League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 206: Temple of Mummy


The seemingly solemn door has no special mechanism. Lu Chuan just stepped forward and pressed his hand in a palm-printed groove, and the bronze door slowly opened in response to the sound, in this dark and lonely environment, There was a dull sound, and she shrank into the sides.

What caught the eye was a long and narrow corridor with pitch black inside. Compared to the light that was barely visible from the outside world, the environment behind the gate was more like being trapped in a black hole.

But soon, the oil lamps hanging on the walls on both sides of the door were suddenly lit, and they went all the way down the corridor, allowing a group of people to see the contents of the corridor clearly.

"Coffin...Coffin?" Ari's face turned pale, and Jana's face was not much better.

After all, I saw such an unlucky thing the first time I entered the door.

In the corridor, the coffins were all filled with coffins. The coffins were arranged vertically, neatly arranged on both sides.

"This place is called the Temple of Mummy. During the Shurima Empire, this place was a place for coffins."

"The morgue?" Lu Chuan answered.

"What is the morgue?" Ezerilton paused. "Are you talking about these coffins? It's a very interesting name, and it's quite appropriate. After all, this is indeed the place to park the corpses."

"You just said that this place was a place for a coffin when it was in the Shurima Empire. Will every citizen of the Shurima Empire be placed here after death?” Ari poked his head inside. It was quickly collected again.

"No, no, there are a lot of citizens in the Shurima Empire. If everyone's body is placed here after death, how can it be installed? These coffins are filled with people from the ancient empire or with reputation, knowledge and status. Being able to be placed in this temple after death is actually a very face-to-face thing." Ezreal flipped through a thick book with an old color in his hand.

Lu Chuan guessed that it was also a book similar to Valoran Encyclopedia, except that the content contained in it was more extensive than that of Valoran Encyclopedia.

"I really don't understand the thoughts of those people in ancient times. After death, being locked in one place becomes a face-saving thing? When you die, you die, you can't feel anything." Ali curled his mouth. An expression of incomprehension.

Lu Chuan smiled faintly, "This is different. Take your spirit fox tribe as an example. After the death of your spirit fox tribe, will they also be buried in the ground? But there should be some fine division rules. For example, those who have made great contributions to the spirit fox clan, such as the patriarch, can't just dig a hole and bury it after death, right?"

Ah Li tilted his head, as if recalling what happened when he was a child, he nodded slightly after a while, "That's what I said, every generation of patriarch in the clan will have a special location after death, and will pick one. It takes a good time to be buried."

"Then it will end. The coffin placed in this place should be the traditional culture of the Shurima Empire."

Ezreal took the words and said, "Well, in other regions, it is most suitable to bury people under the ground after death, but in the Shurima Empire, people will be wrapped around their bodies with a special kind of bandage after death. Then shut in the coffin."

"It's another strange custom." Ari shook his head inexplicably.

The group finally stepped into this mummified shrine with a strong breath of death.

"Some of the people in these coffins were of very high status or wealthy families, so after death they would carry a lot of funerary objects, pry open the coffin, there will be a lot of treasures inside." Ezreal passed by the rows of erected ones. Coffin, explained again.

"Are you going to pry other people's coffins?" Ari asked.

Ezreal did not answer, apparently tacitly acquiescing.

At this moment, from a place not far away, there was a faint crying suddenly, which made the pedestrian's footsteps come to a halt.

"Did you hear any sound just now?" Lu Chuan slowed his breathing.

"It seems to hear a cry." Ari said.

"Like a child..." Jana answered.

In the time when a group of people were talking, the cries sounded again, and in this long corridor, it appeared exceptionally lonely.


Ari rubbed his shoulders with both hands, and stood quietly behind Lu Chuan, "I feel like my goose bumps are about to rise, so I won't run into a ghost..."

Actually speaking, Lu Chuan was a little curious about what ghosts would look like if there were ghosts in this world.

The crying sound is like a gradual cycle. After a period of time, crying for a while, after a period of time, crying for a while, it is the voice of a child, it feels a bit sad, as if it has lost some of the most beloved toy. .

"I'll go ahead with Ezreal." Lu Chuan dragged Ezreal's arm indiscriminately and dragged him forward.

"Be careful." Jana and Ari both cared behind their backs.

"Is this a different treatment?" Ezreal laughed bitterly, and the two girls behind him were obviously only concerned about Lu Chuan, and didn't count Ezreal at all.

"Who let you do it yourself?" Lu Chuan snorted coldly.

"But speaking of it, those two chicks, which one do you plan to choose?" Ezreal suddenly asked after a certain distance between Jana and Ari behind him.

"Huh?" Lu Chuan hesitated.

"Both of them are very good. The one named Jia Na has a softer temperament and is suitable for the palace, but Ari is a good lover.

"Do these have anything to do with you?"

"Hey, everyone has curiosity." Ezreal smirked.

"I won't choose you anyway, you already have a reservation." Lu Chuan suddenly threw out a sentence, and Ezreal was confused when he heard it, "I was booked? What do you mean?"

"Soon, you might meet someone wearing a gem-studded costume and fall in love with him."

"Anyone in jewel costumes? There can't be such a cute girl, right?"

"Who knows." Lu Chuan shrugged indifferently.

The two moved forward and found a green bandage at a corner.

Following the bandage, Lu Chuan spotted the little guys who were very short and only reached his knees curled up, and the cry of crying came from him, and the little guy was covered with green bandages.

It's a green bandage, it's better to say that the bandage is covered with moss because of the time too long.

It seemed that he felt the footsteps of the two people. The little guy turned his head, and there were still a pair of glowing eyes on the green bandage, which immediately frightened Ezreal.

"Bandage monster?"

"You are the bandage monster... oh oh... who are you... oh oh... why are you here... oh oh..." The little guy seems to have a great sadness, and it feels ridiculous that it's just one The guy with the shape of a mummy quickly gathered a lot of tears in his eyes.

And at a very exaggerated speed, it became a tear line, and it fell down.