League of Legends Divine Summoner

Chapter 219: The escaped swordsman


Yasuo took the hip flask that straddles the waist on the right side. The flask was hollowed out with a gourd. It contains very high-quality spirits. Talia once took a sip while Yasuo was asleep. , And did not fall asleep for the whole night.

"You're here again." Seeing Yasuo taking a sip of wine, Talia wrinkled her nose slightly dissatisfied.

"Just take a few sips, I always feel uneasy without wine." Yasuo smiled casually. After drinking a few sips, he wiped his mouth and simply sat on the big rock beside him. Taito put it flat on it, and then slowly explained why he had escaped from Ionia.

"Originally, I was born in a prestigious swordsmanship dojo in Ionia. My father was the master of the dojo, so I naturally became a disciple in the dojo, following my father and the seniors to learn Imperial Swordsmanship." Ya After Suo Gang said a few words, he was about to pick up the hip flask and was glared by Talia. She touched her nose angrily, and put the hip flask back on her waist.

"Speaking of which there may be boasting elements, but at that time my aptitude was indeed one of the best in the entire dojo. Other seniors needed to practice the first level of Imperial Wind Swordsmanship for a long time. I just got the cheats on the second day. I've completely explored it."

At this time, Talia suddenly interrupted, "Although I heard you told me about Imperial Wind Swordsmanship before, I was not very interested at all at that time, but now I am a little bit confused. How many layers of Imperial Wind Swordsmanship are there?"

"A total of nine layers, which are in order of holding the sword, reading the wind, knowing the wind, controlling the wind, dancing the wind, sword wind, gusting wind, imperial wind, and the last layer, which no one has understood except the founder, no wind fencing."

"Master, what floor are you on?"

"Me?" Yasuo paused, seeming to be thinking, "Probably on the seventh floor."

"It's very similar to what an outsider calls you, Hayate Swordsman." Talia quipped.

Yasuo ignored Talia’s joking, but talked about the memories for himself, “I was relatively aloof back then, because my aptitude is so good, so I have a kind of color for other things. Looking at it with eyesight, it is even more dismissive of those seniors who have been practicing hard but have not been able to produce any results."

"Unexpectedly, Master, you have such a past, but you are, too. You are of a rather indifferent type depending on your usual appearance."

"But because of my aptitude, my arrogance is more like an appreciation in the eyes of the elders. It is because of talents that I can be so arrogant. Now I understand that when a person has enough talents to splurge. At that time, he is qualified to be arrogant and won't be attacked by anyone." Yasuo picked up the sword that was placed on the stone, took the sword out of its sheath, and stroked it gently.

"Until I became an adult, I have never been bullied or gossiped. After all, every time I participate in a competition in the field, I always get the first place. So no matter whether I practice swords or not, whether I have it or not. With a swordsman’s most basic kendo heart, it doesn’t matter, it’s still the same sentence, because of my talent, no one will think I have done anything wrong."

"In this way, the master of the year, you are really a rich young man." Talia winked her eyes.

A prestigious dojo, generally speaking, will not be short of money to spend, and a large number of nobles will rush to invest money in, regardless of the cost, just for the one-handed defense of Xi.

"Later, Noxus made an invasion of Ionia."

"Noxus? That country with a fanaticism about war that is incomprehensible to others?" Talia had heard of Noxus, but had never been to it once.

In the near south of Valoran mainland, the road is remote, not to mention, and there is really nothing to be desired in that country.

"This battle did not spread out in the later time due to some reasons, so the outside world probably does not know that Noxus ever invaded Ionia. Of course, that battle was defeated by Noxus. The end, and the beginning of my escape from Ionia occurred at that battle."

"The officers of Noxus led a huge team, wagging across the sea to invade Ionia, thinking that Ionia is sitting on the most fertile land and resources in Valoran, and they are fighting to prevent Ionia. The banner of the Asian unity of Valoran was just used as an excuse to launch an invasion. Because it was a sudden invasion, Ionia’s border defense was insufficient, and they quickly broke through the first layer of defense and invaded directly. The city of Ionia."

"At that time, there was an Ionian Empire in the dojo who entrusted our dojo to help protect a respected elder in the empire. My father entrusted him to protect him because the war in Noxus was also washed away. We arrived near the dojo, so my fathers and brothers joined the battle as members of Ionia."

"Looking back now, at that time, I was not allowed to go outside to kill the enemy and participate in the war. There is also a layer of protection for me. At that time, they placed high hopes on me and thought that I was very likely to eliminate the wind swordsmanship. Apart from the founder, he became the second person to comprehend the windless swordsmanship, so when facing the cruel battlefield, they chose to let me avoid it."

"What happened later?" Talia was fascinated, sitting next to Yasuo, dragging her cheeks with her hands, blinking her eyes from time to time.

"As mentioned earlier, I was very arrogant when I was young and frivolous. Faced with an invading enemy, my anger was no less than that of anyone who faced the enemy on the battlefield, but let me protect one. I am definitely not angry with the bad old man who stepped half of his foot into the coffin. After waiting for half a day, the sound of the horn of war seemed to be getting away. I relaxed my guard and thought the dojo was very safe, so I mentioned it. I lost the sword in my hand and went out to find the enemy."

"Finally..." Talia seemed to have guessed something, her small round mouth opened slightly.

"Well, after slaying hundreds of invading guys contentedly, when I came back with the sword, I found that my parents gathered in the lobby with gloomy faces, and the elder who was entrusted to protect it... Was assassinated."

"Later I was arrested by an imperial soldier, and I did a good job of using my life to compensate for the crime of negligence at that time, but when they tried me, they charged me with another crime."

"Another charge?" Talia asked in a puzzled manner, "From what you said, it seems that your negligence at the time was indeed wrong, but is there any other charge?"

"They accused me... murdered the elder." Yasuo's voice fell low at this moment, and he took out a few sips of wine.