put on me the curse of never leaving this town, so I am very grateful for your kindness. After defeating me, I didn't kill me immediately. Instead, I wanted me to go with you... But only I'm afraid it's impossible. Once I step out of this barrier, my life will quickly dissipate." Ali's eyes revealed a touch of weakness.

Although in the eyes of other people, she is a sinner who has committed many evils and died without regret, but the real situation is only known to Ali. If she does not desperately kill people and does not refine pure spiritual power, the dead person is her and the whole spirit. The fox.

After Lu Chuan pondered for a moment, he turned his head and looked at Jana, "If you set up a wind barrier to lock her in, and then we leave here, can we succeed?"

Jana shook her head faintly, "Sir, my enchantment can only imprison others, but the enchantment she has been set up is about curses, and the enchantment at the place of imprisonment cannot break the curse."

"In this case, it seems a little troublesome..." Lu Chuan frowned, rubbing his chin with one hand and walking in front of the two chicks. Ari followed Lu Chuan with hopeful eyes.

This is the only person who can save her at the moment, although the hope is very slim.

But what if... what if he really has a way

After all, this guy who is very weak but can compete with him will always have amazing miracles on his body.

"Pop!" Lu Chuan suddenly slapped Ari's head, and his two furry ears were placed on his head.

"I have a way!" Lu Chuan looked at Ari, and suddenly showed a thief smile.

Ari swallowed, and seeing Lu Chuan smile weirdly, as if using herself as a guinea pig, she involuntarily shrank back, and said with a dry smile, "Well... or forget it..."

"How can I forget it? Since I promised to rescue you... Don't worry if it doesn't hurt, you'll be well soon, hehehe." Lu Chuan walked towards Ari.

"Don't... Don't come here... I'll yell when you come over again!"

"Scream, no one will come to rescue you even if you break your throat."

"No one! No one!"


Jana looked blankly at her master and the chick doing something she didn't quite understand.

Although I don't know what they are doing, it looks like they are very powerful, so I better help them, Jana thought like this, and turned her head away.

"Warrior!! Please take the next prayer!" At the door of the dilapidated hut that was crumbling in the wind, Fran knelt on the ground to pray, and was immediately pulled up by Lu Chuan.

"A little bit of trivial matters, just give it to a one-hundred eighty-million dollar... Ahem, I mean, a little bit of trivial matter, you don't need to be so polite." Lu Chuan pulled Fran up. At this time, Fran disappeared because of the enchantment. , Has turned into a human form, a young and handsome young man in his early twenties, who is very different from the image just now.

"Unexpectedly... Ten years have passed. There will be batches of mercenaries, but none of them can lift the barriers of the town... Warriors, you are really strong!"

"Hahaha, nowhere." Lu Chuan touched the back of his head and laughed, and Ari looked at Lu Chuan contemptuously from the side.

"That's right." Lu Chuan seemed to have thought of something, and pulled Ari out from behind and drew it in front of Fran.

"This is..." Fran hesitated slightly when she saw a beautiful, unspoken chick suddenly appeared in front of her.

"This is the guy who has harmed you for ten years."

"!!!" Fran was startled, swished back several meters, and pointed at Ahri with trembling fingers, "You...you..."

"Ahem, don't worry, she has been tamed."

"Am I your pet? What does tame mean?" Ali whispered angrily.

"Don't care about these details." Lu Chuan replied quickly, winking at Ahri again.

"Okay, I know, I really don't understand you humans, where so many manners come from." Ari grunted dissatisfied, but he walked up to Fran, bowed slightly, and said deeply. In one sentence, "I'm sorry, for ten years, the crows in your town were inflated and the dogs and chickens were jumping around..."

"It's a smoky miasma. How did I teach you just now?" Lu Chuan hurriedly reminded Ahri in a low voice.

"It's almost the same." Ari hummed.

"Also, didn't I tell you just now, it's common sense to show your breasts when you apologize! How else can you let others see your sincerity." Lu Chuan took advantage of Ari's bow. A slap was placed on the back of Ari's head, and Ari became anxious all at once.

"You... if you talk nonsense, I'll fight with you!" How could the breasts of a girl's family be seen by others? Ari wrapped the set of Jana's spare clothes on her body tightly, as if she was afraid that Lu Chuan would pick her clothes.

Seeing that the two were about to go to war, Fran wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said quickly, "I have felt her apology, very sincere and sincere."

"My buddy, this time the matter is really uncomfortable. Behind this fox's delinquency, there is a deep conspiracy hidden. She is also controlled by others, so she is forced to do so."

Fran was taken aback for a moment, "There are more powerful people controlling our town?"

Lu Chuan nodded lightly, "Well, but the barrier has disappeared, and I am afraid this small town also..."

For the rest, Lu Chuan did not continue.

The town in front of me was already in dilapidated condition, and perhaps it had no value for reuse, so there was no need to worry about the guy lurking in the depths setting up an enchantment again.

The matter has been resolved, Fran handed a bag of commissions he had prepared to Lu Chuan, and at the same time presented the magic immunity robe to Lu Chuan, "Warrior, Daen has nothing to do with it. This piece of brass equipment may be right. It’s very precious to me, but it’s just a waste to stay by my side, so I give it to you."

"Thank you." Lu Chuan didn't make any false concessions. Now he really needs such a piece of equipment to defend himself. He solemnly gave Fran a fist to show his gratitude.

Regarding the future development of the small town, when Lu Chuan asked, Fran was full of confidence. He said that as long as the danger of the small town disappears, sooner or later someone will settle in. Such a large town is placed here, and it is only a matter of time before it develops. .

After the two exchanged a few words, Lu Chuan led Jana to say goodbye to Ari.

When he reached the exit of the town, Ari's footsteps stopped.

"Really okay..." There was a trace of concern in her voice. She had taken a step before in this small town, but her heart seemed to be tightly gripped by a big hand, and it would be squeezed at any time, so she had to retreat again. return.

"I don't know anything about this kind of thing, but you have to know that if you stay in this town forever, and you have no use value, it will only be a matter of time before you get killed by him." Lu Chuan said solemnly, "I don't I will force you to think carefully about what to do."

"I..." Ari held the clothes on her chest with one hand, her eyes drooping as if hesitating. After a while, she finally raised her head and nodded to Lu Chuan, "Come on, I'm ready."

Lu Chuan took out the small bead from his arms, and with a thought, the bead shone brightly.

Lu Chuan made a bold conjecture a while ago. The self-contained space in this small bead is very wide. He can store anything in it. Just now he also did an experiment and stuffed Ari into it. Moreover, inside this bead is an independent space, two different spaces separated from Lu Chuan's world.

So, if Ari enters here... will he avoid the curse that he will die if he leaves the town

These Lu Chuan had no bottom in his heart, so he gave the final decision to Ari. After seeing Ari's decision, he raised his hand to reveal the beads, and a huge suction burst out.

"Huh!" After a ray of light flickered, Ari's figure disappeared in place, and went directly into the bead.

Lu Chuan and Jana walked out of the town. After walking several tens of meters, Lu Chuan raised his hand and released Ari from the beads.

Ari turned into a ray of light, knelt down on the ground, and looked around blankly until he saw Lu Chuan's smiling face.

"No... I'm okay?" Ari said in disbelief.

"Welcome to officially join the League of Legends mercenary group." Lu Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand to Ari.

A raccoon stared at Lu Chuan's stretched out hand. After a long silence, he suddenly got up and threw himself into Lu Chuan's arms. He said in a choked voice, "Thank you... Thank you..."

"Uh..." Lu Chuan stepped back into his arms and stabilized his figure. Although the chick's body is not heavy, the two lumps in her chest are very powerful, and she is pressing tightly against Lu Chuan's. In front of his chest, it was soft and beautiful, Lu Chuan had to smile awkwardly, and gently stroked Ari's hair and said, "Okay, it's okay, let's go back."

In the depths of the dense forest, a figure meditating slightly opened his eyes at this moment, his eyes exuding a faint and terrifying light, as if to make people look at him, he would fall into the abyss, and there would be no sky.

"Huh? The curse was broken?" The man was surprised and his mind sank, as if he was probing something. After a while, there was a dignified look in his eyes.

"The area that I can't even explore is really amazing. In what way did that fox get rid of the curse." The man was silent for a moment, and then showed a chilling smile. "But that's all, it's already People who have no use value, let her run away. The mental strength has been gathered almost, it is time to contact them and start planning."

The voice fell, and his figure disappeared into the dense forest out of thin air.

His disappearance may indicate that a storm is about to wash away, in an absolutely suppressing posture.

[This chapter should have been published yesterday, but I couldn't hold back when I wrote it halfway through. I fell asleep... After I got up, I finished updating this chapter and sent it out. Except for this chapter, there are two more updates today. 】