League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 212: Catalina


A fierce explosion sounded from somewhere inside the Shurima Empire, accompanied by more than tremors of great earthquakes.

An agile figure quickly passed by, still with a dissatisfaction attitude.

"What the hell is this place? How can there be palaces under the desert?"

Immediately, she stood at the place where Lu Chuan and his party had originally visited, shook her head, and her red hair also swayed.

"Hey, Sivir, what's so good about this ghost place? It's worth your desperate visit." Catalina glanced at Sivir who was coming behind him and complained in dissatisfaction.

As a first-level officer in Noxus, she was able to stoop to such a place, mainly for Sivir.

Speaking of the acquaintance between Sivir and Katerina, it happened that the target of the assassination was the same person as a senior Noxian official that Katerina planned to assassinate, plus two people who were close to each other during a bounty mission. The strength of, so it is considered to know. If you come and go two times, you will be familiar with it.

It didn’t matter that it was like this. It’s just that Noxus is doing military expansion recently. The soldiers sorted out have an extra detachment, and they are also assigned to Catalina. The extra army will be handled by Catalina. Catalina, who was overwhelmed, thought of Sivir.

With her means and abilities, it is absolutely possible to come and lead such an army.

Moreover, Sivir does not have much ambition and ambition, and is only interested in money. In this way, she will be the best candidate to manage this extra army, and she will not worry about her doing something detrimental to Noxus. move.

So Katerina made up her mind and pushed all her affairs away, and went to the deserted town alone, and found Sivir with a generous reward.

"The matter of managing the army is really too boring. Where is this kind of dangerous adventure that is interesting, and promised a good reward, opened the treasure chest I encountered in the cave and found that it was full of gold coins. This is two This kind of mood. The former is naturally not as interesting as the latter." Sivir threw the cross dagger in his hand and replied faintly.

"Hey, you didn't agree to me like that before, let's say it, accompany you to finish this trip, and you will go to Noxus as an officer with me." Catalina, who has always been cold, is rare. There was a look of anger.

"When did you agree? Did I say it?" Sivir spread his hands.

"How can you turn your back!" When the seemingly joking noise of the two women was still going on, there was a blast of wind not far away, as if something floating in mid-air was approaching quickly .


Sivir's hand that threw the dagger also stopped. He buckled the dagger and shook his voice with Katerina, leaning against the wall a little.

The sound of the wind breaking from far to near, with a very fast gesture, rushed over the corner in an instant, and appeared in front of Katerina and Sivir.

"Hey! Stop it for me!" Catalina rushed forward directly, with a bit of wildness and unruly in her bones, and the growing environment without legal existence in Noxus also led to her arrogance. The side. It doesn't matter who the visitors are, stop them first.

And if the visitor is carrying any good things, he can also be included in his bag, unless he encounters the hard nail with blond hair just now.

"Fuck!!" A sharp drink was accompanied by a gust of wind, and a cluster of flames instantly formed and struck directly towards Katerina.

The unsuspecting Katerina was hit by the flame head-on, and she reacted quickly, raising her arms across her chest, and she was also lifted back by the flame a few steps.

"Damn!!" The enraged Catalina screamed, her red hair looked a little messy at this time, she stepped on her steps, clenched the dagger in her hand, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

"Wait a minute, Carter..." Sivir finally saw the appearance of the visitor and his party at this time, and just wanted to stop Catalina.

It's just that at this moment, Katerina's blood was already surging, no matter how much she had taken care of, her figure rushed in front of the comer in an instant, and the dagger in her hand suddenly fell.

"I haven't learned enough for you just now, haven't you?" Suddenly, a yellow light flickered. In front of Katerina, a blond teenager stood straight on the spot, looking at Katelin with interest in his arms. Na.

The dagger in Katerina's hand was raised high, but it did not fall.

The handsome man with blond hair in front of him was the one she had just met in the maze and was vomiting blood with two strokes.

For him, Katerina had deep jealousy in her heart.

"Why are you here?" Catalina snorted angrily, and then retracted the dagger in her hand.

"Am I obligated to report my whereabouts to you?" Ezreal turned to look at Lu Chuan, "If there is nothing wrong, let's go first."

Katerina rounded a pair of apricots, her eyes shifted from Ezreal's body to Lu Chuan's body.

Although Ezreal's tone of voice is not a problem, Catalina can tell from her breath that Ezreal's strength is much stronger than Lu Chuan's.

The tone of a strong person speaking to a weak person, although not respectful, can be regarded as polite, and there is also a feeling of being mainly Lu Chuan.

This is how Catalina is not surprised, and the two women around that guy are very beautiful. This kind of best women can gather around this man. It seems that he does have something unknown. Place.

The only thing that made Carter depressed was that he hit the iron plate twice in a row on this day, and I really don't know what to describe.

At this time, a crackling electric spark came from behind the group.

"It's really endless." Lu Chuan frowned. He originally thought that with the help of Mejia's Soul Stealing Volume, he delayed for a while, and his party ran a long distance in a very short time. .

But who knows that the warrior of the gods, Xerath, doesn't seem to want to let Lu Chuan and his party go, and he chased him all the way.

"Someone is chasing you?" Seeing Lu Chuan's and his party's expression change, Katerina suddenly became puzzled.

Logically speaking, although Lu Chuan’s hidden strength is not mentioned, Izreal’s strength is actually placed here. According to Katerina’s preliminary estimation, this little Huang Mao’s strength is expected to go up in the gold three-star. .

Can chase this group of people everywhere... Is it platinum rank